Terrorism Have you ever had a fear for your family, your town, your country, or your world. How about the fear to have everything taken from you, destroyed, and not caring if it has hurt you or not? What about your fear and pain is, and can be someone else’s happiness? The fear of you being terrorized? That is terrorism. Someone else bringing fear and terrorizing you. That is a terrorist’s goal. Terrorism is common and is very difficult to stop. The government promises protection for the people, and their home, but they can not give that protection if they can not stop terrorism. Terrorism needs to stop to protect the live of the people, and their country. Terrorism is the use or threat of violence against people, states, or even a …show more content…
Terrorism can affect everyone at any time and place. Even when there is a threat being made in another country, halfway across the world, it affects everyone in some kind of way. It affects everyone because it is a threat to all the people in the world.
For example, terrorists attacks were made in Paris, France in 2015. On Friday November 13, 2015 at 3:20 p.m, guns went off, bombs exploded, and many people killed and wounded. Gunmen and suicide bombers all had hit a concert hall, a major stadium, and restaurants and bars almost all at the same time. It had left 130 people dead, and hundreds wounded, with more than 100 in critical condition. The President of France described this attack as an “act of war” against the Islamic State. Three teams were believed to be behind these attacks. Instantly after the attacks, French police carried out hundreds of raids across the country in search of the suspects. This tragedy hurt, and touched every single heart in the world. The U.S. sent troops over for support, and to help Paris out. Carried throughout all social media, were messages and prayers going towards Paris (Paris Attacks;BBC News, 2015).
The biggest impact that had hit and scarred the U.S. was 9/11. On September 11, 2001, the United States was under attack. 19 militants linked with Islamic groups, hijacked four American airlines and had fulfilled
On April 19, 1995 the world was thrown into shock. Terrorism was not a thing in the United States. It was even more of a shock to find out this terrorist was a resident of the United States. Not only did this tragedy effect the hundreds of people inside the Oklahoma City Murrah building, it also affected billions of rescue workers, families, and loved ones. All the different groups of people affected by this bomb copped in very different ways.
The United States has been affected by terrorism in many ways. Airport and airplane security has become stricter, the psychological state of American citizens has worsened, and the economy went downhill. Unfortunately, the aftermath of terrorism is still felt in the United States today.
"Terrorism has more frequently been associated with violence committed by disenfranchised groups desperately attempting to gain a shred of power or influence" (Juergensmeyer 4), but more often terrorism has been for religion. Terrorism is done to get across someone religious views to others. We are seeing more acts of terrorism on the news today. ISIS being one of the biggest terrorist groups and has attacked on multiple occasions. More then ever, people are on edge to terrorist activity. Although we have come up with new ideas and ways to prevent terrorist attacks terrorism is still growing. After 9/11, the United States changed its policy on the process to board a plan. We try different ways to stop and prevent terrorist attacks but we still find new ways terrorists are attacking us. Terrorist attacks are never acts by on person rather its an act from multiple people. Juergensymeyer talks about different attacks and different ways those attacks where handled.
Once 9/11 took place in our history, we have to think about what is terrorism. Indeed, there is no definition for the terrorism because it’s a global problem, and we see all sorts of things happened in the media. It’s a fluid become in our world. Generally, the terrorist targets are noncombatant or civilian. Instead, they want the power; they want to have the emperor power and to show the weakness of our government. In that regard, the wake of 9/11 attacks on our nation, homeland
Throughout the world many terrorist attacks happen in the different communities. Looking into the suprise everyone got on septemeber 2001, the twin towers in NYC got attacked. The attacks caused major devastating results leaving most residents with fear for their lives friends, and loved ones. Gary Lafree, who is from maryland and is “the national consortium for the study of terrorism. As Gary Lafree once said, “because 9/11 has become the very symbol for terrorism, we tend to think of all terrorist attacks as being similar. Some of the effects of 9/11 are the emotional effect which changed economics and the view on terrorism.
Terrorism has been creating havoc across the globe for the entirety of recorded history. Today, with the invention of the Internet and different computer programs, these radical groups that enact these deadly attacks are able to change the way they operate through the use of technological advances to further their onslaught on humanity. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” (International vs. Domestic Terrorism). Every person on the planet can be affected by terrorism, regardless of religion, gender, or race. Throughout history radical groups who become obsessed with their own opinions and beliefs try to force others to believe in their views through displays of violence and terror. Contrary to modern beliefs that terrorists are only radical Islam groups like Al Qaeda and Isis, but in reality almost every group of people from Christians to even environmentalists have enacted radical terrorist attacks. Terrorism, like technology, is not exclusive to industrialized nations or countries but is available to anyone with the right resources. These technologies are used throughout the world to connect average people to others and is almost always used for good. Terrorist organizations take advantage of new found communications
Terrorism is a big threat people in the world face today. Terrorism is defined by Cindy Combs as “a synthesis of war and theater, a dramatization of the most proscribed kind of violence - that which is perpetuated on innocent victims - played before an audience in the hope of creating a mood of fear; for political purposes.” In other words an act of terrorism is not for mass casualties but rather for attention. Terrorist seek an audience. They would rather kill one person and have the whole world see it than kill a whole city and no one knew about it. Through attention they believe they can create a fear in us the people. If the people are scared the government
The academic definition of a terrorism according to Martha Crenshaw is a “conspiratorial style of violence calculated to alter the attitudes and behavior of multitude audiences. Terrorism is not a mass or collective violence but rather the direct activity of small groups” (Tuman 9). Crenshaw is right when she says that terrorism is to alter the behavior of a large audiences. The fear that is put into the people is of a high magnitude. After September
Of the many problems that society faces today, terrorism is one that is more serious. The presence of terrorism can be felt across the globe, which make this issue a global concern. In all countries, whether they are developed or in the process of developing, this issue is always up for debate in todays society. History has shown us the clear evidence that the presence of terrorism is very much real and has gone through tremendous changes over the years. Terrorism now has become more difficult to control, more widespread, and more lethal. In todays society, terrorism is a serious challenge because of its presence around the world. Terrorists create chaotic conditions leading to mass murder and destruction to undermine the stability of society,
Someone once said, “Terrorism is a significant threat to peace, security, prosperity, and people.” Terrorism is an event that happens where someone intentionally causes harm and or death to many people. All terrorist attacks that happen in the United States are broadcasted everywhere around the world which causes people to feel sad for the person and families affected. For many days after the attack, there are people praying all around the world for the friends and families of the deceased and injured.
The 9/11 attacks became a black mark in history that has affected the lives of many and will continue to do so for many generations to come. Terrorism took on a whole new meaning with the actions of Osama bin Laden. The attacks made the United States more aware of its vulnerabilities and reinforced the need for change in the security of the country to help protect our freedom. The attacks on 9/11 by Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda group who was responsible for the acts, was a major turning point in America. It heightened the awareness of these terrorist groups, led to additional terrorist acts throughout the world, and changed the economic situation of our country as we went to fight wars to stop this terrorism.
Terrorism happens all around the world. For example terrorism has happened mostly in the Middle East. Just Like in the following places Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. But, the most important terrorism attacks were on the Pearl Harbor and nine – eleven. These were the most influential attacks that have happened in the United States.
Terrorism is a current threat to our nation, to our lives, to our neighboring countries, and also, to our nation’s allies. While terrorism consists of acts of violence, nevertheless, the loss of innocent lives occur during the process of these acts of violence.
Terrorism is a violent act that is planned and committed to cause terror in the people while trying to achieve political goals. In the Prologue Magazine article of John Brown the author states, “Terrorists may hope for political change, but what they often want is to simply strike back at and harm those they oppose” (Finkelman, 2011). Terrorism is something that can happen in any country because there are people who disagree with another’s beliefs or political views. Terrorists usually target civilians or “non-military folk” because they aren’t able to defend themselves against an attack. They are also not concerned with how much damage they cause; they will use anything from a bomb to guns.
Most of the countries around the world call the terrorism a common enemy, but there is not a common definition of terrorism. There is not any significant unified goal and objective among the states against them, but they have their collective and shared goals. They are against the peace, stability, and development and they want to kill, destroy and spread fear. They misuse and misinterprets any faith in their favor and they try to mix terrorism with the religious ideology. And they support each other globally for these shared goals, but we should ask ourselves, what do we do to defend ourselves and defeat terrorism?