
Terrorism Vs Torture

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Since the most infamous attack on United States soil, on September 9th, 2001, terrorism and the willingness to combat the terrorist have been on rise. The creation of many radical groups in the Middle East such as the Taliban, Islamic State, and Al Qaeda, have been led to blame for numerous and horrendous attacks on innocent citizens such as the attacks in Paris, France, which killed 130, and another that killed over 30 people in a bombing at an airport in Belgium. Debate over what should be used to weaken and ultimately destroy the attacks have seen some great controversy over time, such as the use of torture. Both psychological and physical torture have been proven to receive valuable information save lives on and off the battlefield, and as a punishment for the inhumane acts used by the terrorist. …show more content…

Some of the most recent terrorist attacks have been linked to the self proclaimed Islamic state, better known as ISIS or ISIL to some people. The Islamic State have a history of attacking mosques, hotels, busy city streets and other civilian targets in mostly non-Western countries. ISIS is notorious for mudering vistoms that do not follow their Islamic beliefs or follow the doctrine the Islamic state holds and values. But can ISIS be stopped? Though air strikes and some ground attacks are providing key support in suppressing ISIS, terrorist attacks have still been present and have been acclaimed by ISIS. Questions on weather or not torture should be used to gain knowledge of attacks have been under debate and have even caused current President- Elect Donald Trump on the trail of controversy for his remarks regarding waterboarding early on in his

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