
Terrorism in the Olympics Essay

Decent Essays

Terrorism and Security in the Olympics Security is a fundamental notion in sports. Nowadays athletes are viewed often through the media, therefore they are recognizable. In the Olympics security measures must be taken to protect the athletes. There are many different nationalities involved therefore security has to be taken in order to ensure that there aren't conflicting views that could possibly be damaging towards another team. But quite often it cannot be prevented. On the morning of September 5, 1972, the members of the Israeli delegation awoke in their quarters in the Olympic village to the desperate cries of wrestling referee Joseph Gottfreund. Eight Arab commandos (from the Palestinian terrorist organization Black …show more content…

But unfortunately, this has no effect on what the commandos were trying to accomplish. Their demands were unreasonable, and the Israeli side would not budge from its views. In an attempt to save some of the Israeli hostages, two West German ministers of the interior offered themselves as replacements for the hostages. The Arabs refused this offer. It was obvious that the negotiations over the release of the hostages were not going to work. A new plan was put into effect. West German officials started to focus their time on getting the Arabs and their hostages out of the Olympic Village. This would allow German sharpshooters to put some control over the commandos. This seemed like a better alternative a pose to storming the compound and dangering the lives of the Israeli hostages and other athletes. Negotiations lasted until shortly after 9:00 p.m. The West Germans has successfully persuaded the Arab commandos to leave the compound with their hostages. The commandos agreed to leave on a flight to an Arab country together with their hostages. They made their was towards the Furstenfeldbruck military airport, a fifteen mile trek away from Munich. The Arab commandos anticipated that something could threaten their plans. In order to control their hostages they split them up into two groups and tied and blindfolded them. They were also aware of two potential traps the West Germans had set for them.

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