Terrorist attacks has changed the United States tremendously. Since 9/11 there are striker laws that have been passed, more security in known places that terrorist have targeted before. For Example, flying on an airplane or at an airport is totally different since the terrorist attack occurred. “The TSA already uses behavior detection screeners at airports to spot out terrorist and other dangerous travelers through subtle clues in the way these individuals act” (Maras, 2013, p.347). These security measures are just the beginning of how things have changed. Furthermore, citizens are now more cautions of where they go on vacation and people who supposedly look like terrorists can be frightening and bring up those memories. The victims and many
On the morning of September 11 2001, terrorists hijacked four planes from American Airlines and United Airlines with the goal of ruining the U.S economy. Two of the planes achieved their goal and targeted both towers of the World Trade Center along with the Pentagon, resulting in the death of approximately 2,975 people. The events that took place on this day had a great impact not only in America, but around the world as well. After this day there were major changes in air travel, new government regulations, and a financial crisis.
When “9/11” occurred, it changed American lives and shaped how we live and know life as it is today. Thing would never be the same in points of access, such as airports, military bases, local and even schools. As the years went on, the younger generation understood and accepted what was happening. Just a year before 9/11, you could access military bases with only a driver's license, and walk up with your loved ones to the point they boarded the actual airplane. Are these new strict measurements that we’ve grown so accustomed to necessary? Many will say no, and even call it overkill, but it may just be what we’ve needed all along, instead of relying on a false sense of security.
although some may argue for the 4th Amendment, but the risks from terrorism were clearly outweigh any loss of privacy. ("How 9/11 Changed America: Four Major Lasting Impacts")
On September 11th, a tragedy happened when almost 3500 people died from a terrorist attack. One thing that did not change after this was the way America held itself together. Something devastating had happened but they still managed to push through it and come out strong. As well, the support that American's and other places around the world gave each other are still strong today. When someone is in need, we all come together no matter where they are in the world, this never changes. Lastly, people did not stop using airplanes because of this attack. They still continued to use airplanes to travel around
The events that took place on September 11th 2001 have forever changed the United Sates. On that day it was clear that our borders were not secure. Our nation’s security was questioned, and our national security plan, as a result, had to change. President Bush did what he felt was needed at the time, laying out the foundation for a surveillance apparatus, involving the Patriot Act and the National Security Agency. This United States’ surveillance apparatus though, draws a thin line between privacy and security, forcing us to trade our liberty for security. By trading our liberty for security we lose both, and thus, move towards losing our democracy.
September 11, 2001 was a day that devastated our nation and changed the lives of every American in some way.These terrorist attacks would ignite many changes in the lives of United State citizens.The U.S. government implemented a series of critical immigration policy measures,such as heightened airport security,increased funding,removing criminals,and turning police officers into immigration agents to respond to future threats of terrorism.In this paper we will examine how the attacks contributed to different factors.
Just like every Tuesday, Jane got up and ready for work. She got up at her usual time, about six AM, had a cup of coffee before she got her kids up and ready for school. As she’s helping her three year old daughter brush her teeth, Jane’s husband came in and said his final goodbyes to his wife. Sadly, neither Jane nor her husband knew that though. After about 7:45 AM Jane had her kids dropped off at school or preschool and was now on her way to work at The World Trade Center. September 11th use to be just a normal day in September until terrible events happened; these events changed America’s homeland security, started a war, and a memorial in New York.
9/11 was what I chose as the most crucial moment in history. This is because it changed the lives of many and changed society as we knew it. People all over the world, not only America watched as the twin towers burnt down with shock. This event is something that will be remembered forever and referenced t in classes, in conversations, and in the media. It affected society greatly around the world. After these attacks, everything was different.
September 11, 2001 was a day of a chain of events which changed the United States forever. Multiple attacks were placed on America, the first attack being the World Trade Center, (Twin Towers), in New York. The second attack was on the Pentagon. The third and final attack on September 11 was an attempt hit on what's said to be the White House in Washington DC; however, men and women were able to take some control of the hijacked plane and crashed in a small country field.
Jo Ann Davis once said, “The terrorist attacks upon our country changed the way that we live forever and provided us with a cruel reminder that freedom and liberty have a price.” When a tragedy happens most people don’t think that it will ever happen to them until it actually does. I think that when major events happen in the United States it shocks Americans because they did not expect anything to happen. From a personal experience, I am just like most people when it comes to a tragedy; I freak out! Through out my seventeen years that I have been alive, three major events have happened that have affected me: 9/11, Barack Obama being elected as President, and the war in Afghanistan.
On September 11th of 2001, more than 3,000 people died during the terrorist attacks. The event changed the lives of not just the people whose loved ones died on that day, but also of those who belonged to the Islamic world. The experience of Muslims who lived in America in 2001 and those who were yet to come here would never be the same again. After 9/11, the number of hate crimes against Muslims in the United States increased and their everyday lives changed forever due to the rise of islamophobia and the vicious influence of the American media.
The terrorist attacks on September 11 changed America forever. The attacks led to President Bush creating the Department of Homeland Security which tried to centralize the federal response to all terrorist threats. However, local police, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians will still be the first to arrive at the scene of an attack. These first responders face a unique and increasingly dangerous task when reacting to a terrorist attack on US soil.
How well could you re-call where you were, what you were doing or what happened on September 11, 2001? I know I can re-call every emotional, fearful and chaotic second of that day, today, 15 years later. Because of the events that took place on that day, “the day that changed America forever” we are still dealing with these unsolved serious issues. Terrorists struck America in the heart of New York, Pennsylvania, The White House, The Pentagon and World Trade Centers’ killing millions of innocent people, land marking “the day that changed America forever.” Aside from the research I have done on this historic event we have all watched it unfold from the starting of day one. The issues on Terrorism and the change it put not only on America,
The first major change that took place after 9/11 was more security was created. For example, the screening that happens now wasn’t as intense as it is now. It seems as if you are stripped from everything before entering the security screening process. Prior to September 11, 2001 you only had to show you’re identification card. You were even allowed to carry on knives and scissors. Although I do not remember this because I was only 4 years old, but my mother told me that only a curtain was used to separate the area of passengers from the pilot. Now, at every checkpoint you are asked to show you’re identification. We could board the planes without removing clothing, shoes or belts, but now you have
September 11, 2001, millions of New Yorkers and American citizens woke up and started their day, unprepared and unaware for the catastrophic attack that would be taking place in just a few short hours. At 8:46 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. The impact killed all of the passengers and crew as well as hundreds inside the building. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane, Flight 175, crashed into the corner of the South Tower killing passenger, crew, and workers who worked on floors seventy-five to eighty-three. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. killing approximately 185 individuals (History.com Staff). Because of the damaged to the support system, fires, and impact at extremely fast speed, the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. (Lipton and Glanz). Having heard about the acts of terrorism that had just taken place in New York and Washington, D.C., a group of passengers drove their plane, Flight 93, into a Pennsylvania field killing everyone on board but possibly saving hundreds of other lives in the process. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. 102 minutes after being struck (History.com Staff). On September 11, 2001, almost twelve hundred people were wounded or killed by “coordinated suicide attempts” by Al Qaeda terrorists. In result to the four airplanes being hijacked and used for premediated reasons, the United States government instituted new regulations for entering the country and airport security as well as expounded on systems already in place.