
Tesco Strategic Marketing

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Strategic Marketing Planning………………………………………………………..4

The Case of TESCO and ASDA……………………………………………………...7


Analyzing the Competition


The ability of a business to stay in the industry is one measure of the business success. This means that being able to survive is a necessity and survival translates to the ability of a business to compete. Since 1980s, marketing strategies have played key roles in planning to overcome challenges. It is believed that this line of thinking will continue to direct the activities of business into the 21st century (Paley 1999). In addition, it is also believed that good …show more content…

It has been stated that strategic marketing planning takes place in the context of corporate planning (Gardner & Thomas 1985; Schendel 1985; Hannagan 1992; Meek & Meek 2003).

This may be the case since strategic management is an organization-wide task. Corporate management is a process of leading an organization by deploying and manipulating resources. As such, strategic management, which includes strategic marketing planning, takes place in the context of corporate planning. In addition, the analyses being performed include the investigation of the internal weakness and strengths of the company in relation to the competitors. This means that the whole organization is involved in the process. Aside from investigating the weakness and strengths of the company, strategic positioning is also an important aspect of strategic marketing planning (Kotler & Andreasen 1996; Hooley et al. 1998; 2001).

According to Chew (2003), strategic positioning is the process that allows organizations to develop a level of positioning, whose objective is to differentiate the

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