
Tesla Research Paper

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Based on sales will Tesla ultimately change the world from gas powered to electrically charged cars?

Jeryka Diaz

Word count: 1413

Table of Contents

Title Page……………….
Table of Contents………1


Tesla is a company that manufactures electrically charged cars. Elon Musk is widely known as one of the founders of Tesla. The world as we know has always run on gas powered cars. Gas is an extreme cost after many years with fluctuating prices it’s a hassle many Americans deal with. With an electrically charged car there is no gas needed. This new idea is a phenomenon that not many have converted into, since it ultimately is life …show more content…

Unlike many other motor companies’ tesla is committed to introducing a new way of driving, a new era of cars and transforming the way we drive using these innovative technologies. Tesla was not the first company to begin the creation of electric powered cars, but they were the first company to create a sleek and luxury electric car. A unique aspect to tesla is that this company was the first company to also create a car that was American made, most cars have their equipment that comes from all around the world, parts coming from many different areas mostly Europe or China. This is very appealing to customers that are interested in American made products especially a car that doesn’t harm the environment as much as a gas powered car does. Also tesla is very efficient in their battery charge, for every full tank a 200 mile trip is able to be made. Tesla is a brand of car that can be named the safest car in the world which also is another appealing factory to new time drivers to people with families and to everyone on the road. That ultimately saves a buyer more money and creates interest which ultimately leads to higher sales. Tesla in all has a highly innovative processes, strong brand, and high control on vehicle …show more content…

In a company this is an external factor where it’s all about the competition. The competition is what brings a company to make a change and innovation to outdo another company. Unfortunately in the motor industry the competition is a challenge. Automotive companies belligerently compete against each other which do make perfect sense for any type of company to do. As known there are many types of successful luxury car companies for example Mercedes Benz and Audi. Even other car companies are competitors such as Honda and Ford. Most of the US and even the world own a car. With tesla coming up in popularity this makes competition. The company also encounters the threat of dealership regulations. Currently Tesla directly sells its products to customers lacking dealership association that increases selling prices. However, some states like Virginia and Texas does disallow straight sales of the company’s merchandises, demanding that such sales requirement go through dealerships. This in all threatens the success of

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