Based on sales will Tesla ultimately change the world from gas powered to electrically charged cars?
Jeryka Diaz
Word count: 1413
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Tesla is a company that manufactures electrically charged cars. Elon Musk is widely known as one of the founders of Tesla. The world as we know has always run on gas powered cars. Gas is an extreme cost after many years with fluctuating prices it’s a hassle many Americans deal with. With an electrically charged car there is no gas needed. This new idea is a phenomenon that not many have converted into, since it ultimately is life
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Unlike many other motor companies’ tesla is committed to introducing a new way of driving, a new era of cars and transforming the way we drive using these innovative technologies. Tesla was not the first company to begin the creation of electric powered cars, but they were the first company to create a sleek and luxury electric car. A unique aspect to tesla is that this company was the first company to also create a car that was American made, most cars have their equipment that comes from all around the world, parts coming from many different areas mostly Europe or China. This is very appealing to customers that are interested in American made products especially a car that doesn’t harm the environment as much as a gas powered car does. Also tesla is very efficient in their battery charge, for every full tank a 200 mile trip is able to be made. Tesla is a brand of car that can be named the safest car in the world which also is another appealing factory to new time drivers to people with families and to everyone on the road. That ultimately saves a buyer more money and creates interest which ultimately leads to higher sales. Tesla in all has a highly innovative processes, strong brand, and high control on vehicle …show more content…
In a company this is an external factor where it’s all about the competition. The competition is what brings a company to make a change and innovation to outdo another company. Unfortunately in the motor industry the competition is a challenge. Automotive companies belligerently compete against each other which do make perfect sense for any type of company to do. As known there are many types of successful luxury car companies for example Mercedes Benz and Audi. Even other car companies are competitors such as Honda and Ford. Most of the US and even the world own a car. With tesla coming up in popularity this makes competition. The company also encounters the threat of dealership regulations. Currently Tesla directly sells its products to customers lacking dealership association that increases selling prices. However, some states like Virginia and Texas does disallow straight sales of the company’s merchandises, demanding that such sales requirement go through dealerships. This in all threatens the success of
Tesla electric cars first appeared as small, sporty two-seaters. On March 26, 2009, the Tesla Model S was released and marketed as the top-performing all-electric luxury SUV in its class. Considering the Model S’s impressive performance capacities, they make a sound argument. David Ener, writer for Canada’s “The Globe and Mail” newspaper describes his experience of driving the Model S
Through all of this information, Tesla and traditional gas powered car owners have learned more about the Tesla and how it is not as environmentally friendly as society may portray it to be. Hopefully the readers of this paper learn that you must be educated before they buy a certain product.
Tesla Motors was founded during the year of 2003 in silicon valley, with one goal; to create a more sustainable way to power vehicles. Tesla strives to produce high quality electric cars at an affordable price. Tesla produces three models; the model s, the model x and the model 3, a wide price range allows anyone to make the transition from gasoline powered vehicles to electric powered vehicles.
They sell electric vehicles, and electric vehicles only. The most popular car Tesla has released is the Model S, which is a luxury electric sedan that sells for $70,000. The Model S was voted the Motor Trend Car of 2013, and according to Tesla is one of the safest cars ever, but there is one big difference from any other electric car. The battery in each Tesla car is actually made up of thousands of lithium-ion cells, which is different than most electric vehicles. Electricity charges a battery to give the Model S power for a certain period of time, and is similar to a laptop or smartphone. In fact, the company uses lithium-ion batteries just like the type that powers laptops worldwide. This is the key difference between a Tesla electric car and a hybrid, it is all electric and has to be charged, but a car such as a Prius runs partially on gasoline but does not have to be charged. There are a few ways to charge the car. Tesla suggest you get a high power wall charger installed, and there are also supercharging stations across the United States and Canada. When fully charged, the Model S can travel at 55 miles per hour for up to 300 miles. The technology that is put in these cars is so far ahead of the competition; Tesla could very easily be the car company of the future.
They are considering disruptors in the electric car market. With their advance innovation and stylish design, many consumers are willing to pay high price for Tesla performance car. Tesla has place themselves as a luxury brand with many consumers waiting for their new released backed order products.
Rarity: Tesla Motors is known to have a differentiated product over other firms in the sense that it sells electric based cars. It is the only successfully running electric sports cars in the U.S. At the beginning sales were not enough to sustain the business but tesla motors proved it self after introducing the new model, Tesla Roadster 2. There is only few car manufacturing companies trying to enter this industry which makes Tesla Motors have a competitive advantage.
Tesla Motors is a relatively new Silicon-Valley based company that designs and produces electronic vehicles. The company aims at producing consumer affordable price electronic automobiles with zero emissions in the next decade. Currently the CEO Musk is working on introducing the new electronic automobile Model S to the mass consumer market. However, when we look at the external environment, the Tesla Company still faces lots of challenges. The Tesla Motors’ strong competitors are the automobile companies that produce gas cars such as
The United States Automotive industry has been dominated by five major auto manufacturers: GM, Toyota, Ford, Chrysler, and Honda. As globalization increases the domestic automotive market (GM, Ford, Chrysler) suffers from foreign competitors. Although with high entrance barriers the market suffers little to none from new entries. There are several reasons for this the largest being capital. It takes a lot of capital to obtain manufacturing plants, raw materials, as well as to hire and train employees. PASTEL Analysis
Being recognized as first in an industry builds customer loyalty and brand recognition, and Tesla has the competitors edge of being a leader in their category for the foreseeable future (Emongo, 2015). As the single automaker to produce only all electric cars, they have the distinct advantage of being known as first mover which may result in market dominance and over time, higher than average profitability (Ettington & Kirkwood, 2017). Their position as the leader of revenues for fully electric vehicles are the highest worldwide and as the consumer looks to depend less on oil, electric cars will become the preferred method of personal transportation. The Model X was the first fully electric sport utility vehicle which positions this company to have the same compelling value proposition it brought with a premium sedan (Sparks, 2015). As leaders, the opportunities are immense for a company so successful in surpassing its competitors (Sparks, 2015).
Tesla Motors is a global enterprise specializing in the design, production, and marketing of electric powered vehicles founded in 2003 by the young businessman, Elon Musk. Elon is well known for co-founding paypal, and now he amazes the world again with his incredible vision of Tesla Motors, and being the main product architect. Tesla Motors appeals to the environmentally friendly market, by currently being the only company to sell a zero-emission sports car. Tesla’s fundamental motive and selling point is producing only electric vehicles, as opposed to competing companies, producing a combination hybrid, or diesel car.
Tesla Motors Incorporated, an American company that designs, produces, and sells electric vehicles and their electric components, has become one of the fastest growing car companies in recent history. The company’s main goal was to start creating electric vehicles that were accessible and affordable to the public. Founded in 2003 and taking off successfully by 2009, Tesla Motors started selling the first mass-produced vehicle to use lithium-ion battery cells and hold a range of greater than 200 miles on just one charge. Along with building their own electric vehicle models, Tesla also builds electric powertrain components for vehicles from other automakers including cars such as the Toyota RAV4 electric vehicle. Tesla has begun to maximize
The aim and vison of Tesla Motors is to provide in the short run cars which are affordable to the average consumer, it started making first sport cars for the enthusiast for speed and environmental preservation, moving then to the second phase to the large market who choses affordable compacts and sedans which in turn will promote and stimulate the electric car trend.
As the EV and HEV trend strengthens, key industry players are offering models that directly compete with Tesla. Competing models include the Chevy Volt and Spark, Nissan Leaf, Toyota Prius, Ford Focus, Honda Fit, Smart Car, Volkswagen Golf, BMW i3, and Mercedes Benz B-class EV (Grant, 2015). However, Elon Musk does not view these offerings as Tesla’s competition. With only 1% of total vehicle sales going to non-hydrocarbon burning cars, Musk identifies Tesla’s true competition as the gasoline cars with production rates of about 100 million per year (Musk 2014).
The competitive advantage of Tesla due to the high-end technology battery, the distribution model, the innovative technology they use, the strategic partners they made with other brand, etc. are all the fact that explain why Tesla is leading the niche market of sporty high-end luxury electric vehicle. To maintain this leading position and to achieve their goal: being the leader of the entire market of EV they will need to compete the established brands like BMW on the mass market. Tesla needs to launch a new model of car with an affordable price for the mass market like BMW did with the i3.
Tesla Motors was founded way back in 2003 by five entrepreneurs. Tesla Motors manufactures and designs premium eclectic cars. These five people came together to create a transition for the world in electric mobility. The five men were JB Straubel, Ian Writght, Elon Mush, Marc Tarpenning, and Martin Eberhard. The company was named after one of the engineers named Nikola Tesla. Musk once said that the most important problems worth studying were to make transportation environmentally friends and how to colonize another planet. As you can clearly tell he used that knowledge to start up Tesla Motors. Just like every company first starting out Tesla has some problems that they need to kink out before they continue to skyrock. These problems are quality, non-unionized workers, safety and finance.