
Tetanospasmin Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

1. The deadliest neurotoxin I can find on the web is Tetanospasmin (other than botulinum which I already have learned about). I believe this is the deadliest toxin because it says that an ant weighs 1500 times more than the dose needed to kill an adult human. Two hundred nanograms is considered lethal, and that is a VERY small number. Tetanospasmin causes muscle spasms when it is found inside the body within the nervous system and it is produced by a bacterium called Clostridium Tetani. The reason it is deadly is because it binds to neurons permanently, and when it is bound it stops the neurotransmitters from being released from the neuron. A dose of Tetanospasmin is able to stop a neuron from releasing a neurotransmitter because it damages

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