Over the years plants continue to evolve and come out with new methods and systems that help it survive and reproduce. Animals such as insects and birds are key players in the reproduction of plants. We call them pollinators because they help spread pollen from plant to plant, but one would ask how a plant attracts animals to itself anyway. These plants have nectar a sweet tasting liquid that animals eat and during this eating process pollen is rubbed off on the consumer. It’s like an unauthorized deal because both technically benefit from it. Another technique plants use to attract animals, such as insects are vibrant colors. Not all plants appreciate the help so they have structures and chemicals that repel them. For bigger animals like birds; a plant might develop a thorny leaf texture that keeps it from being eaten. For insects, plants can produce toxins that can either kill or repel insects making them sick. Some leaves develop textures that make it hard for animals to digest. It’s a better idea for plants to repel insects than kill because most plants depend on insects and animals in some way unless there self-pollinators. By killing …show more content…
These molecules affect the nerves dealing with memory, movement, and thinking. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical produced by the cannabis plant that gives you the high feeling but also the benefits. It affects the brain by activating the nerve receptors dealing with pain, appetite, and memory; on top, it helps with forgetting. Cannabis produces THC for survival like any plant it has trichomes that are able to detect environmental change. Anandamide is the chemical that the brains make that has the same components on the receptor level as THC. This is the intentional reason for those neurons in the brain to be activated not THC. Cannabis and THC have been coevolving with humans since it was observed and separated by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam in
Marijuana has been used in the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain ("Medical Cannabis."). Researchers have been trying to explain the negative effects that marijuana can have on the central nervous system and how it hinders memory as well. The constant reports of short-term memory loss by heavy marijuana users brings up the question, is it the most common long term effect of marijuana use? Although it is said that marijuana has many effects such as exhaustion, increased appetite, offset sense of time, and bloodshot eyes, short-term memory loss is the symptom most frequently linked with the use or ingestion of marijuana. But why? Why does using marijuana have any impact on a person’s memory at all? Countless scientists have been working tirelessly to find an answer for this question. The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, is known to attach itself to areas of the brain linked to memory. When the scientists injected lab animals with THC at Rutgers University, they found that they acted as though there was no rhythm to their thought. It affected the hippocampal circuits in the brain to produce animals that were acting normal but in a delayed or offset manor.
It was found that patients gained weight and a heightened sense of appetite. The change in mass and increase in appetite is due to marijuana or the oral alternative identified as Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is inside dronabinol (Lutge, Gray, & Siegfried, 2013). THC had immense effects on the nausea, appetite, and other uncomfortable phases allowing many patients to be relieved of their discomfort. THC is inside the dronabinol which is man-made form of cannabis. Dronabinol can either be smoked or ingested by the subjects. This synthetic drug is commonly used in the place of a plant form of cannabis. Collectively dronabinol and THC causes the patients to be twice as likely to gain two kilograms or more in body weight (Lutge, Gray,
THC, the active ingredient in pot works on specific parts of the brains hardware, called cannabinoid receptors. Turning on a cannabinoid receptor with THC creates a bunch of cellular reactions that at last create to the "high" that you feel when you smoke weed. Cannabinoid receptors exist throughout the brain. They are most common in parts The areas of the brain that influence pleasure, time, memory, and concentration have the highest concentration of these receptors. Smoking weed frequently can overpower
Known to be Cannabis Essential oil or the cannabinoid oil, it is oil, which is obtained through the process of steam distillation from the flowers and big leaves of the hemp plant. The Hemp plant is Cannabis Sativa, but the products of the same are used for industrial purposes. This Essential oil is usually confused with the help of has only but the experts say that there is a vast difference between the CBD and the hemp oil.
When a receptor receives information, it causes changes in the nerve cell. The chemical in marijuana that has a big impact on the brain is called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is the main active chemical in marijuana. Scientists recently discovered that some areas in the brain have a lot of THC receptors, while other have very few or none. These clues are helping researchers figure out exactly how THC works in the brain.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis isn’t just a single drug molecule, like alcohol or cocaine, but a mix of over 420 different chemical components. 61 of the called cannabinoids are unique to marijuana. THC is the chemical that triggers cannabis’ main drug action and effects in the body and brain. THC is like a feel-good chemical bomb that explodes on contact, and then breaks up into at least 80 different by products (or metabolites) before it’s eliminated from the body. The process starts as soon as THC enters the blood stream, and begins zeroing in on cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system Once it checks into the brain, THC takes its own time in checking out. Unlike many other drugs, which are excreted from the body within hours, THC metabolites stick around--stored
THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most active and abundant cannabinoid in marijuana. It is the reason for the “high” that everyone thinks of when they hear about marijuana. THC has this “psychoactive” effect because it stimulates the CB1 receptors, this results in the stereotypical “high.” THC is not only there to produce a high, in fact, most people don’t realize that it also stimulates the CB2 receptors as well, this in turn is what produces the relaxed therapeutic effects. THC is also known to help manage nausea, promoting appetite, aiding the sleep process, and relieve pain (Health Value of THC). There are many false accusations about marijuana that have been spread over the years, but many medical professionals and even scientific evidence is present that back up the medical uses that marijuana can provide.
Many regions of the brain contain cannabinoid receptors, of which anandamide molecules, concerned with regulating mood, appetite and emotions, naturally bind to. Cannabis contains an active ingredient known as ‘delta-9-tetrahydrocannabonic’ (THC), and when smoked or eaten, the THC imitates the activity of anandamide by binding to cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells, and therefore influences
THC the active ingredient in Cannabis attaches to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. Several areas of the brain have high densities of these receptors, which helps explain the different effects of the drug. The receptors work through nerve cells communicating by way of chemical messaging across contact points called synapses. THC attaches to cannabinoid receptors and therefore modifies nerve
There are some positives associated with the THC compound. The positives are far-reaching and long-term. This is due to the way Marijuana effects the Autonomic Nervous System. It expands the breathing and calms the body. It has a huge potential for medical and healing purposes worldwide. There were a lot of speculations about developing Lung Cancer if you were a Marijuana smoker. A study performed by Dr. Tashkin proved the people that believed this wrong. The study consisted of rats being injected with Cannabinoids. The Cannabinoids were injected into rats that had deadly tumors on them. When injected with the Cannabinoids, it was seen that the chemical had inhibited the growth of the tumor on the rats. The cannabinoids were showing to be able
There are several chemical processes involved when marijuana enters the brain, and it is important to know what these processes are in order to better understand marijuana’s adverse effects on memory. Though there are many chemicals in marijuana, there are only two main ingredients linked directly to the cognitive effects of the drug. The principal psychoactive component in cannabis is delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), it is linked to the adverse effects of the drug on various cognitive functions, including memory (Schoeler and Bhattacharyya, 2013). The second
The effects of cannabinoids mimic those of alcohol, cocaine and opioids, producing relaxation and pleasant feelings of well-being. These feelings, and other pharmacological effects, are a result of the interaction of cannabinoids with various neurotransmitters including the catecholamines norepinephrine and dopamine, and other neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA and acetylcholine. These neurotransmitter interactions are the basis of research and application for medicinal use of cannabinoids.
Bioactive lipids or lipids that activate specific signalling pathways are involved in the regulation and maintenance of normal bodily functions. Furthermore, bioactive lipid targets have been implicated in a number of conditions such as cancer, asthma and arthritis, all of which contain an inflammatory element. Additionally, a number of bioactive lipids are also known to target several different types of receptors. These include the cannabinoid receptors, peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPARα) and transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) ion channels. The assessment of bioactive lipid levels in biological systems is important for understanding their role in cell function and pathological
When an individual ingests or smokes marijuana, their motor skills are intensely affected. Anandamide is a chemical
There is no doubt that plants and insects have a long history together. It is an on-going relationship that can be beneficial or detrimental to both parties, depending on the situation. Insects pollinate plants, in return the plants provide food for insects. But the relationship between the two isn’t always so beneficial. Some insects can kill plants by taking away the essential nutrients away from the plant. There are also insects that are predators. The predator insects help the plants by getting rid of the insects that are killing the plant. There are some plants that have a natural pesticide in their chemical make-up and can ward off unwanted bugs. There are other contributing factors to how much of an impact plants and insect have on each other. For example, there may be a plant in or near your garden that attracts insects that are harmful and once that insect is there, it will potentially migrate around to other plants in your garden.