Texas is ranked the second biggest state in size and is also ranked the second in population. According to CBS, Texas has around 28,000,000 residents which comes in second to California’s 40,000,000. Between 2015 and 2016 the Texas population grew in number by approximately 430,000, which is more than any other state has ever grown. The population has doubled in the last 36 years. It is projected that the population will double by the year 2050 due to people moving to Texas for their families and prospective jobs. There are 5 cities in Texas which are among the fastest growing cities in the U.S., these consist of Georgetown, New Braunfels, Frisco, Pearland, and Pflugerville. Texas gains more out of state residents than any other state. …show more content…
As more houses are built more land is becoming occupied by swimming pools, houses, garages and so much more. An increase in people is good for the economy but not so great for the land and agriculture.
The landscape is also majorly effected due to more people relocating to Texas. When people relocate for better paying jobs they make more money which increases the need or want for more toys. Due to the increase in cars, not only from excess cars but also the amount of cars being used as transportation for people relocating, there is an increasing need for space to put them. People are building bigger garages to fit all their cars which is taking away from the agricultural areas. Water supplies in the west are also coming harder to find. Many springs in this area have been lost which is bad for many areas.
This increase in cars is also not profitable for the Texas environment. “Highway vehicles account for about 40 percent of NOx and 15 percent of VOCs in the United States, according to EPA figures. But power plants, factories, oil refineries, and other industrial facilities are big contributors too” (Hopkins, 2015). An increase in the number of cars will cause and increase in pollution. Also, adding more power plants and oil refineries add to the damage of the environment which assists in the creation of smog.
Also with more people relocating to Texas means more families and more children. Currently the births in Texas are outnumbering the deaths which
Texas is currently dominated by the Republican culture with a popular belief in conservatism that has lasted for many years. Democratic and Liberal groups are also present in the Texas but play as the minorities. Although demographics through the years show that a change in the dominant party could very well be eminent, Texas remains a red state for the time being. Currently the population is estimated at 24.5 million and is dominantly Anglo with minorities including African American, and Hispanic. In the coming years though, it is estimated to change where as the Hispanic population will surpass become the new majority.
The State of Texas on the United Census Bureau’s website, for July 1, 2016, but there was not a comparison for Murphy, Texas so the last comparison was April 1, 2010. As of April 1, 2010, there were “9.6% of children under the age of five years old in the City of Murphy, Texas and 7.7% in the State of Texas” (Bureau, U.C., 2017.). “The United States report stated “6.5% under the age of 5 years old”
Texas’ population has been changing dramatically over the past 165 years. In fact, in 1859, there was a little over 210,000 people currently living in Texas, only 4 percent of which lived in rural areas. Then in 1900, the population increased by over 3 million, 83 percent of which lived in rural areas. Then between 1980-1989, the population increased between 2.9 percent and 1.6 percent per year. In 1987-1989, population growth dropped dramatically decreased to less than 1 percent. However, in 1991, two thirds of the population once again increased with the help of about 20 percent immigration. Then as of 2013, population naturally increased by 54 percent, 16.8 of which was international immigration, and 29.7 was domestic immigration.
Texas is the second most populous and the second-largest of the 50 states in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States (Wikipedia, Texas, 2013). Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America and is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of the 50 United States ((Wikipedia, Louisiana, 2013). Texas and Louisiana are two different areas in the United States to live that have many diverse ways of living. Between both states, Texas is easier to live in than Louisiana because of the differences in culture, economy, and climate.
The Texas population consists of people with a variety of different cultural and racial background. The Texas population seems to be very young with an approximate 27.3 percent of the population being under the age of 18, and about 11.5 percent being over the age of 65 (U.S. Census Bureau, “Texas.”). Factors that increase the Texas population include higher birthrates, lower death rates, as well as immigration from other countries and states. The population is changing from a primarily white population as recorded during the 1990s to a projected primarily Latino population by 2050. However, Latinos were not a considered a separate ethnic group until the 1990s but were counted to the white population which consisted of European whites and the Latinos. The African- American population decreased from over 20 percent during the 1850s to below 20 percent population as of 2015. Asian- Americans are considered the smallest population in Texas at 4.5 percent (The Asian Population,” 2010 Census Briefs). Due to the changing economy and
Texas occupies about 7 percent of the total water and land area of the United States. Second in size among the states, Texas has a land and water area of 268,596 square miles as compared with Alaska's 665,384 square miles,
According to Cal Jillson, author of Lone Star Tarnished, Texas being known as the best job producing state is caused from the ever growing population, exceeding the population growth of the national rate, in Texas. In 1940 the national rate for increase in jobs was at
Texas sits on the Mexican border to the United States so some may argue that immigration is an issue in the state. Mostly, it is the Republicans that bring up the cons of immigration, listing safety as a prime example. But, the biggest fear to them should be the voice of the immigrants. Immigration is booming in Texas and it shows no means of slowing down. Texas will become state but it will take some time because it will take sometime for the newer generation of voters to truly understand the importance of civil engagement. Texas has 4 of the 11 major growing cities in the United States as of 2015 where 85% of the growth is concentrated in urban cities. (Will, 1) Houston being one of the major cities is especially important because their population is 69.2% minority. So, when the minorities realize the importance of civil and political engagement, they’ll start to vote and Texas will see the change it so desperately
Another Demographic that is a key in why Texas might turn blue is the increase of millennials. The amount of
We are located within miles of the Gulf of Mexico and next to the border with Mexico. The state of Texas many commercial airports, making us one of the leaders of the movement of goods across the country. Many businesses come to Texas for it offers low taxes to corporate income taxes. We also offer 12 million of well-educated work force. Just the valley has 32 independent school districts some who have multiple high schools as well as private school and charters school. Some of this are part time students or full time students, the percentage shows that around 29.9 of the students get an associate’s degree while 11.7 percent of them get a bachelor’s degree, and 5.6 go on and get a master’s degree. The level of education that the residents of the valley get depends on the amount of local wage that many of the resident have. Many of them are
Texas is the key for democratic success in the United States. Texas is known for the majority of the population being minorities. The 2013 census shows that 56 percent of the population in Texas is Hispanic, African-American, Asian American or Native American; that only leaves 44 percent of the population are Anglos or
In our society today the population has grown drastically from ten years ago and it is not going to decrease any sooner. In the last ten years the population has increased by 4.3 million people in the United States. The population in Texas has increased a lot more quicker than the national average. So what exactly is happening in Texas in order to be the second largest population in the United States? The population growth is becoming a major problem in our state of Texas and we can’t find a solution to stop the population from growing. The reasons why the population of Texas is becoming a problem is because of migration, living the american dream, and how Texas court ruling affect immigration.
Here in Texas,with a population of about 28 million,and an area of 268,597,Texas is a great place to start over,you’ve got decent job opportunities,it’s a big state,so there's lots of land,nice weather,and on the south side,you have the north atlantic ocean.
Houston is the most populous city in Texas, the largest city in the Southern United States and the fourth most populous city in the United States. According to the 2012 U.S. Census estimates, the city had a population of 2.16 million people within a land area of 599.6 square miles.
Texas is 5th in the nation when it comes to birth rate for teen pregnancies. In 2015, the number of teen births in Texas was 32,687. That is 34.6 births per 1,000 women. This is an 8 percent decrease from Texas’s peak in 1991 at 56 percent. As you can see, Texas’s teen birth rate is slightly higher than our country’s average birth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women. Texas is ranked 46th on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 50 (highest) in teen birth rates and teen pregnancy rates.