Persuasive Speech Outline on “Texting while driving” March 21st, 2013 I. Introduction A. The main premise of my argument is that no one for whatever reason should be texting while driving. B: Defining the issue: Distracted driving while texting 1. Texting and driving 2. Lack of concentration, losing focus on driving 3. Looking at texts and not paying attention to the surroundings scenery C: Standing on this issue? All drivers need to be aware of distracted driving and take steps to minimize the risk to themselves and others. “I’m asking you today to listen to the statistics and the stories and decide for yourself whether that one text message, is worth the cost of a human life.” II. Supporting Facts #1 A: While distracted …show more content…
C: Conclusion about this detail: It is very important to first acknowledge the dangerous impact of this distraction’s alarming statistics that shows about the safety of driving while texting. Many people don’t see and think about the consequences that can occur in this situation. More and more companies are implementing new strategies, for instance, signing a pledge not to use the phone while on the road, and these new changes are adding more responsible drivers. But it is still not enough to say that we have gained control over the problem. V: Conclusion: Therefore according to the facts and statistics that were shown previously, people that are still texting while driving might think that they can juggle these big frames of steel they drive every day, with devices like their cell phones without paying the price, are greatly mistaken! First off, no one can say that texting while driving is not one if not the most dangerous action one can do behind a motorized vehicle. What can refute that problem that seems all around us whether commuting or not. Consequently due to the nature of the cell phone use while behind the wheel drivers should not have permission under any circumstance to text while driving. Regardless of the stance every individual takes on this matter, people need to realize the importance of this issue and implement the good driving behaviors. As
The purpose of this research is to discover if texting while driving is the leading cause of automobile accidents of today. Society does not view texting while driving as a safe practice. There are ["There are" is an awkward phrase if "there" is not clearly a location] many articles, news reports, and laws passed on texting while operating a vehicle because of the danger associated with the act. Texting while driving causes numerous of problems such as:
a. I’ve done an extensive amount of research on this topic. Endlessly searching through different websites and new articles to propose why texting and driving should be illegal.
Texting while driving is like a plague that is getting bigger and a lot of people’s lives are in danger. We read the two articles “The Digital Drug” and “Middle Aged Worse at Texting While Driving.” We also watched a video called “The Groove.” The purpose of this essay is to analyze the evidence from the articles and the video to show the negative impact of texting while driving.
Thesis Statement: All of us have driven a vehicle before are and based on my survey results almost all of you have been distracted while driving, if not texted before. Today, we will learn about some of the outcomes of texting then we will discuss some of the solutions to permit these outcomes from happening.
In a 2009 study, VTTI found that, “Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field…blindfolded” (Data). Drivers may encounter any number of unexpected hazards in those five seconds, resulting in a car accident, serious injury, or death, but still people use their phones dangerously. Distracted driving due to cell phone use is widely practiced by all ages of drivers, many of whom do not take warnings seriously. Automakers are teaming up with cell phone companies to address the problem, but aren’t seeing much success. There are three strategies that should be used to minimize the habit of texting
Though most people will argue that it does not impact them very much, texting and driving have very serious consequences that can change one’s life in just a split second. in today’s society Many teens, as wel as adults, have formed a habit of using their cell phones while driving their cars. It is distracting and the probability of getting involve in a car accident while driving are higher than if you are not. Even the government has realized this an ongoing problem that is causing accidents. In trying to prevent this, new laws have been passed, making the use of cell phones while operating a car, illegal. However, too many people do not respect this
There has been debates of fines for texting and driving and statistics of the dangers and consequences of texting and driving. This has become a growing problem recently for many drivers. Many people do not think of the consequences, whether it is themselves or others, when they decide to text and drive. Although these drivers think that simply looking at a text message or even responding to a text is not a big deal, but it has been shown repeatedly that these are bad results. Therefore, texting and driving should cost more than DUIs because they are not paying attention and puts people’s life in danger. However, there are more serious accidents than just texting and driving.
Today, one of the major sources of automobile accidents is distracted driving due to cell phone use. Driver distraction can be defined as “the diversion of attention away from activities critical for the safe driving toward a competing activity” (Young 3). The dangers of driving while using a cell phone cannot be overstated, but drivers still use their cell phones even though they are illegal. According to a survey, “About 2 out of 10 (18%) report that they have sent text messages or emails while driving; about half (49%) of those 21 to 24 year olds report doing so” (NHTSA). This indicates that millions of people use their cell phones while driving everyday, and with the increased availability and affordability of cell phones, the risk can only increase. In this paper the topics that will be discussed in regard to cell phone use while driving include the brief history of the cell phone, talking while driving, texting while driving, the part of the community most affected by using cell phones, alternatives to reduce incidents, the laws that have been enacted, and the organizations that endorse no texting while driving.
Texting and driving has become a major issue in today’s society. This problem seems to continue increasing and will not slow down anytime soon. This dilemma is growing so much that it has drawn the attention of the government whom is passing laws to prevent this. Statics show that this action has proven deadly. Studies by scientists show how dangerous texting and diving can be. Driving while distracted is dangerous but the most common distraction is texting. The connection society has with its phones, needs to be broken when a person is behind the wheel; texting and driving has taken lives and shouldn’t take anymore.
As early as 2006 and well before, texting has become a very popular thing among American adults and teenagers. The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project reported that more than a quarter of adult cell phone owners felt their cell phone had at some point compromised their driving ability. A survey showed that 28% of drivers admitted that they sometimes did not drive as safely as they should when using their cell phones. Cell phones have become extremely important in Americans’ lives and using them while driving has become a great issue. The amount of cell
Many people refuse to accept the fact that, texting while driving is one of the biggest problem in the United States, they are always checking their emails, messages, while they are driving, they will reply back to the text messages, when they know it is very dangerous for them, for the passengers in the car, for other drivers on the road, and also for those that walking on the sidewalk. Texting while driving causes great amount of car accidents every year. 10% of drivers of all ages under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted
Driving in general can be hazardous. Driving and having such a distraction as a cell phone at ear, or ringing somewhere in a car, is ten times more dangerous. Not surprisingly, drivers who use a cell phone while driving perceive cell phone use by others as less of a threat to their safety as do non-users. A huge number of accidents caused by talking on a cell phone. During the last 5 years texting has become insanely popular. It’s a great and convenient tool because people don’t have to call person to just say ‘ok’ on that dinner invitation. The worst part is that many people still think that texting while driving just that ‘ok’ is ok. Unfortunately, even with traffic police enforcing those ‘no cellphone’ laws, individuals still neglect those simple safety concerns. People need to start understanding themselves how dangerous it is.
The Article was based on a survey conducting in California about people texting while driving, the survey come to a conclusion that people still texting while driving even though the risk of having an accident are extremely high. The survey compares the incident due to driving intoxicated and people driving and talking on their phone at the same time.
Texting while driving is a common phenomenon for the young generation. Texting driving is also a one big distraction, which increases the car accident. According to the research by CDC, distracted driving kill more than nine people in the United State American every day (Stulberg). The figure was raised every year. It is shocking that people still are ignoring the issue that puts themselves in the dangerous place. In some state at American, there already a law for not allow use phone when people are driving. Since states has passed this plan and did it pretty well, it proved that text driving should be banned everywhere.
Indeed, texting and driving is a growing problem in our country. According to Pascual-Ferrá, Liu and Beatty (2012), 25 percent of vehicular accidents, that is, 1.6 million accidents, every year can be attributed to cellphone use and texting while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also stated that “teens are six times more likely to crash while dialing a cellphone and 23 times more likely to crash while texting” (Mays, 2014). The reaction time of a person who is texting while driving becomes similar to that of a 70-year old who is driving without a cellphone (Mays, 2014). Pascual-Ferrá, Liu and Beatty (2012) also found that the effects of texting and