
Texting And Driving

Decent Essays

Parents should not allow their children to have cell phones until they turn 17, because it negatively affects their social, psychological development and their safety. “Teens spend nearly more than one-third of their days using media such as online video or music, nearly nine hours on average”(Google). That's one third of their day ruined, which they could have been outside doing something or hanging out with friends.“Technology and screen time had rewired their brains. It appears that increased screen time neglects the circuits in the brain that control more traditional methods for learning”(Amy Williams). Every day, 11 teenagers die because they were texting while driving. (Kiernan Hopkins)
Texting and driving is a one of the biggest and …show more content…

Jean Piaget was a Swiss clinical psychologist, and might be one of the most respected in the education department. The temporal and frontal lobes are still developing in a teenagers brain. Temporal and Frontal lobes are the closest part to the ear, which most teens have their phones on. In fact, “research has shown that both the temporal and frontal are actively developing during adolescence and are instrumental in aspects of advanced cognitive functioning”(Williams). A 2006 Finland study also showed that mobile phone radiation induced changes in Brain blood flow in humans. Not giving your child a phone will increase the chance of them not having brain …show more content…

As technology advanced and the cell phones got more features, the more kids used them for other than keeping in touch with their parents. Games were a great babysitting tool for parents to keep the kids occupied on car trips. When cameras were installed, then the social network took off.

A child is more capable of handling rapid cyber searches, making quick decisions, developing visual acuity, and multitasking. Games help develop peripheral vision. Visual motor tasks like tracking objects or visually searching for items is improved. Internet users tend to use decision-making and problem-solving brain regions more often.(Amy Williams)

The benefits of modern cell phone technology, such as communication to long distances, makes the phones a global connection. Technology helps people get ahold of people, even if they are on the other side of the world. In an instant you can get a hold of someone, almost everywhere, which was unheard of, even 5 years ago. Most phones now have a feature where you can video chat which is a great way for families to feel connected.Not only can cell phones help families keep in touch, but it’s very important for businesses. The phones can help businesses save money and time and help them grow and make arrangements. ¨57% of teens ages 13 to 17 have made a new friend online”(Lenhart),

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