CRASH! "Did you see that?" Most of society has a smart phone and most of them use them while driving. Phones can both be good and bad. But like for instance if your about to get out of the house and you get an alert that there is going to be a tornado so find shelter is a good way to use a phone, but otherwise the majority of car accidents happen because of texting or just being on your phone in particular. So my advice is not to be on your phone while driving, but of course the citizens thinks it's so important or an emergency to always be on them. While there driving, there risking there life an as well as the others if they have any in the vehicle and of course the other car they wreck into or there just causing a lot of damage to there surroundings and to top it all off they would have to pay a big …show more content…
A cell phone can also be good because you can keep all of your personal stuff on there like for instance if you don't feeling like writing anything down then you can just type it on notes or if you don't want to set an actual alarm clock then you can just put one on your phone and your phone can also have a built in flashlight so you wouldn't have to be carrying an actual one around with you. Phones can both be good and bad. But like for instance if your about to get out of the house and you get an alert that there is going to be a tornado so find shelter is a good way to use a phone, but otherwise the majority of car accidents happen because of texting or just being on your phone in particular. But there are many reasons why phones are good like it gives you updates with the weather, news, and other stuff. In most ways there convenient to people unless your not doing anything stupid on them like posting mean stuff on social media, or driving while on
Cell phones are deadly on the road. 21% of kids killed in fatal roadway accidents are killed due to use of a cell phone, says Edgar Snyder associates. According to, roadway accidents and deaths are also caused by other factors, but texting while driving is six times more likely to kill a person than drunk driving. Imagine getting into a car crash on a highway. Due to modern technology, once you are able to regain your senses, you can contact the paramedics with the aid of your cell phone. Now imagine being followed by a person you suspect to be a stalker. All you have to do is use your phone to take a picture of the person you suspect. This will help because the person will realize their infraction of the law. McGriff states that a cell phone can reduce the severity of any type of injury or incident because of the short amount of time it takes to contact first responders. Cell phones can definitely save lives in dangerous roadway situations, but can also end lives
Cell phones bring people together. “The idea behind Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram is to make us feel connected all the time” (Document 1). Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram can help us keep in touch with our friends (Document 1). Facebook connects more of us to more of our friends and family in more places than we have ever been connected before. (Document 1). Along with this I can say that cell phones are a useful tool.
According to texting and driving statistics, every year, around 330,000 people die every year from texting and driving. This is around half of all the people who pick up their phones in the first place. Being on your phone draws your attention from the road, to your phone. states, “When you text and drive you are 23 times more likely to get into a crash.” All it takes is a simple act of not watching the road. Being unaware while driving can put you, and other's lives at risk or injury or even death. This can affect your future, others around you, your friends, and your family. Texting and driving is a very big deal. Don't Text Drive states “5 seconds is the minimal amount of time a driver takes their eyes off the road. If you are traveling at 55 miles an hour, this would equal the length of a football field of not
The top cause of car accidents currently is because of technology. Cellphones are the main technology that distracts drivers. Drivers usually have the tendency to want to answer a call or look down at the phone to read a text message and it is of constant habit, but in those tiny seconds an accident is bound to occur. According to the survey of 800 teenagers the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project conducted 34% of teen texters ages 16-17 said they have texted while driving (Kiesbye 11). This means a lot of teenagers now are constantly texting while driving and it is safe to say it is not good thing. “Nearly 28 percent of all vehicle crashes can be tied to talking on a cell phone or texting, according to the National Safety Council” (Jackson). A GPS can cause a very big distraction, especially going to a place you have never been to, where you have the tendency
Many teens and adults die every day from texting and driving. Texting and driving causes a lot of car accidents. Mainly teens of the age of 16-19 are at a higher rate of an accident than most adults. There is 1, 600, 00 accidents per year, 330, 000 injuries per year, and 11 teens die every day due to texting and driving. Texting and driving is not good not even for passenger because that’s their life is taken due to the not wanting to say anything to their friend. It may even help if the driver gives the phone to the passenger to do whatever it is they need to prevent accidents. No one’s life is worth more than a lol or wyd .People should not text while driving because it is a distraction from the road, it increases insurance rates and is deadly.
Being behind the wheel you should be very smart in the decisions you chose to make. One being no phone while driving, it’s dangerous even looking at it for a quick glance. It can put yours and others in danger in situations you wouldn’t want to be in. This type of matter should be looked at very seriously and banned while people are driving since there had been a significant increase of accidents because of cell phone use. Always drive with precaution and safety no phones will help avoid trouble. Be smart and turn off the phone when you turn your car
Texting or calling has become very popular among teens and adults while operating a moving vehicle. With all this new technology coming out on the market for cell phones that are supposed to be safe for the road such as hands- free devices like Siri, are they really safe for the public or is it just another way for companies to make money by sugar coating the real truth about cell phones. There is no dough that cell phones are helpful, but at what cause. Losing a limp or a live is that the price people are willing to pay for using their cell phones on the road. All it takes is five second for the driver to lose focus on the road to cause an accident. Each year there has been more accident cause by people using their cells than those who drink and drive.
Texting and driving can result in a major or minor car accident. Stop Texts Stop Wrecks says, “In 2013, ten percent of fatal crashes, 18 percent of injury crashes, and 16 percent of all motor vehicle crashes were reported as distraction-affected crashes.”The percentages increases year after every year as new drivers are attentively focused on texting while they are driving. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found
Cell phones can take us out of worries but many people abuse of their use. Cell phones can be helpful in a case of emergency. Many people do not pay attention while talking on cell phones because they are checking social media. I strongly agree with Reihani because cell phones actually decrease effective communication. If you are one of those person i would recommend do not get
The advent of cellphones has, in many ways, made life easier for people in Birmingham, and elsewhere. For drivers, however, cellphones can be a major distraction. At any given time during daylight hours, about 660,000 people across the U.S. are using cellphones or other electronic devices while they are driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Using cellphones while driving, particularly to read or send text messages, can impact people’s ability to drive safely, and thus result in serious motor vehicle collisions.
Driving in general can be hazardous. Driving and having such a distraction as a cell phone at ear, or ringing somewhere in a car, is ten times more dangerous. Not surprisingly, drivers who use a cell phone while driving perceive cell phone use by others as less of a threat to their safety as do non-users. A huge number of accidents caused by talking on a cell phone. During the last 5 years texting has become insanely popular. It’s a great and convenient tool because people don’t have to call person to just say ‘ok’ on that dinner invitation. The worst part is that many people still think that texting while driving just that ‘ok’ is ok. Unfortunately, even with traffic police enforcing those ‘no cellphone’ laws, individuals still neglect those simple safety concerns. People need to start understanding themselves how dangerous it is.
If another driver is busy on the phone, their perception is undeniably diminished in terms of driving skill and the ability to gauge distances. This means the rest of us must be twice as alert in giving them plenty of room, and avoiding rear-ending them when they slam on the brakes absentmindedly—or being swerved into as their eyes are on the electronics instead of the highway ahead.
Using your cell phone while driving puts everyone’s safety around you at a higher risk. You not only need to think about your safety, but also the safety of your passengers and the people around you also operating motorized vehicles. There has been studies showing that people who use their phones while driving puts the driver at a four times more crash rate (Staff, By Live Science). An estimate that was created by the Harvard Center of Risk Analysis, says that nearly 6% of crashes in the Unites States have contributed to the use of cellular devices while driving (Staff, By Live Science). This 6% of crashes link to the $43 billion tab and also to the 636,000 crashes, 300,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries, and 2600 deaths that occur throughout the year (Staff, By Live Science). Don’t risk your life or the life of others for one look at your
Using your phone while driving is like driving intoxicated. A study by the “ Car and Driver” magazine found that using your phone delays your reaction time more than the legal limit of alcohol consumption. Every year almost two million people die from accidents caused by texting and driving. While only ten thousand people a year die from drunk driving accidents. One in four accidents are caused by texting and driving. It might seems that the effects of alcohol are more dangerous but, in reality using your phone is more dangerous. It delays your reaction time more than alcohol
While using a phone, the person tends to forget there surroundings. For instance, here have been times when I was in the car with a relative when the stoplight has changed. I remember My uncle had once gotten into a car accident, because he was messaging on his phone and didn't realize that a deer was in front of his car. Using a cellphone can cause drivers to lose their focus while driving. Often times if you use a cellphone while driving you have a better chance of getting into an accident and damaging your car. Often times when a driver is using a cellphone they he or she has a delayed reaction; causing the driver to have a potential car accident; damaging his or her car. For instance, once my dad was backing up his car out of a parking space and looked down at his phone, which caused him to back up into another car. The careless car accident scratched the paint on the back of my dad's car and dented the rear bumper. Not only can looking at a phone while driving result in a damaged car, it can also result in a lot of money being paid, for the damage. The next day my dad took his car to a repair shop and the bill for the car was about a thousand dollars. Driving while using a cellphone can result in damage to the car; costing the driver a lot