
Texting And Driving Pros And Cons Essay

Satisfactory Essays

CRASH! "Did you see that?" Most of society has a smart phone and most of them use them while driving. Phones can both be good and bad. But like for instance if your about to get out of the house and you get an alert that there is going to be a tornado so find shelter is a good way to use a phone, but otherwise the majority of car accidents happen because of texting or just being on your phone in particular. So my advice is not to be on your phone while driving, but of course the citizens thinks it's so important or an emergency to always be on them. While there driving, there risking there life an as well as the others if they have any in the vehicle and of course the other car they wreck into or there just causing a lot of damage to there surroundings and to top it all off they would have to pay a big …show more content…

A cell phone can also be good because you can keep all of your personal stuff on there like for instance if you don't feeling like writing anything down then you can just type it on notes or if you don't want to set an actual alarm clock then you can just put one on your phone and your phone can also have a built in flashlight so you wouldn't have to be carrying an actual one around with you. Phones can both be good and bad. But like for instance if your about to get out of the house and you get an alert that there is going to be a tornado so find shelter is a good way to use a phone, but otherwise the majority of car accidents happen because of texting or just being on your phone in particular. But there are many reasons why phones are good like it gives you updates with the weather, news, and other stuff. In most ways there convenient to people unless your not doing anything stupid on them like posting mean stuff on social media, or driving while on

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