
Texting Vs Calling Research

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Texting vs. Calling
Which is better?

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships-the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.” The foundation of a human relationship is communication. Undoubtedly, without decent communication skills, the ability to form relationships would be virtually non-existent. Throughout the years, our means of communication have graduated from “snail” mail to email, landline phone calls to mobile phone communication, and most recently the evolution of texting. What on Earth would we do without the ability to text? Would we send each other letters? Would we call someone every single time we have a question? The convenience of texting appeals to society, instead of developing relationships through the menial labor of talking. Both forms of communication have its advantages and disadvantages, although some are more prominent than others. While both are forms of communication, one might argue which is more convenient than the other, which one conveys tone better, and which one has a more positive societal impact. …show more content…

For instance, when texting, the person has to await a response from the person they are messaging. On the other hand, when calling someone, the response is nigh instantaneous. Of course, when talking, it is impossible to edit the current conversation. Texting allows people to metaphorically think before they speak, whereas when calling someone while angry, words might be exchanged that are unable to be taken back, especially in the heat of the moment. Although numerous things can be done with texting, contacting an emergency service provider is not one of them. However, it is easy to call emergency operators with a quick dial of 911. Thus, convenience over safety is not

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