
Texting and Driving

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Over-consumption is one of the most detrimental things to society today. The United States as a whole is a prime leader in over-consumption. Consumption to a certain degree is acceptable and is somewhat expected in a society where everything is as fast paced as it is in the U.S. The consumption topic that I am choosing to analyze is the overuse of technology. I am not arguing that technology is detrimental to society. In fact, I believe that technology has allowed the U.S. to make a great leap forward in establishing itself as a worldwide leader. What I am arguing, rather, is that the overuse of technology is detrimental to society. The overuse of technology can be detrimental to society in very miniscule ways which does not pose a threat …show more content…

This data backs up the claim of Dragutinovic that there are cognitive repercussions from cell phone use that can contribute to lack of focus being displayed by drivers who had used their cell phones. The findings in the study that was done by Redelmeir and Tibshirani have been corroborated by many other studies that have been done in recent years. One study that corroborated these findings was a study done by the National Safety Council in 2010. This study estimated that “28% of all incidents and fatalities on U.S. highways were caused by drivers using cell phones” (Teens Aware of Texting Dangers, Yet Carry On, 2011). Because of my research on this topic, this estimate does not surprise me. According to the Official U.S. Government Website on Distracted Driving, sending a text message can cause a driver to be distracted from the road for 4.6 seconds (, 2012). During these 4.6 seconds, a car can travel the length of a football field. With the driver being distracted for such a long length of time, it is no wonder that so many accidents happen because of this distracted driving. In my research I realized that one possible reason why so many people choose to text while driving is due to new advancements of text message technology. Consumers are always looking for more efficient ways to consume technology, and text message technology is no different. This ties in directly with the theme of

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