Everyone has a fear. Whether your fear is rational, for example being afraid of spiders or heights or whether it is an irrational fear like being afraid of subway gates or cotton balls. My two fears are of clowns which is called coulrophobia and of death which is called Thanatophobia. My First fear I guess I would consider it as an irrational fear is Coulrophobia. This fear started when I was about two or three years of age. My Mom and Dad took me to New York City to watch the Ringling Brothers circus. After the show, my Father thought it would be a great idea to take me down by the clowns and take a picture of me with them. What ended up happening was, me screaming and crying and ending up with a fear of clowns. Another reason I am afraid
Introduction: Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two—of mice, for example, or your annual dental checkup. For most people, these fears are minor. But when fears become so severe that they cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with your normal life, they’re called phobias. A phobia is an intense fear of something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger. Common phobias and fears include closed-in places, heights, highway driving, flying insects, snakes, and needles. However, we can develop phobias of virtually anything. Most phobias develop in childhood, but they can also develop in adults. If you
not have a fear of something, whether it may be a fear of heights or snakes.
I am afraid of spiders, because when I watch them on TV and they are in people’s bed and houses and if they bite you it makes a giant bite mark as big as a your hand, its inside is blue and the outside is red.
My fear is Lepidopterophobia, which is the word for fear of butterflies. Many times I have been letting others know about my fear and they always thought it was very funny because butterflies are very small and beautiful. However, I have reason to fear it. My fear has happen since
We humans especially, fear many different things: death, disease, old age, commitment, noises in the night, pain, responsibility, work, being too fat or too thin, or any number of other things. Some of our fears are reasonable and rationale, like the fear for our safety so we lock our doors at night, never walk alone on dark streets, and
I believe fear is our imagination that is created by our personal lives, pictures, and nightmares. Regardless of the era humans are born, we are already incited by fear. Some examples of my fears are spiders, snakes, and heights. For me, I have several fears; my biggest fears are the fear of the unknown. I have these fears for a long time.
My worst fear is getting shots. This arose when I was two years old, and had many visits to the doctor’s office because there were concerns about my respiratory system. I had to have many blood tests, which weren’t only scary, but also were painful. The blood tests came out normal, but it was later discovered I had asthma. After I had a severe reaction to tree nuts at around five, I had to have even more blood tests to determine if I had other allergies.
I have a major fear of clowns. It started with a terrible occurrence in my youth. Everytime I see one I have this horrible feeling that makes me sick. Of my experiences, I had one encounter that made my fear somewhat decrease. Most of my fear from them is what I didn't know or see. But I'm still not afraid of the circus.
In general, a phobia refers to “extreme [and] irrational fear reactions” (Powell, Honey, & Symbaluk, 2013, p. 190). Phobias are developed through a process called classical conditioning. Classical conditioning involves “a process in which one stimulus that does not elicit a certain response is associated with a second stimulus that does; as a result, the first stimulus also comes to elicit a response” (Powell et al., 2013, pp. 109-110).
First of all, a fear of mine is the ocean. I have this fear because the idea of a wave coming towards you while your in the water and getting swept from land and also sharks, stingrays, etc. Also, the idea that we've only explored only %3 of our oceans is kind of creepy. I've had this fear for around 6 years. I expect to overcome this fear sometime.
My fear of has been with me since I was small, from my mother snatching me away from her own personal fear it became a part of me. I am afraid of dogs. They are creatures that just frighten me, no matter what breed or how their owners say “they aren’t going to bite”, dogs are just animals I can’t put my trust in. cynophobia; the abnormal fear of dogs. I will run, jump, climb, or do anything I have to do to get away from them, even being in the same room with them is a very big accomplishment for me. I try not to think about them when their near but it still goes through my mind that I’m not completely safe. Being afraid of dogs has personal affected me, because when I’m out or when I go over someone’s house I have to ask before I come, “Do
However, phobia can even cause people to risk their health. For example, the fear of dentists can leave people suffering from it willing to risk the health of their teeth in order to avoid having to go through an exam or procedure ( MacKay). When one knows about an upcoming confrontation, it can be the reason why one can not sleep or finds it hard to focus on important tasks. Due the change in daily routine, this unrealistic fear can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, brought on by and object, event or situation. But even animals have anxieties and phobias just as every human being (www.phobia-help.de). A phobia is an irrational fear, one knows that the object or situation, one is scared off, can not hurt one, but one is still afraid. A reason for this is that the human mind can not distinguish what is real and imaginary. When one has uncontrollable anxiety attacks, he loses rational judgement, leading to complicated problems. However, anyone can develop a phobia, men and women, teens and young adults, and elderly lady or a one-year-old boy (MacKay).
Fire, clowns, murderous psychopaths, rabid dogs. All things that scare us, but why?. Well as a great man known as Harry Truman once said, there is nothing to fear but fear itself but what is it? Well first off fear is a mixture of environmental stimuli and innate primal reaction derived from are* times as cavemen. Though over time we have grown complacent with our innate fears and have even grown to love them, like pyromaniac and the people who enjoy being scared. These fine examples are just the tips of the iceberg of this little quest. Let us begin with the basis of fear, fear as mentioned in the last few sentence is a mixture of environmental stimuli and innate primal reactions. This combination was used for
Another huge fear of mine are thugs. Thugs are so scary it's unbelievable. In the hallways of E.C. Glass, thugs are the people who have baggy clothing and a lot of "bling" which usually means they sold drugs to get it. Thugs are so violent, I don't even want to get near them. They're also very territorial. I stepped on a thug's Jordan shoes one time, and I prayed that I wouldn't get shot. When I took D.A.R.E. in elementary school, I was taught that thugs are even more violent than gangsters. I wouldn't want to be near a gangster let alone a thug. Like computer viruses, thugs can take a lot of money away from people.
My biggest fear in life is failure. I always try to prove myself to others and make sure that I can get the task done on the first try. In life, there will always be mistakes made and that is where I am still learning. The fear of upsetting someone because of my own optimal performance can be a positive objective to overcome. Once I overcome that fear I have more choices to do what I want instead of what others want me to do.