In the story “Thank You M’am” by Langston Hughes, shows how the main character Mrs. Jones changed the other main character Roger. Her kindness to Roger made him realize that their is no real reason for trying to take away Mrs. Jones purse. With her help he was able to learn a lesson that no one else was willing to teach him, except for Mrs. Jones. In the short story Mrs. Jones stated “Least I can do right now is wash your face. Are you hungry.” This shows that Mrs. Jones was being kind, and teaching him a lesson for attempting to steal from her. It also shows how she’s doing him a favor by supplying him with a wash, and dinner. Another piece of evidence from Mrs. Jones states “Now, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede
How does Mrs. Jones action changes Rodger? Well to begin Mrs. Jones is a kind, forgiving and passionate individual. On page 32 it states that Mrs. Jones thought that maybe Rodger was hungry but come to find out Rodger wasn’t hungry after all he wanted a pair of blue suede shoes but instead of asking he decided to attempt to snatch her purse.
This teenager obviously made a mistake trying to snatch her purse. However, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones doesn’t hold grudges. In fact, she cleans up the boy and gives him what he wanted. “Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes.” (68,110) This action shows how she is willing to overcome Roger’s wrongdoings and clean him up.
Another story that reveals the theme of respecting themselves and others is “Thank You, M’am.” In Langston Hughes' perspective “Thank You, M’am”, a big lady was walking on the sidewalk at 11 o’clock at night, then a young boy came up to her and took her pocket book. The young man Roger tried to run away but the big lady Mrs Jones grabbed him and put him in a headlock, then she took Roger to her house. When Roger and Mrs Jones took him home to clean himself Roger asked why he tried to take the pocket book He said because he wanted blue suede shoes Mrs Jones gave him the money and said do not get into any more trouble. The theme, respect themselves and others is shown through the conflict of the character.
In the story ”Thank You, M’am” Mrs. Jones did not live the life she had hoped for as a child, because of her troubled past she wants to show Roger a better life. Mrs. Jones is a lonely woman who needs someone to help and show kindness to. She does that in the story by taking Roger to her apartment instead of calling the cops she takes matter into her own hands. A flaw that Mrs. Jones shares with us in the story is trusting too easily. She leaves her purse and the front door open giving Roger the opportunity to escape with her money. Mrs. Jones has little money but from Roger's perspective she is a wealthy woman. Roger feels this way because he does not have a family. In the end, everybody wins because Roger gets his blue suede
Another story that reveals the theme of respecting themselves and others is “Thank You, M’am.” In Langston Hughes' perspective “Thank You, M’am”, a big lady was walking on the sidewalk at 11 o’clock at night, then a young boy came up to her and took her pocket book. The young man Roger tried to run away but the big lady Mrs Jones grabbed him and put him in a head lock, then she took Roger to her house. When Roger and Mrs Jones took him home to clean himself Roger asked why he tried to take the pocket book he said because He wanted blue suede shoes Mrs Jones gave him the money and said do not get into any more trouble. The theme, respect themselves and others is shown through the conflict of the character.
In, “Thank you M’am,’ a young man named Rodger goes from petty thief, to a reasonably polite, behaved boy. Rodger, a muddled boy, stricken by poverty, tries to steal a purse from none other than Mrs. Jones, a larger woman who works at a salon nearby. Rodger is scolded by Mrs. Jones, which is later reversed to be seen as guidance by the audience, when Rodger seems to change. After a shared dinner, and Mrs. Jones showing Rodger signs of trust, Mrs. Jones gives Rodger money to buy a pair of, “Blue Suede Shoes,” which was the original reason why Rodger was even tempted to steal. Rodger is quiet, but a piece of his personality shines through when he murmurs a small, “Thank you m’am,” as Mrs. Jones shuts her door. Why did Rodger wait for her door
In rogers case he wanted to get a pair of blue suede shoes, In order to get them he must steal some money. The text states in Thank you Ma’am “ i believe you're hungry or been hungry to snatch my pocket book… i wanted a pair of blue suede shoes…” This shows
At the beginning of “Thank you, Ma’am,” we see how just how compassionate Mrs. Jones really is. The moment she meets Roger, she tells the boy to wash his face. “Least I can do is wash your face. Are you hungry?” This might not seem like a very compassionate thing to do at first, however, she doesn’t even know the boy, yet she has enough compassion to make sure he is clean. Then, she takes the boy inside of her house! In addition, the boy, Roger asks, “You going to take me to jail?” But Mrs. Jones doesn’t. Maybe she sees that Roger is really a good boy inside, so she shows compassion to bring out his true kindness. This makes me think that he was probably trying to steal because he had to. And when Mrs. Jones asked him if he had anyone at home, he said, “No’m.” Mrs.
Be nice to people so that people are nice to you. In the book there are many times that Mrs. Jones is nice to Roger and in response Roger is nice to her. For example, in this part of the book: “Then, Roger, you go to that sink and wash your face,” said the woman, whereupon she turned him loose—at last. Roger looked at the door—looked at the woman—looked at the door—and went to the sink.” Roger could have escaped, but since he probably noticed that Mrs. Jones had a good will he didn´t escape.
The character Mrs. Jones from the story "Thank You M'am" clearly shows the theme of helping others. For example, in the story on page two, Mrs. Jones says, "'Then it will get washed this evening,' said the large woman starting up the street, dragging the frightened boy behind her." This demonstrates the theme of being helpful to others because she wanted to help Roger even right after he tried to steal from her when she could have just left him on his own. Another quote from the story that shows the theme of helping others is on page 3, when Mrs. Jones says to Roger, “Well, you didn’t have to snatch my pocketbook to get some suede shoes,” said Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. “You could of asked me.”
This story was about a young boy, Roger, who wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. He didn’t have the money for them though. The solution he thought of was to steal the money out of a lady’s purse, and that lady had the name of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. Throughout the story Mrs. Jones acted so kind to Roger in return for what he did. When Roger made that gesture, Mrs. Jones took Roger to her house.
Protagonists are the principal characters in literary works, their characterization helps to drive the plot of the story. With consideration of all the pieces read this year, we are to believe that Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was the most effective protagonist within the story and with the connections with the reader, because of her motivated, able to impact the lives of others, and relatable characteristics. The short story, “Thank You, Ma’am”, written by Langston Hughes contains the story of a boy that turns to crime and attempts to steal the purse of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. Subsequently, Mrs. Jones decides to make a meaningful impact on this Roger’s life by caring for him and teaching him that human kindness does exist.
“Seek the good in others and the best you will find.” In the short story, “Thank You, Ma'am” by Langston Hughes, Mrs.Jones lives by this quote. When a raggedy boy runs up behind you and steals your pocketbook you naturally would think,”he is not a good boy.” Well when this happened to Mrs. Jones one night she had a different approach. She sought the good in others by looking past the bad, giving second chances and kindness. She shows this when she took Roger in and taught him a lesson. From this story, we can all learn the important lesson of seeking the good in others.
In the story “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes, a black teenager named Roger attempts to steal the purse of Luella Bates Washington Jones, a wise, older woman who catches him. Instead of punishing Roger or handing him over to the police, Luella decides that this young man needs her help and spends the evening helping him learn to make better choices in the future. Langston Hughes shows that a role model can change someone’s life even in a short amount of time, particularly if that role model understands what the younger person is going through, like Luella understands Roger. Luella understands Roger very quickly. After she catches him and shakes him, it takes just a few questions to determine that Roger is making poor choices , but is also in a bad situation.
In the short story “Thankyou Ma’am by Langston Hughes, the character, Mrs. Jones had the courage to do the right thing because she had done things she wasn’t proud of, so she put herself in other's shoes. When a boy tried to steal her purse she grabbed him and took him back to her house to wash his face and get food. In the article, The author says, “I have done things, too, which I would not tell you, son—neither tell God, if he didn’t already know.” Mrs. JOnes has done things she was not proud of. She might have lived a childhood where she wasn’t wealthy enough to afford certain things she needed and wanted. So when they boy, Roger tried to steal her purse she taught him a lesson and brought him back to her house to wash his face comb his hair and feed him dinner. She also gave him $10 to buy blue suede shoes.