
Thanksgiving Family Research Paper

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This week, families across our state are unboxing their Thanksgiving décor, choosing table cloths, and deciding who is going to be responsible for what dish next Thursday. It’s that time of the year when we come together, forget our family drama for at least a week and get in the holiday spirit. Unfortunately, this holiday season comes with a different taste to many. Hundreds of Iowan families and I will share our Thanksgiving meal with uncertainty, anxiety and fear. The lives of hundreds of families across our states are at risk. Soon, they might be subject to persecution, intimidation and deportation. It is no surprise that the Trump administration isn’t PoC, women, LGBTQ nor immigrant friendly. Many of the decisions and executive orders …show more content…

Iowa has already seen what mass deportations can do that our state like the Postville Raid in 2006 and the most recent separations of our families. This means many families that have made Iowa their home, are no longer welcomed in the land they nurtured with their own hands.

It is concerning how folks are still telling me that he can’t deport everyone and that I shouldn’t take him literally. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to take him when he is doing everything he promised during his campaign. His administration’s goal is to deport all of us and two of their main targets are Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries. This is not a drill nor piece of propaganda. This is my call to action to my fellow Iowans.

The Trump administration rescinded DACA on September 5, 2017. This means that the livelihood of 3,000 DACA beneficiaries living in Iowa are at risk. Many have gone to college, started a family and help their loved ones with the help of DACA. Contrary to many beliefs, DACA recipients still can’t access health care and social security benefits even though they contribute ### to the program annually. Trump and his administration rescinded the program and left Congress to decide what to do with the future of undocumented Iowans with DACA. This is extremely concerning considering that Congress has yet to pass a single piece of

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