This week, families across our state are unboxing their Thanksgiving décor, choosing table cloths, and deciding who is going to be responsible for what dish next Thursday. It’s that time of the year when we come together, forget our family drama for at least a week and get in the holiday spirit. Unfortunately, this holiday season comes with a different taste to many. Hundreds of Iowan families and I will share our Thanksgiving meal with uncertainty, anxiety and fear. The lives of hundreds of families across our states are at risk. Soon, they might be subject to persecution, intimidation and deportation. It is no surprise that the Trump administration isn’t PoC, women, LGBTQ nor immigrant friendly. Many of the decisions and executive orders …show more content…
Iowa has already seen what mass deportations can do that our state like the Postville Raid in 2006 and the most recent separations of our families. This means many families that have made Iowa their home, are no longer welcomed in the land they nurtured with their own hands.
It is concerning how folks are still telling me that he can’t deport everyone and that I shouldn’t take him literally. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to take him when he is doing everything he promised during his campaign. His administration’s goal is to deport all of us and two of their main targets are Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries. This is not a drill nor piece of propaganda. This is my call to action to my fellow Iowans.
The Trump administration rescinded DACA on September 5, 2017. This means that the livelihood of 3,000 DACA beneficiaries living in Iowa are at risk. Many have gone to college, started a family and help their loved ones with the help of DACA. Contrary to many beliefs, DACA recipients still can’t access health care and social security benefits even though they contribute ### to the program annually. Trump and his administration rescinded the program and left Congress to decide what to do with the future of undocumented Iowans with DACA. This is extremely concerning considering that Congress has yet to pass a single piece of
It was his decision to announce, on September 5, that his administration would be winding down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a program he didn’t mention outright, that many people didn’t know about and even fewer understood. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which has protected nearly 800,000 young adult unauthorized immigrants from deportation and allowed them to work legally since 2012. The immigrants protected through DACA grew up in the US; people might not assume they are unauthorized immigrants, and they might not have even known it themselves until they were teenagers. The program was supposed to give them a chance to build a life here. Now, DACA is on the chopping block. Trump, under pressure to make a decision about it’s future before September 5 (the day a group of Republican state officials were set to sue over its constitutionality), has decided that no one new will be protected under the program and that those currently covered will start to lose
On Tuesday president Trump called an end to the Obama program “DACA” and urges Congress to make a replacement before he begins removing the rights and the protection of “DACA” will end in six months. This means if congress doesn’t make a replacement then they will all be deported back to their home country. In March as many as 800 thousand people brought to the United States illegally as children will be eligible for deportation. The five-year-old policy allows them to remain without immediate removal from the country and gives them the right to work. Trump and his attorney, announced the change at the Justice Department, arguing that those that have entered the country illegally are lawbreakers who hurt Americans by taking their jobs and
Recently we wrote about Thanksgiving celebration in our Canadian office and their support to the local organization “Fare Share Food Bank” who help families in need.
In America, there are many different holidays celebrated. For many, holidays are a time joy and heartwarming love. Every year, on the fourth Thursday of November, a special holiday of overeating and watching football comes around. That holiday is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day is a day to spend time with family and enjoy a large, delicious home-cooked meal. In some household there are traditions that come with Thanksgiving. For example, the eldest child and her uncle prepare the entire meal while the child’s parents, aunt, and two little cousins spend the day talking, drinking, and watching sports. Everyone enjoys each others’ company and traditions of the festive holiday stay exact every year, down to the same dishes made yearly. It is a
All across the United States, many families and communities would be affected if people were to be deported and if people could not get healthcare coverage.
On Tuesday, September 5th, I scrolled through the news and came upon an article on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). President Trump has decided on ending this program and Congress has been given six months to come up with a solution for the organization. DACA is a program that has been created by Obama to provide minors protection against deportation as well as provide rights that legal citizens have. Trump’s decision comes with a major consequence as according to NBC News: “The decision could affect as many as 800,000 Dreamers… who have signed up for the program since its 2012 inception” (Edelman, I, a legal US citizen, am no different from the Dreamers (DACA members). We are born with the
My grandpa's half brother then asked him why he had come if he didn’t even know read and write, and my grandfather calmly told him its because they would kill people and they wanted to kill me next, so that is why I left and because of problems at home.
Although many people think that they should forget their problems, and that tomorrow will be another day,others fight everyday to complete their goal.People should fight for their beliefs everyday so the would not suffer more, have more free time, and to enjoy life more.
What are your top three things you are thankful for? First, I am thankful for family. I am also thankful for food and drinks. Last, but not least I am thankful for my horses. Now, I will share with you why.
But I cannot deny that since my childhood, I inherited the passion and strange adrenaline for cooking and creating delicious dishes; becoming my favorite activity in the holiday parties. This year Thanksgiving Day will be a crucial day because in the last 16 years I never had the opportunity to celebrate it with my family, due I was working. Definitely, with the help of my mother, we will delight our guests with a family recipe inherited from my grandmother the exquisite stuffed turkey. Prepared with nuts, raisins, red peppers and ground beef; accompanied by a cream of pumpkin, rice with fruits and vegetables, the traditional mash potato or sweet potato, glazed ham with a sauce of cranberries and a fresh vegetable salad with a vinaigrette dressing. Moreover, other of the meals I will enjoy cooking is the dinner for Christmas Eve. Because, I will help my father to prepare the famous roast pork, that for the Cuban’s people has a great cultural significance; follow of the traditional white rice and black beans (Arroz Moro) with some bacon bits on the top, and some boiled cassava or fried green plantains. Indeed, prepare tasty desserts makes my soul fly, encourages me to take the risk, and elaborate new recipes. In our holiday parties, I will make sure to prepare the acclaimed pumpkin pie with coconut and vanilla, the velvet cake, the mini chocolate cookies with
official new day of thanksgiving. Of all its seasons of anarchy, creation never conceived that its sin of corruption would ever become mighty enough to kill a God. It also brought many to collapse on the ground to claw at the dirt in anguish. They looked upon Him, the one they pierced, and mourned for Him as one mourns for an only child and grieved bitterly. His body was taken and placed in state on the Temple Mount where mourners came to bring flowers and stood by His side in a candlelight vigil of prayer and supplication. Nations came to believe the time had arrived, the beginning of the end that eventually comes to all dictatorships. The secular and church world waited in all smugness for Utopia and everything it advocated to be
Christmas, a time which many would agree is magical. A time of miracles and gift giving that brings out the best aspects of people. Christmas, is traditionally a twelve-day celebration, but in this country it is officially recognized as December 25, but, the length of the celebration is certainly increasing, unofficially. There is an unspoken rule among society, and especially in regards to retailers that Black Friday signals the start of the Christmas season, at this point Thanksgiving has passed and people can then turn their focus towards the blind consumerism that accompanies Black Friday and the coming season. In recent years however, these unofficial celebrations of Christmas have begun to encroach far beyond that final week of November.
Obama’s DACA policy allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, social security, have the ability to enroll into college, and have legal secure jobs. Congress must come to a conclusion as to how to deal with all these
President Trump dismantling DACA places a target on the back of nearly three quarters of a million people. The program offered only minimum assistance to immigrants who had arrived to the United States before the age of sixteen, but now they will no longer have what little protection the program offered them. The DACA program or deferred action for childhood arrivals granted those who had their application accepted a way to legally work or further their education, get a driver’s license, and they did not have to fear deportation for the two years their status lasted. Once their status was nearing expiration they had to go through the whole application process again. However, with the recent announcement that the program will be rescinded the dreamers now have much to fear .
Many people do not recognize this as a big change, but this decision is putting 700,000 people in danger(Shoichet CNN). Donald Trump believes that these protected immigrants do not deserve this sort of free pass. Personally, I wanted to get involved in this argument due to how, in a way, I can relate to this. My family lives in Nashville, Tennessee, and during the hockey season I live in Chicago. For me personally, this situation would be in the same manner as Trump saying that one can not live in another state if they are underaged. Another way I can connect to this issue is through all of the schools I have been through. All of these different schools have led to many different friends all over the United States. These friends have all have been very different in many ways including their ethnicity. Some of which have parents that are not fully legal citizens and originated from Countries like