
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Quotes

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Friendships are very important. In our book titled: “The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian” Arnold makes a lot of friends like Rowdy, Penelope, and Roger all help him in different ways. Penelope makes him feel like someone cares about him, Roger makes him feel happy, and Rowdy hurts people who will hurt Arnold. All his friend have an effect on Arnold’s physical and mental state for better or for worse. Firstly, we have Rowdy, Rowdy is a very violent person. This may sound bad, but he uses his anger and brute strength to protect Arnold from people that try to hurt him. For example on page 11 Arnold writes: “Rowdy has always protected me since we were born.” if that isn’t blatant evidence that supports our theorem than I don't know what is. Secondly, we have Roger, who is a good friend who at one point in the book lends Arnold some money. At first Roger seems like a total jerk with his buffalo quote, but the very next day after Arnold punches Roger in the face, giving him a bloody nose, Roger has a lot of respect for him. In the previous chapter Arnold’s grandma tells him that Roger was just testing the waters with Arnold and trying to see what kind of person he is. After Arnold’s interaction with Roger the next day, Arnold says on page 11 “He was actually nice. He paid me some respect” then only a few words he says …show more content…

But not just in the family love sort of way, having a girlfriend or boyfriend sort of love, definitely makes you happier. But how do we know for sure that Penelope makes Arnold happy? With a quote from page 122 “Penelope thought I was beautiful and so I felt beautiful.” Arnold says this during the winter formal at his high school when he wore his dad’s old suit. Arnold felt beautiful and when we feel beautiful, we feel

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