Friendships are very important. In our book titled: “The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian” Arnold makes a lot of friends like Rowdy, Penelope, and Roger all help him in different ways. Penelope makes him feel like someone cares about him, Roger makes him feel happy, and Rowdy hurts people who will hurt Arnold. All his friend have an effect on Arnold’s physical and mental state for better or for worse. Firstly, we have Rowdy, Rowdy is a very violent person. This may sound bad, but he uses his anger and brute strength to protect Arnold from people that try to hurt him. For example on page 11 Arnold writes: “Rowdy has always protected me since we were born.” if that isn’t blatant evidence that supports our theorem than I don't know what is. Secondly, we have Roger, who is a good friend who at one point in the book lends Arnold some money. At first Roger seems like a total jerk with his buffalo quote, but the very next day after Arnold punches Roger in the face, giving him a bloody nose, Roger has a lot of respect for him. In the previous chapter Arnold’s grandma tells him that Roger was just testing the waters with Arnold and trying to see what kind of person he is. After Arnold’s interaction with Roger the next day, Arnold says on page 11 “He was actually nice. He paid me some respect” then only a few words he says …show more content…
But not just in the family love sort of way, having a girlfriend or boyfriend sort of love, definitely makes you happier. But how do we know for sure that Penelope makes Arnold happy? With a quote from page 122 “Penelope thought I was beautiful and so I felt beautiful.” Arnold says this during the winter formal at his high school when he wore his dad’s old suit. Arnold felt beautiful and when we feel beautiful, we feel
Arnold used his lack of money and greed as reasoning for his treachery. After purchasing multiple properties and expensive items, Arnold started to lose his fortune, and needed to pay back debts. This is supported when the text explains that, “Arnold was running out of money. He put his New Haven house on the market, but there were no decent offers… And all the while he was bleeding cash (Sheinkin 226). Arnold was losing money and he wasn’t receiving proper pay from the Continental Army, so he turned to the British for their money. Since they had more and could fund his needs, he offered his services, resulting in him being considered a traitor. Overall, due to the reasons Arnold used to justify treason, he was a
Arnold Friend shows several signs to the possibility that he is a supernatural force, such as the devil. For instance, several times throughout the short story he seems to be able to quickly change voice tones while talking to Connie. This ability to change voice tones is a special ability the devil is known to have. Also, whenever Ellie pipes in on the conversation Arnold Friend is having with Connie, Arnold begins shooting off rude expressions to Ellie. Connie notices that Arnold says the expressions like he does not know which one is in style anymore. This goes to show that Arnold is older than he looks and has been around for a long time. Another thing she noticed is Arnold because he had “shaggy, shabby black hair that looked crazy as a wig and he was grinning at her,” ().Arnold Friend was the driver and he may have been wearing a wig to hide his horns, which the devil is known to
He fought heroically in conflicts, including the Battle of Saratoga, but made many enemies. “He was frequently accused of corruption, at one point facing a court martial for misappropriation of funds.”2 This was the last straw for Arnold feeling like he was dishonored and disrespected by the army that he remained a patriot to along with serving in the Army since his teenage years, and observing his mangled leg just tore him to pieces. Was he the only one that realized how hard he has worked? In result, the plot of Arnold West point betrayal was set into play with his soon to be wife, Peggy. Peggy had introduced Arnold to her friend, John Andre the chief of British intelligence, and co-conspirator to Arnold’s devious plan. The recovered letters from the Clements library decoded several letters from Arnold to the British that have been reported to have started on May 10, 1779 for the next year and a half.
Arnolds odd physical appearance and his questionable actions makes the reader lead to believe he has something to hide. He speaks to her very forcefully purposefully using compliments leading his victim Connie to committing a sin of vanity. Connie responds to compliments and likes the attention that Arnold is giving her, falling into his prey and digging into temptation. Speaking to Connie, Arnold says, “But I know what is. I know your name and all about you, lots of things” (4). This illustrating the devil figure because he has traced all of Connie's actions along with her families. Knowing everything about her and her every move but still wanting to disguise himself, mirroring a devil figure, hiding his true self. Arnold appealing to Connie because she is finally getting the attention from a male figure she's been missing. While calling her “baby” and “honey,” their conversation progressing quickly, “...we’ll drive away, have a nice ride...if you don't come...they’re all going to get it” (8). Arnold being forceful, giving her two choices but in the end having the same outcome. Arnold reflecting a devil, he is being evil and cruel, “It’s all over for you here, so come on out”(8). Arnold reminding her that she was left at home by herself with nothing to do, forcing her out. This foreshadowing the rape and murder of an oblivious young teenage girl. Being lonely and
Arnold Friend picks up on this instability within Connie and uses it to his advantage. He tries to make her feel loved and wanted by him. He even had “Seen [her] that night and thought, that’s the one, yes sir. [He] never needed to look anymore” (Line 23). He is proving to her that she is perfect in everyway that he imagines. He is absolutely sure that he will not find anyone better than her. He plays to her emotions from the excerpt. He wants her to feel as if she is loved, and filling whatever emotional voids are present within her. He wants her to feel loved and accepted whenever she is around him. He is using the power of emotional appeals, because he is doing his best to show her that he loves everything about her. He wants her to feel safe, loved, and protected whenever around him. He wants her to feel safe because after he assured her that he’ll keep his promise he proceeds to “...[resumes] his erect position and [tries] to force his shoulders back. He sounded like a hero in a movie…”(lines 36-37). He uses this position in order to portray to her that he will protect her. He will guard her and make sure that she will make him happy. This is a fantastic emotional appeal because he is playing to the dream that he is a hero bound to fulfill all of her desires. This in turn allows for the girl to have the emotions to love and to trust
Arnold has a “stutter and lisp” (4), so people think that he’s weird. This shows that it is a struggle to fit into the community because he is one of the only people there that talk with a stutter and a lisp. He gets beat up at the reservation because he is different. He thinks that he looks weird because other people tell him what is wrong with him.
He decides to go to an all white school outside of the reservation so that he has a chance of succeeding in life. Relationships between Arnold and other people throughout the story play an important role in the book. One of these relationships is between Arnold and his best friend Rowdy. Arnold and Rowdy have been friends ever since they were born. Rowdy is a bigger and tougher than Arnold is.
Although we never fully discover the humanness of Arnold, one thing is for sure, “He invites fear rather than attraction when he claims to know things about her family and neighbors that he couldn’t possibly know.”(SparkNotes Editors)
Arnold Spirit is a very intelligent boy who is trapped in the mindset that he is both white and Indian. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie you will see the daily struggle of a boy named Arnold “Junior” Spirit trying to cope with living in the standards of both white and Native American cultures. In this journal, I will be explaining Arnold’s search for love, for freedom, and for acceptance. First, I will be explaining why Arnold’s search for love in this story is one of the most important. Love is an aspect of life that no one searches for directly, and then you find it and hits you like a baseball going at a speed of 99 mph.This is how Arnold feels about Penelope. Penelope is the most beautiful girl
In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold goes through so much in his life on the reservation. Arnold lives in poverty with his dad, mom, grandmother, and sister. He switches to an all white school to have a better future. Some of his family and friends pass away, including his sister, grandmother, and Eugene. He also has friend troubles with Rowdy, his best friend after his dog dies. Arnold discovers his identity by overcoming poverty, addiction, and loss.
“Nothing about Arnold Friend is genuine, except his violent intentions and his skill at psychological and physical intimidation. By the story’s end, Connie understands that she is not the confident flirt she thought, but a powerless pawn in the hands of a dangerous individual.” (Cormier)
Alexie’s goal is to teach children to never give up on something just because they are not confident in their ability. In fact, one of Alexie’s many quotes is, “My only purpose is to teach children to rebel against authority figures” (Alexie). In this case, stereotypes and low expectations may be metaphors for the authority figures in Arnold’s life. Arnold fighting against the stereotypes and leaving the low expectations behind when he goes to Reardan represents him fighting against those authority figures. Another example of character growth is Roger.
Arnold makes new friends in all different way. He also walk 22 miles to school each day. Arnold can make friends from many ways at his new school from respect,interest’s, and love. The friends that he meets are roger,Gordy, and Penelope. Alexi shows friendship from respect.
In the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part- Time Indian, the theme is that true friends will not completely abandon each other no matter the difficulties and success they go through, as shown by Arnold and Rowdy. For instance, when Arnold is explaining his relationship with Rowdy, he says, “He knew that I was afraid of getting beat up. And he also knew that he’d probably have to fight for me”(Alexie 17). In this example, Rowdy is not abandoning Junior even though Rowdy has the upper hand in fights and need to watch over Junior. Rowdy cares for Arnold and will always stick up for him no matter what. Furthermore, after Arnold and Rowdy were reunited from attending
As the novel goes on Arnold has a hard time with being accepted for his race. His Native American people on the rez believe that all whites are better than them because the color of their skin. So most of them would rather be white than be themselves. In their minds white is going to always be higher and more important than anyone of color. Most people of color feel like they have to be twice as good just to get even a little of what white people have. And for that they resent some whites. Which is why it was hard for Juniors friend Rowdy to accept the fact that junior was being a “traitor” for leaving the school Wellpinit back on the rez and moving schools to Rearden. Junior even said that “Rowdy started crying, he hated that” (54). Which