
The Abstract Principles Of Sexuality And Race

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The abstract principles of sexuality and race have always been delicate ideas for society to comprehend. When you Google the word “sexuality”, you do not come across a gender-specified definition that constricts males and females to desire only one another. It simply states that it is “the sexual habits and desires of a person.” Any person, male, female, transgender, or otherwise, can be sexual with whomever they desire. So why is the dichotomy of homosexuality versus heterosexuality such a pervasive notion?

There are multiple myths and facts about sexual orientation. Case Western Reserve University, located in Cleveland, Ohio, is one of the most LGBT-friendly campuses in the country. On their website they host an page about their gender-friendly campus that answers any common questions one might have about such issues. “No one knows what causes sexual orientation.” Many lesbian, gay and bisexual people know that they are attracted to members of their own sex at an early age, sometimes as young as 6 or 7 years old. Others learn much later in life, in their 30’s, 40’s or later still. Some research indicates that sexual orientation is determined between birth and age 3, but no one is sure what causes particular orientations.”

As for race, considering and supporting the theory of color on individuals and collaborating the ideas to our community, in my opinion, seems to be much more of a delicate matter than sexuality. “The concept of race is a modern concept. In the

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