
The Abuse Of Drugs And Alcohol

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This paper examines how the abuse of drugs and alcohol can drastically alter the dynamics of the family as a whole. Addiction is a chronic disorder that tears families apart as it destroys the individuals themselves. There is a thin line that family members walk in order to function with an addict daily. The impact that family member have can either be a positive facilitator towards the addicts recovery or the family can become drawn into the addicts world of abuse and addiction. There are various assorted roles that family member take on when it comes to either interacting with an addicted family member or merely being an innocent bystander. Within the world of addiction there are tools that family members can utilize to gain a greater perspective on the disease as well as guard their lives from the insanity that sparks from addiction.
The Impact that Substance Abuse has on Families

The Attitude of Addiction
Each addict has their identifiable characteristics that create a multitude of dynamics within the family and household. When there is an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, the addict has lost all sense of control and they will continue to abuse regardless of the destructive affects it has on their bodies, psyche, and not to mention families. Drug addiction can cause severe, long-lasting consequences that fracture relationships, employment, and freedom. With that being said, many addicts don’t even pay attention to their world crumbling around them due to their

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