Alien land is about an area in Dollal, Ethiopia where the separating of the tectonic plates causes hot rocks and magma to rise up and mix with the water. The rough terrain reflects that along with its colors. The evaporating of the water leaves the minerals on the shore line like sulfur. The water is also special, when it mixes with the hot rocks and magma it rises up with the minerals. It also becomes highly acidic because of this. Though this sounds like nothing could survive microbes still find a way to survive in the water. They survive the acidic water and also extreme heat (up to 53 degrees Celsius). Scientist believe the microbes might resemble what alien life might look like. They might be able to study these and test these and its
The unknown bacteria plate chosen was plate #2. It was identified to be Micrococcus luteus. It is a gram positive, Coccus bacteria that is commonly found in dust, water, soil, and the air. M. luteus also thrives in the human mouth and upper respiratory tract. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered it in 1928 before he identified penicillin. It is part of the normal flora on human skin as well as other mammals. Since it is part of normal flora it is normally not pathogenic, but can become opportunistic in an immune-deficient person. It has been known to cause septic shock, UTI’s, and even pneumonia. Micrococcus luteus is both urease and catalase positive. It does not utilize tryptophan for indole production. It is a facultative anaerobe. Mobility is not present for this bacterium. Starch is also not hydrolyzed and oxidase is not present.
At an area in which it inhabitable for normal organisms, but rich in minerals or other things that organisms need, organisms and bacteria can accidentally find their way in. Most of these things die and for thousands of years all of them might die but as soon as one manges to survive it will begin to create more heat resistant bacteria that can live in the mineral rich high-temperature water which is called, "natural selection"
Wood, Peter, H. Strange New Land. New York, New York: Oxford, 2003 Publication. Oxford University Press,
In the song “The New World” the lyrics paint a picture of land that calls to be discovered. “A new world call across the ocean, a new world calls across the sky, a new world whispers in the shadows, time to fly”. Jason Robert brown uses the image of a land across the sea in order to show how distant this new life is. Similarly in the book, Eilis leaves Ireland and becomes a stranger in an entirely new
In general, people think that the largest amount of fresh water is stored in ice caps but this is false. Fishman explains that most of the water on Earth exists in a fourth form, not ice, liquid, or vapor, but it exists as molecular water. This abundance of water is locked in the rock of the Earth’s mantle, about 255 miles deep. Unfortunately, this water is almost totally inaccessible to the people on Earth. Steven Jacobsen, a geophysicist at Northwestern University, explains to Fishman that the water in the rocks is not like the water that comes out of the tap. Jacobsen says, “If you release the pressure and temperature, the hydrogen and the OH come out as water” (Fishman, pg 34). However, the amount of pressure and technology needed to
Microorganisms are both beneficial and harmful. These microorganisms are important to humans because they play a role in the ecology of life, by decomposing wastes, both natural and man-made, such as creating nitrogen fertilizer at the root zones of certain crops. Other several pathogens that can cause serious harm, even immediate death due to the diseases or disease causing products they produce. Overall, microorganisms play an important role in life.
In this article it talks about a crazy Alien Land place witch takes spot in Ethiopia Africa in a desert called Danakil Depression. They said when you arrive there it's like being on mars. As you approach there you climb to the top of a hill and you look down into a colorful mineral formations and pools of waters but its just not any normal waters it volcanic gases with highly acidic. The smell that you smell when you get there is rotten eggs its looks like yellow gas coming form the water
In Chapter 2 of Anselm's Proslogian, Anselm offers what was later to be characterized as his Ontological Argument, which is an argument for God's existence he felt was so strong that even a fool as is said in Psalms 14:1- "who has said in his heart, 'There is no God'". Anselm's argument is as follows :
To create this new world the Balvians gathered different factors that contributed to different areas of survival of each species of aliens. From the planet Aqua they
the land, shows that there had been once but now has disappeared from existence is a really
If a respectable mother is exclusive of her sexuality, gender non-conforming lesbian mothers already exist as illegitimate parents. The heterosexual matrix instils the notion that gender non-conformity marks sexuality – more specifically, non-heterosexuality. Female bodies stand antithetical to masculinity (Moody 2011). The subtleties of Stef and Nic’s masculinity mark their lesbianism in contrast to Lena and Jules femme because without the slight masculinity, Lena and Jules’ “lesbianism disappears, or, more accurately, never appears in the first place” (Martin 1996). This is perhaps why the characters all lean toward femininity. While the productions allow room for lesbianism, it is what Roseanne Kennedy refers to as an “absent presence” (Suk Gersen 2009, 513).
The Alien is a science fiction horror movie. Its setting in space and the presence of technology and artificial intelligence empathizes on its science fiction genre. Moreover, the presence of the Alien and the fact that it is a threat to human lives reflects it is also a horror film. The movie revolves around seven human beings that have the mission to return to earth from the space.
One would think without even ever having heard of H.P. Lovecraft’s cryptozoologic tales of ancient, maleficent, inhuman and utterly incomprehensibly mad creatures awakening from beneath miles of strata under the south-east asian ocean floor, one would think that whatever could be found alive down there, even microbes, would have to be hellish, if not plainly weird. However, in sediments over 2 kilometers below the ocean floor, where pressure and heat are equally hellish, researchers have unearthed the very first samples of microbes. Surprisingly there’s nothing extraordinary about them. The cells discovered are not different in appearance than microbes living in more quotidian environs, like forest soil.
My purpose here is to provide a brief history of the critical response to East of Eden, to outline the major patterns and trends in our perception of what Steinbeck thought was the most important work of his career.... But the conception of "history" involved in this undertaking is far more problematic than it appears on the surface, for it assumes that there are discernible, empirical "facts" which exist in an unchanging reality. It assumes that the critic/historian finds the truth revealed in these facts, and, as a scientific, objective historian, mirrors that inherent truth. What I wish to suggest is that in the late twentieth century this is impossible. Modern historiography has begun to recognize that even a list of historical events partakes of the narrative mode, and thereby becomes a literary artifact, a form of poem. An overview of East of Eden criticism is not a
The extraordinarily resilient bacterial species of Bacillus pumilus has been observed to withstand inexorable quantities of ultraviolent radiation and extreme temperatures. During Curiosity’s launch, scientists meticulously sterilized the launcher and probe so as to eliminate Earth contaminants. However, several hundred strands of these invincible bacteria could have survived the decontamination process. Although it is miraculous for even the most tenacious of microbes to survive the excruciatingly high levels of Ultra C radiation past the Van Allen’s belt, scientists are suspicious that B. pumilus may have survived a seven month trek with outrageously low temperatures and ghastly high quantities of radiation. A United Nation Outer Space Treaty specified that only 300 microbial endospores per meter could exist in the landing site. These rather stringent guidelines provoked agitation in some astronomers, as exceeding the limit would void Curiosity’s mission warrant. This article will