
The Achievement And Progression Of African Americans

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The United States has a history of denying people of color, women, immigrants, and indigenous people an equal and equitable access to the civil rights and liberties bestowed upon other citizens of this country. This sentiment rings especially true, as it relates to education, as these groups have all been disadvantaged and disenfranchised at different points in American history. The disservice that the United States has constructed against the success and progression of African-Americans, should be more duly noted, as they are the diversity group the most in need of pedagogical attention. Consistent with the structure which exist in the political, economic, and social systems of the United States, African-Americans, continue to have the …show more content…

This made it law for separate facilities for learning, urging a direct split of races as it relates to the learning curve. After Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954 was ruled that these separate facilities were illegal, it took the national guard on multiple occasions to set out to enforce this ruling, in two well-known cases; one of which in Little Rock, Arkansas in September 1957 at Central High School, when hostile and irrational protesters fought against the integration of the high school, starting with 9 African-American students, and the other was the case of James Meredith and his enrollment at the predominantly and historically white college, Ole Miss, which was met with Governor Faubus’ refusal to enroll him and the hate-inspired segregationist protests. At points fitting for integration of schools, or social structures such as restaurants, African Americans were targeted, beaten, protested against, and even assassinated for their plights for integration within American society. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, signed shortly after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a supporter of the Civil Rights Movement, attempted also to rectify these societal biases in education and civil society. These moments would

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