
The Adulthood Period ( Age 25-65 Years )

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Introduction The objective of this paper was to find out additional information about the adulthood period (age 25-65 years) that might not been mentioned in textbooks and lectures but nevertheless, still an important factor in developmental psychology. To find out how a contemporary adult thought about the changes from their earlier years resulting to where they are today biologically, psychologically, and sociologically, an interview was conducted. To understood the difference in development, an adult must be interviewed in order to compare the differences between an individual who is around his sixties versus someone who is around their twenties. Background of interviewee John, who is currently in his sixties, works as library assistance. He was chosen as an interviewee since I have often spotted him helping others and he also seemed to be an approachable, kind individual. I do not personally know John very well besides being acquainted, perhaps that is one of the reasons that his responds are not very detailed. Interview findings and analysis When asked what the most important historical event the interviewee went through, interviewee could not think of one. When asked how he would compare himself as of today verses in his young adulthood, his responds was that he has not changed very much. “What about your perspective view point? Did it change?” to which he replied, “Yes, very much different from my parent’s.” his values and views have differ from that of his

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