The Affordable Care Act is surrounded by numerous political circumstances. The Affordable Care Act has been called by many names such as Obama Care or healthcare overhaul. The healthcare overhaul is one of the rare policies that has been developed, but not tweaked to perfection; it may never be tweaked to satisfy everyone, but it could still improve. According to the article entitled “The Science of Muddling Through” by Charles Lindblom “Policy is not made once and for all; it is made and re-made endlessly” (Lindblom, 1959, pp. 86). The act of policy-making is based on consecutive approximations to some sought after objective in which the ultimately desired objective continuously changes under reconsideration (Lindblom, 1959, pp. 86). Due to the fact, the Affordable Care Act was an overhaul unlike any other in America in regards to healthcare it has received a great deal of attention nationwide. All the attention seems to have gotten people to thinking about our health care system in comparison to others countries health care systems and what is best for the United States. According to Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach. Sixth ed., the United States leads the world in the latest and greatest in medical technology, training and research. Another feature that makes this health system stand out is that is doesn’t automatic cover everyone unlike other health systems. The health care system is a patchwork of various components of other systems. Some
The U.S. health care system is way more complex than what meets the eye. A major difference between the health care system in the U.S. and other nations, is that the U.S. does not have universal health care. Lack of a universal health care opens up the doors for competition amongst insurance, physicians, technology, hospitals and outpatient services.
The opposite side of the Affordable Care Act, the idea of this research paper is way to show how the Affordable Care Act is a quagmire and unjust to many American citizens by not allowed one to make his/her own choices. Meanwhile, it focuses on many points such as how citizens are end up paying high tax penalty for not having a health insurance; and it argue on how it should be one choice to choose rather he/ she wants to have health insurance or
I will compare the current health care system with the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that became law on March 23, 2010. The current system, which is being phased out between 2011 and 2018 is increasingly inaccessible to many poor and lower-middle-class people. About 47 million Americans lack health insurance, an increase of more than two million people from 2005 (Rover, 2011) the increasingly complex warfare between insurers and hospitals over who pays the bills is gobbling up a great deal of money and the end result is that the United States pays roughly twice as much per
Healthcare has always been a topic of great interest among the American people. Previous attempts have been made to implement a healthcare system that benefits all Americans; however, the mandate of Medicare and Medicaid in the mid-1960s has been the closest resemblance of universal healthcare system. In March of 2010, the President Barak Obama signed the most significant legislation for the U.S. healthcare system, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as the Obamacare. This law was introduced to improve the quality and affordability for the health insurance industry. This act would also minimize the insurance rates for the uninsured as well as expand coverage. At the passage
The Obama affordable health care politics has caused many fights among different groups who don’t seem to share and to agree on the politic behind the ACA. The purpose of this reading has mainly been to point out the reasons of the disagreement toward the ACA.
On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Healthcare Act into law. It had been estimated that 30 million people would sign up for the new healthcare act. As of April 15, 2015 the actual number of people that have signed up is 11,776,046 which is a far cry from what was predicted. Within the healthcare system all across the United States things are changing. How will the Affordable Healthcare Act impact the healthcare system within the United States? This paper will address what the Affordable Healthcare Act is first and then
Universal Health care has been the topic of discussion among politicians and Americans today and has shown zero signs of slowing down in the future. The United States is considered one of the very few countries that spends an extensive amount of money on healthcare yet people are still struggling to receive care that’s needed and dying at a alarming rate due to the fact that they cannot afford insurance coverage for themselves and their families. In March of 2010 President Barack Obama implemented the Affordable Care Act, providing millions of Americans who previously did not have health insurance the ability to acquire and purchase premiums, however there are still some serous issues surrounding its implementation.” While the president
The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as the ObamaCare was signed into law on March 23, 2010. It has created a lot of controversy since its debut. The Healthcare reform will affect all Americans. The issue has many Americans believing it is a great thing for our country while others believe it is a terrible idea and then of course there are those who don’t know what to think. By Jan 1, 2014 Americans will be required to purchase a health care policy or will have to pay a penalty. Ready or not it’s happening. First you would have to understand the background information of the program. As with all things there are pros and cons to the Affordable Care Act. Because it is a new law it is not flawless there is room for changes and recommendations.
Controversy surrounds The Affordable Care Act (ACA). Some Americans are for it and some Americans are against it. Whether you agree with the Act or not, let’s not forget it is still the law. Now, the question remains how long will it stay in place with the President elect? What exactly is the Affordable Care Act? Per (, the ACA was signed into law March 23, 2010 by President Obama. The law requires all Americans to have health insurance by 2014. If you do not obtain health insurance, you must pay per month for each month you did not have insurance ( The law also allowed states to opt out of expanding Medicaid ( According to ( the ACA has improved access, increase the quality
Health care in the United States is driven by a patchwork of services and financing. Americans access health care services in a variety of ways — from private physicians’ offices, to public hospitals, to safety-net providers. This diverse network of health care providers is supported by an equally diverse set of funding streams. The United States spends almost twice as much on health care as any other country, topping $2 trillion each year. (WHO.INT 2000) However, even with overall spending amounting to more than $7,400 per person, millions of individuals cannot access the health care services they need.(Foundation 2009) So when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a the Affordable Care Act or ACA) was passed in the summer
Everyone has their own views on what they think the United States healthcare system should consist of. Consequently, the healthcare system has been flawed for many years and does not plan to change anytime soon. According to Luft (2006), “rapid and wide-reaching technological innovation, the ready access to care for the insured, and clinical and patient autonomy” (p.1). These are some of the strengths the US healthcare system are proficient in providing. In contrast, the weaknesses of the healthcare system outweigh the system’s strengths. Luft (2006) examined and acknowledged the following:
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a topic of dispute since its introduction and continues to be discussed by politicians in the U.S. and throughout the world even after its passage. The Act has many opponents and is the cause of much controversy nationwide, primarily because it introduces higher healthcare costs for the richest citizens. Nevertheless, the ACA is an important stage in the American healthcare development process as it not only allows more people to receive healthcare services, but will also reduce the deficit. However, not everyone agrees. The policy is controversial in terms of cost vs. benefits, but the benefits ultimately outweigh the costs.
The Affordable Care Act is one of America’s many insurance plans to attempt to lower costs and provide a wider coverage for citizens all over the country. It is a widely controversial topic in America; especially within the past year. Although there are some people out there who support it, there are also those who base their campaigns on getting it repealed; Donald Trump is a prime example of this. When instituting this policy, Obama had very good intentions, but he was far from fulfilling his intended purpose. Today, the ACA has many flaws that affect Americans both as a whole and individually. Obamacare has raised costs for individuals, contributed even more money to America’s debt, is the complete opposite of what President Obama said it would be, it takes away civil liberties, and puts new standards on patients.
The infrastructure of the United States healthcare system has long been a point of contention for many, especially with the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama, which serves to reform the past healthcare system into a more socialized Universal Healthcare system. Proponents of Universal Healthcare in the United States like to point to the success of countries such as Brazil, Thailand, and Canada to name a few, who have in fact adopted a form of Universal Healthcare, but
The first characteristic of the US health care system is that there is no central governing agency which allows for little integration and coordination. While the government has a great influence on the health care system, the system is mostly controlled through private hands. The system is financed publically and privately creating a variety of payments and delivery unlike centrally controlled healthcare systems in other developed countries. The US system is more complex and less manageable than centrally controlled health care systems, which makes it more expensive. The second characteristic of the US health care system is that it is technology driven and focuses on acute care. With more usage of high technology,