
The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi Regime to Transform German Society

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The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi Regime to Transform German Society

When the Nazis came to power in 1933 they began to introduce a set of ideas into the German society. These ideas were based on the Nazi ideology, which had been outlined by Hitler in his book "Mein Kampf" or "My Struggle" a few years earlier. This essay will examine the Nazis' attempts to integrate their ideological beliefs about youth and about women into the German society. The essay will also assess the success of this integration.

The Nazis had a number of different aims for the youth and therefore their education needed to be suitable. The Nazis' overall aim was to create a generation of racially pure …show more content…

Overall the Nazis aimed to concentrate a large majority of their resources on the conversion of the youth to Nazi ideology. This was a key aim because the Nazis saw the youth as the future of Germany and they wanted to have an influence over this generation. Another major aim for the Nazis was the creation of a national racial community. This idea was known as the Volksgemeinschaft and was central to the Nazi view of the future.

It wasn't only through youth groups that the youth were indoctrinated to the Nazi regime. The education system was also completely geared to spreading the Nazi party propaganda. For example the curriculum was designed around the Nazi ideology. Geography taught the boys map skills and other skills that would be critical during a war. History taught the Nazi version of History, which was a contrived version of events, which blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems in the past. Even subjects such as Maths were used by the Nazis to further their cause with lesson concentrating on the angles of ballistics and other such material.

The Nazi views towards women were also presented in the educational system with a girls education being divided into a number of different lessons each one of which encouraged a life at home. Examples of these lessons include Hauswirtschaft. This involved domestic science, cooking, house and garden

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