
The Allegory Of The Cave: The Republic

Decent Essays

The allegory of the cave is from Plato's book; The Republic. This story is about a group of men tied to a post in a back of a cave. Inside the cave is a fire and many forms of puppets. These puppets are seen by the men as shadows due to the fact they can not move nor turn their heads to face the puppets. These men take the information they learned from the shadows and retain it. These shadows are the only thing they have seen in their entire lifetime, so this is what they have learned. When one of the prisoners break free and escape the cave they were trapped in, he is gifted with a bright shine of light. At first this hurts the person, but as the more time they spend in it, they more grow accustomed to it. This allegory is important due to …show more content…

This is how existentialism relates to this allegory. This story states that humans are more often not stuck in a place of ignorance. The people in the cave are labeled as the ignorant ones. They are stuck in a cave where the only thing they see is the shadows from the puppets played behind them. These shadows can be interpreted as ideas. They can not see nor experience the ideas full due to their situation, but since it is the only thing they saw their entire lifetime they have to believe it what they see. It is not their fault for thinking a certain way because they were raised to see and think that way. It is human nature to believe something if one is constantly exposed to it, However, once one breaks free from these naive thoughts and faces the truth, everything changes. At first the truth will hurt. No one likes to have their beliefs disproven. But once one accepts the truth, it does not seem as bad and they may even leave the ignorant thoughts behind. There is a good and a bad thing to this. The person now has a broader and more intellectual perspective than they did before due to the fact they are exposed to the truth. However, if they bring these thoughts to the people in the back of the cave, the ones with the ignorant thoughts, they will ridicule person’s beliefs because they do not think the same way the majority does. This is human nature to think this way and this is how it

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