
The Allied Invasion Of Normandy: The Battle Of D-Day

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Although the German resistance was stiff, the allied endeavored through the struggles and gained a precious stronghold in Western Europe, allowing the allies to push into Germany from the west. German casualties in D-Day were around 4,000 to 9,000, the allied on the other hand had at least 12,000 with a minimum of 4,000 confirmed dead. Despite their great losses on D-Day, the invasion allowed the allied forces to push towards Germany from the West. In less than a week later, over 326,000 allied troops along with over 50,000 vehicles and some 100,000 tons of equipment reached Normandy. There, the allied used the coasts of Normandy as a foothold for their attacks in the mainland, and by the end of August 1944, the allied reached the Seine River

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