
The Ambiguous Character Of Grendel In Beowulf

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Beowulf opens with a short explanation of the Scylding lineage, which was given name after a mythic idol, Scyld Scefing. Quickly, the poem goes into detail of Scyld's funeral, which was an impressive rite, but soon the focus shifts to the reign of his great-grandson, Hrothgar, whose thriving rule is represented by a mead-hall called Heorot. A huge man-like monster named Grendel, an offspring of the biblical killer Cain, has terrorized the aging Hrothgar: marauding Heorot, killing the king's thanes and ruling “the glittering hall after dark” (167).
So times were pleasant for the people there until finally one, a fiend out of hell, began to work his evil in the world.
Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches, marauding round …show more content…

In Beowulf, one of the main characters is a vague and interesting character: Grendel. Represented as the antagonist in the poem, Grendel does not have a definite portrayal as being human or monster. So, I have to ask of this ambiguous character, “is Grendel monster or human?” Even though he seems more human than the ones he observes, Grendel is a monster because the unknown writer gives vivid image as to the physical appearance of the “hall-watcher” (142), the biblical reference of Grendel’s parentage is just mere reference to the evil this monster obtains, and the living thing exhibits no remorse in its …show more content…

The biblical story of Cain and Abel can be found in the book of Genesis. Cain and Abel are the spawn's of Adam and Eve. Cain became envious of his brother, and assassinated Abel. When God found out about this unbearable wrongdoing, he became livid. God disciplined Cain. He was to be a castaway of humanity. With Cain, his future descendants were to be chastised his corruptions by suffering the same punishment. At first, I can see where Grendel’s violent actions are due to jealousy and lonesomeness as "he was the lords outcast” (168). To add to that, the poet of Beowulf

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