
The American Colonies

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There were many reasons why colonists would have decided to go to the colonies. Whichever region they had chosen to live in had a different impact on them compared to the other regions, but still changed them for the better, most at least. A portion of colonists were afraid of traveling to the New World because of the possible dangers of natives. However in the colonies religious freedom, land, and the riches that lie beneath were tempting for many, therefore the colonists had many motivations to go and develop something new in the New World. Land may have been the overall reason for colonists to leave England and head over to the colonies. What was the number one thing a colonists needed to begin anything for themselves? Land. In England most colonists were peasants to the highly wealthy with large farming areas. They were incapable of buying any land for themselves because of its usual high prices which made it a lot harder for them to start something on their own, forcing them to stay with the rich. What other choice would they have made when the great offer of cheap land was right across the Atlantic. Go straight for it before their chance was taken away. Duh. Some colonists even got their land for free by a colony. Once they had bought or received land, they finally took their chance and made their own farms. This resulted in colonists producing more vegetables and food of all kinds which had meant more money was being made by them. Which was one of

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