
The American Dream Is Possible In The Great Gatsby

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Though many people believe that the ‘American Dream’ is possible to accomplish through hard work, author F. Scott Fitzgerald show the opposite in his writings. “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a novel in which a series of characters are unable to access the true extent of the ‘American Dream’. “The Great Gatsby” is a story told through a man named Nick Carraway as he has newly moved to New York. He thinks everything will go good for him in this new setting, but he soon realizes that this is not the case. The story shows how many people try to reach the ‘American Dream’, including Nick, but none of them are really able to do so. This book shows that no matter how hard a person tries to reach the thing so many people believe is possible, …show more content…

Throughout the story, the reader is shown how Gatsby is unable to reach his dream of getting his love, Daisy Buchanan, back. Daisy used to love Gatsby and even said at her wedding, “‘Here, dearest. Take 'em down-stairs and give 'em back to whoever they belong to. Tell 'em all Daisy's change' her mind. Say: 'Daisy's change' her mine!'" Because deep down in her heart she still loves Gatsby (129). Gatsby knows that Daisy still loves him, and he tries to use this as a reason to force her to leave her marriage with Tom Buchanan, a horrible husband. He is mistaken in thinking that this will do anything because in the end, Daisy chooses Tom over Gatsby. Gatsby has to watch as the love of his life slips between his fingers and goes just out of his reach. This is not the only instance in which Gatsby is not able to reach the ‘American Dream’. When Gatsby is a kid, he aspires to be rich, and he gets that chance when he is a teen and he meets Dan Cody, a rich man that become Gatby’s mentor. Gatsby is actually able to eventually acquire a large sum of money, and is one of the richest men in New York. Everything seems great for Jay financially wise, but then his dream is shattered when he loses Daisy and is murdered in the same week. Fitzgerald shows that in the end the poor will always end up paying the price for rich people’s mistakes. Jay is not the only one that is unable to reach …show more content…

He tries to escape the corruption of the world and the war by going to New York and joining the bonds business. He thinks he will be able to make money and grow to be rich like his family back home, and he may find love along the way. Nick has encountered a great deal after the War, and he has had his fill of the world for “the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe, so [Nick] decided to go East and learn the bond business” as to escape the corruption of the world (3). He believes that coming East will help him get away from the awfulness that was World War I, but he is sorely mistaken. He tries to focus on his work to distract himself from corruption in the world, but that all changes when Daisy invites him over, and his life turns upside down because he is thrust into a new world of problems and corruption. This shows that even though Nick tries to start a new life for himself, he is unable to escape because no matter where he is there will be problems he has to deal with. This is not the only way Nick tries to escape. He also attempts to get caught up in love with Jordan Baker. They have their first moment in a car after Jordan had just explained Gatsby’s situation to Nick. After they had that moment, Nick and Jordan did not have a very outstanding relationship. At the end of the novel, Jordan and Nick talk to officially break

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