The American Dream is an ideology that has fueled the progress of this nation since its inception. Defined in the prompt as, “the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.” The American Dream today, by this definition, is not readily available to every American and an argument can be made that it is even moreso true for immigrants. The thing that use to make the American Dream a reality is that it could adapt and change from person to person in the respect that it always will lead the person to happiness and prosperity no matter what path that person took to get there. What I mean by that is, a person’s happiness use to derive from their view of things that made them happy on a personal level. Today, a person’s happiness is dependent on what makes others happy.
The American Dream today is not as vague or mystical as it use to be. Today, the American Dream cannot be achieved by everyone with different viewpoints and backgrounds but instead, it is achieved only when society says you have achieved it. You don’t hear about homeless people being happy or see people in poverty on the news making speeches and smiling. As degrading and demanding as those living conditions are, some people are in fact happy or
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The dream according to society is that fame and fortune equals happiness. whereas other people are more happy living off of food stamps and welfare. Does society view them as achieving the American Dream because they’re happy?? The elephant in the closet is simply this: the American Dream is happiness and prosperity. A person cannot have one without the other and say that they have achieved this feat. At the end of the day you’re either happy and you have little people to showcase that to due to your lack of prosperity, or you’re extremely popular and prosperous but your happiness is
Everybody has a different perspective on what the American dream is. From my view, the American dream is the opportunity for anyone to accomplish their goals and obtain prosperity by working hard. I believe to some degree the American dream is still alive but it isn’t as uncomplicated as before. In Paul Krugman’s “Confronting Inequality”, it’s obvious that he believes the American dream is dead because of the ongoing inequality in society (pages 561-562). While in Brandon King’s “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold”, considers the American dream to be very much alive (page 610). King believes most people do not strive for a rags-to-riches transition instead they prefer a healthy middle class positon.
Generally speaking, the American Dream is mostly achieved by people of the higher class, the people who reside in the “East Egg”. It is a lot easier for high classed people to achieve the
When one talks about the American Dream, thoughts go to being happy and self-satisfied as an individual. It doesn’t portray following in others footsteps or becoming like one’s parents or grandparents. It allows a person to step out into world and find out who they are. It allows a person to become more than just another “chip off the block”. It allows a person to grow, succeed and transform into a person full of happiness and content due to the freedoms they are allowed. This is why many immigrants came to America. They wanted the freedom to drop everything that was burdening them in their homeland and become something new and prosperous. The American Dream takes a person’s determination and willingness to work toward their dreams and goals and gives them a chance to achieve it all. The American Dream is about the individual and the desires without these the goals will not be achieved.
The American Dream is one of those terms that people refer to when talking about immigration, financial status, and so much more. But what does the term really refer to? People used to think of the American Dream as financial prosperity, religious and financial freedom, and all around success. Now, the term may mean something similar, but people are much less focused on it. If anything, the American Dream today is focused on gaining material goods and proving your bank account is larger than your neighbors. With today’s economy, laws and regulations, immigration customs, and overall attitude towards work, people are seldom focused on achieving the American Dream.
The American Dream is a fantasy that has not come true for the millions that are toiling in the system hoping to get a piece of the wealth which America so liberally shares with its rich upper class. Mansions, expensive cars, a happy family and of course lots of money. These images adorn the minds of the less privileged of this nation.
The American Dream is a concept that can have multiple definitions, depending on one’s beliefs. My definition of the American Dream is that anyone can achieve economic success with hard work, and success can help create a more comfortable life. This dream is much harder to apply to society today than it was in the past. The American Dream is no longer attainable today due to the heightened inflation in the U.S. economy, as well as the fact that opportunities are not always accessible to everyone. The American Dream no longer exists because of the economic struggles that Americans are facing as costs rise with inflation.
Going into this new financial age, it seems that The American Dream is just being able to live off of what you have for many Americans, yet a select amount is not letting that stop them from yielding. Being able to make enough money to live comfortably is a wish for many Americans to have the pleasure of having. To be able to make all payments on bills and not have to worry about the power going out, or having a car not being repossessed is another reality that everyday Americans face. The American Dream has been redefined for the redefining American Society: It is ever changing, just like the American economy and
I believe that the millennial America dream is drastically different than many other generations. While previous generations believed that they must own a home in order to achieve the American dream, this dream has drastically changed in recent centuries. I believe this is partially due to how attitudes millennial hold have changed within recent years. I believe that previous generations still withheld the mindset that a marriage and family was the ideal image of the American dream. I believe that previous generations held the mindset that achieving the American dream was simply to be like every other average American family. While I know many American families who live in the same areas and work the same jobs do still indeed have a lot in common and can be identified as all achieving the same American dream; many millennials are choosing different occupations and individuality in their careers. I believe that the millennial age of Americas are very independent and head strong. Being considered almost a millennial myself I see these traits within myself and my peers. I hope to be an independent women and to be able to provide for myself and my family. Through a job in a higher paying career such as nursing I hope I am able to be a sole provider for my household if it is needed. While the help of a husband would be nice I do not want to ever be in the situation of needing a husband to be considered finical stable. I also find this headstrong attitude within millennial when
Many people have come to America for adventure, opportunity, freedom, and the chance to experience the particular qualities of the American landscape. The American Dream is the idea that every United States citizen, including immigrants and residents, should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. America somewhat provides access to the American dream, it is more so the citizen who provides access to the dream for themselves. Even though they encountered many trials and tribulations, with persistence, people such as Langston Hughes in “I Too Sing America and Anzia Yezierska in “America and I” they were able to achieve their individual American Dream.
The American Dream is defined as all of it’s citizens having equal opportunity to have success and beneficial growth through hard work and dedication through hard work. Sadly, this is not the case for many citizens living in the United States of America and it is not attainable for anyone. In America, all of its wealth is owned by a small circle of individuals that have the power to rule this country from the inside. These wealthy believe that power and wealth come to those that work very hard and turn nothing into gold, however in many cases with very wealthy families the money is most likely an inheritance. The American dream is not attained for all of it’s citizens because of the large wealth gap between classes, the media’s coverage on class, and distribution of wealth.
The idea of what the american dream means is always thought of as a rags to riches scenario, which puts it out of the sight of many people entering the workforce. I for one believe that its
The topic of The American Dream has been brought up on many occasions. The arising issue that still ascends is whether or not The American Dream is alive or dead in the United States. The American Dream has come to the generalization of the personal perspective of any individual. The history of The American Dream has always gone back to the common man thinking of their future generations to come and how he will implant a positive outcome throughout it. Many now believe that the ideal plan of The American Dream cannot even be met anymore. Values and beliefs are now being questioned towards the aspect of upward mobility, the cost of education, jobs, and even affordable housing. Referring to an executive editor and vice president of Time Reporting, he states, “combined with a formidable American work ethic, made the pursuit of happiness more than a full-time proposition” (Meacham, Keeping The Dream Alive). This statement is targeted towards the actual definition of what The American Dream actually meant in various societies in the past. Happiness and a full-time of gratitude were critical aspects towards being met because it was the initial reason for this ideal. Some of the key causes and components that affect the way The American Dream is supposed upon today is the basic principles of economics, education, and a downward spiral. These reasons lead to The American Dream being considered in a diverse way with much complexity. The American Dream was different from the past and
Something else I think of when thinking about the “American Dream,” I immediately think about is all the people that come to the United States from all over the world for a fresh start. Their fresh start literally starts on the street with the few dollars that they thought would be useful for their new beginning. Quickly, they realize they can’t afford to live here because of the housing and low
The American Dream is something that should be for anyone who wants to achieve success, and prosperity through the hard work and determination. According to Webster Dictionary, immigration is the act of moving to another country which is not their native to live there permanently. Many people from all over the world are suffering from hunger, having a polluted country and suffering poverty before you want to be selfish think about all those people who wish to have one fourth of what we all have in America and to be part of the El Dorado where people do not suffer a lot as other countries. Several people from all over the world specially form third world countries that are in war try so hard to complete the Odyssey to the United States for a better life where their dreams can come true. Immigrants who make it to the United States face many discriminations which makes their life harder and difficult. Now those immigrants, how many call them are teachers, doctors, dentists, engineers, and many more occupations and their contributions have a great impact in United Sates. Not only does Mexicans try to come to America to complete their dream come for example also Canadians, Syrians, Cubans and Indians as many other more. Every year more and more immigrants are coming in to United States. The immigrants who crosses the boarder with the hope for a better life have come to be successful at achieving their American Dream and the United States is rapidly increasing their population due
The American Dream is a concept without a true definition, but is tossed around as a cornerstone of our society. Most see the dream as showing off the achievements of our people, but this idea of focusing only on our successes disregards the failure and struggle that everyone endures to even witness the light of success. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, they attempt to define the American Dream as "a happy way of living" achieved by "working hard and becoming successful." Contradicting the definition above, many people in this nation are not given equal treatment or equal access to opportunity. Success is not necessarily achieved in the states through the equal opportunity for people of differing races, ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic situations, and people lacking the proper connections to be able to easily enter into different establishments without the proper credentials.