
The American Dream Today

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The American Dream is an ideology that has fueled the progress of this nation since its inception. Defined in the prompt as, “the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.” The American Dream today, by this definition, is not readily available to every American and an argument can be made that it is even moreso true for immigrants. The thing that use to make the American Dream a reality is that it could adapt and change from person to person in the respect that it always will lead the person to happiness and prosperity no matter what path that person took to get there. What I mean by that is, a person’s happiness use to derive from their view of things that made them happy on a personal level. Today, a person’s happiness is dependent on what makes others happy.
The American Dream today is not as vague or mystical as it use to be. Today, the American Dream cannot be achieved by everyone with different viewpoints and backgrounds but instead, it is achieved only when society says you have achieved it. You don’t hear about homeless people being happy or see people in poverty on the news making speeches and smiling. As degrading and demanding as those living conditions are, some people are in fact happy or …show more content…

The dream according to society is that fame and fortune equals happiness. whereas other people are more happy living off of food stamps and welfare. Does society view them as achieving the American Dream because they’re happy?? The elephant in the closet is simply this: the American Dream is happiness and prosperity. A person cannot have one without the other and say that they have achieved this feat. At the end of the day you’re either happy and you have little people to showcase that to due to your lack of prosperity, or you’re extremely popular and prosperous but your happiness is

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