
The American Dream during the Time of the Imagist Movement

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"I, too, dislike it. Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in it, after all, a place for the genuine" (Twentieth-Cenutry 231). The time of the imagists was a time of change. Sometimes that change was and other times it wasn't so good. They fought for freedom, refering to African Americans and the fight for civil rights. They changed the rules on how to write. They even made such a lasting impression that the way of writing continued past the time period and changed into a style of writing to last the years. Although it was said to be created by one man, the idea actually came from another who had brought the idea up before its time. It eventually reversed the fact that it came about before it was ready and ended up lasting long after the era was declared over. Since the literature was changing so was the mind set and it was directly related. This is where the American Dream comes into play. The American Dream during the time of the Imagist Movement could be represented by the way of life in that the people of the time were changing, not only in their writing, but with how they were living in that they would fight for equality or be more focused on what was real, and that sense of "changing" was solidified in the American Dream. The change during the Imagist Movement was due to the new outlook on writing and how the literature was changing. This movement spurred from the use of symbolism in the early twentieth century. This movement occured

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