APUSH American Pageant 14th edition Chapter 34 Notes (21 terms) 1. London economic conference (1933): a 16 nation economic conference organized to stabilize international currency rates. Franklin Roosevelt’s decision to revoke American participation contributed to a deepening world economic crisis. 2. Good neighbor policy: a departure from the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine, the good neighbor policy stressed nonintervention in Latin America. It was begun by Herbert Hoover but associated with Franklin D Roosevelt. 3. Reciprocal trade agreements act (1934): this act reversed traditional high protective tariff policies by allowing the president to negotiate lower tariffs with trade partners, without Senate approval. Its chief …show more content…
Its spirit would animate the founding of the United Nations and raise awareness of the human rights of individuals after World War II. 16. Pearl Harbor (1941): an American naval base in why you were Japanese warplanes discovered numerous ships and caused 3000 casualties on December 7, 1941 – a day that, and Pres. Roosevelt’s words, was to “live in infamy.” The attack brought United States into World War II. 17. Benito Mussolini: Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was an Italian politician and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country from 1922 to his ousting in 1943. In 1926 Mussolini seized total power as dictator and ruled Italy as Il Duce from 1930 to 1943. 18. Adolf Hilter: an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. 19. Francisco Franco: Francisco Franco y Bahamonde was a Spanish military leader and statesman who ruled as the dictator of Spain from 1936 until his death. He came to power during the Spanish Civil War while serving as the Generalísimo of the Nationalist faction. 20. Cordell Hull: an American politician from the U.S. state of Tennessee. He is best known as the longest serving Secretary of State, holding the position for 11 years in the administration of President. 21. Wendell W. Willkie: a corporate lawyer in the United States and a dark horse who became
Stephan contemplated before he sat down, pulling the chair out slowly, dreading the family's nightly dinner conversation, what Great Britain was doing wrong. First they moved away to the new land, then Britain gave them grief. The proclamation of 1763, when King George told the colonists not to move westward, and the Indians not to move east, there was almost a hand drawn line. The colonists were not very happy, next year, came the sugar act in 1764. The taxes were high on cloth, sugar, coffee, and wine for the colonists, and the naval officers searched ships carefully to stop smuggling. The colonists were, again, not happy. Now, a year later, was another act, the stamp act, and I bet you can guess, the colonists were not very happy.
On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was indeed a great shock to the United States, many documents show that the bombing on Pearl Harbor was an attempt to stop the United States from entering into World War II. This attack was the turning in point World War II, and United States making the decision to help the Allies. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because of its narcissistic political mentality and angered by United States placing the embargo act on oil.
They dethroned Catholic James II and enthroned the Protestant rulers of the Netherlands, the Dutch-born William III and his English wife, Mary, daughter of James II.
An international financial crisis occurred when the U.S. stock market crashed and U.S. investors withdrew money from Germany.
1. From the perspective of Native Americans, the Spanish and English empires in America had more similarities than differences. Assess the validity of this generalization.
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval plus the air forces of the Empire of Japan.” The bombing of Pearl Harbor was the start of America’s entrance into the Second World War. Just before 08:00 on the Sunday morning, hundreds of fighter planes descended onto the naval base incapacitating almost 20 naval vessels along with over 300 airplanes. The attack on Pearl Harbor also killed over 2,400 Americans
Slavery is an institution that has existed since ancient times. To argue over its immorality is irrelevant, as its ethical and moral implications are blatantly evident. However, to say that the main cause of disdain of the institution from the North stems from its immorality is inherently incorrect, due to the fact, that as previously stated, slavery has existed since ancient times, perforce its immorality could not simply be the main cause of hatred toward this withstanding system from the North. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that their disgust toward the peculiar institution (a common name used to refer to slavery) is related to its ethical implications. However, the question still
Portuguese • New states (Ex. Swazi) that adapt part of survival • Lesotho: not follow Zulu; resist Nguni armies & make kingdom w/o much military; people influence leaders • Chaos @ S: Boers still there w/ adv. weapons; Zulu Wars @ 1870s – Zulu power destroyed by Great Britain • European weapons, Indian fabrics, Indonesian shells, & American tobacco African ivory, gold, & slaves • w/ slave trade: good @ it slave $ rise • Slaves ripped away from families w/ chaos • Lethal settings: many die; cargo =
The morning of December 7th, 1941 started out just like any other day on the south side of Oahu Hawaii but at 7:55 a.m. it all changed. Japanese fighter planes made an attack on the United States Naval Base, Pearl Harbor which would lead to a bloody war between the United States and Japan. By the end of the day, with the United States now on the cusp of entering World War II, a total of 2,335 U.S. servicemen and sixty-eight civilians would lie dead.
On December 7th 1941 Japanese forces launched a sneak attack on a U.S. naval base. Hundreds were killed and of the 8 ships on station only 3 were not destroyed and even those were badly damaged(Naval History And Heritage Command). This attack was not only bad for America's military, but her people as well. This raid was a defining moment in history, it had a profound affect on America and her people. Causing abruptly, the joining of america in the second world war.
On December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was the target of an unannounced military attack by the Japanese Navy. This resulted in the United States entry into World War II. After almost 4 years of war, 400,000 US casualties, 6 months of air strikes on Japanese cities and an impending defeat of Japan, an ultimatum was delivered to Japan by the United States: surrender or be destroyed.
Skill: Periodization- The authors of The American Pageant use 33,000 B.C.E. and 1769 C.E. as the beginnings and ending dates for “New World Beginnings.” but the first chronological period of study for the AP US History Exam is from 1491 to 1607, with the understanding that 1491 is a symbolic dates for pre-Columbian contacts in North America. As you read chapter 1, does 33,000 B.C.E., 1491, or some other date make the most sense to you as the beginning of this time period? Explain while citing relevant historical evidence.
On the morning of December 7, 1941 japan attacked pearl harbor a U.S. military base in Hawaii (Lewis 6). This crippled the U.S. navy in the pacific ocean (Lewis 6). More than 2,300 americans were killed and 1,200 wounded (Lewis 6). U.S. declared war on japan and joined the war (Lewis 6).
Francisco Franco was the dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975, including the time of WW2. Perhaps he was better known as “El Caudillo,” translated into English as The Leader. He was born and raised in Spain. He was a very brilliant military general who led Nationalist rebels in defeating the Spanish government during the Spanish Civil War. Although he was viewed as a Fascist Dictator, he strongly opposed communism. He was an extremely important figure in the course of world history.
Benito Mussolini was the founder of Italian Fascism and premier of Italy from 1922-43 and ruling as a dictator from about 1925. In 1919