
The American Revolution : The Causes Of The French Revolution

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From the beginning of time, citizens under rule have always had a higher power. Someone to take control and keep everyone safe. However, due to the impact of the American and French revolutions, the way society was treated, as well as the rule of Napoleon that had changed. There are multiple reasons why the French Revolution occurred. The American Revolution played a big role in the overthrowing of the French Government. It taught the French that the people could rule themselves without the help of a monarch and that a revolution could lead to social and political change. Another example would be that the people disliked the Old Regime. The Third Estate, which was most affected by the Old Regime, lacked power which angered the people. They were poor so shortages of food were common (Doc. 3 Arthur Young’s travels). Bread became a staple in their diet but buying it for their families took out half of their income, of which never rose. In 1789, due to inflation, the prices increased leaving most people facing starvation. Also, the French tax system took its toll in all of this. The First, consisting of the clergy and 0.5% of the population, and Second estate, the nobles and 1.5% of the population, had little to no taxes while the Third Estate, the middle class of common workers and peasants and 97-98% of the population, were taxed heavily (Doc. 2 The Three Estates in Pre-Revolutionary France). The King and Queen taxed the people in order to maintain a large army and the

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