
The Amontillado Analysis

Decent Essays

Cask Retell "The Amontillado!" I yelped aloud as he pulled out the bottle "True," he replied; "the Amontillado." As he said those words he busied himself among the pile of bones of which he had before spoken. He then uncovered building stone and mortar an, with that, began to walk up the entrance to the cellar in which I was in. He had not even laid the first tier when he had realized that the fortunado had worn off viciously. I attempted a cry for help but it came out as a low mumble, one of which only he could hear. It was not the cry of a drunken man. There was then a long and obstinate silence.He laid the second tier Then the third Then the fourth when i got up and rustled around in the chains for several minutes. He stopped building up

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