The most radical reform made in the United States of America in the past 45 years has been the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 ("Key Features of the Affordable Care Act"). The purpose of the ACA is to redesign companies within the insurance industry in the United States, mandate everyone in the country to have health insurance, expand public insurances while private insurances subsidize, introduce newer taxes, and transform the country’s largest health insurance, Medicare. As the country slowly integrates itself to this new health care act, people feel they must come to a decision of joining the ACA or finding another way to be covered by insurance. The predictions that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) had on ACA were staggering. CBO thought that ACA would increase healthcare insurance coverage by 32 million people (Congressional Budget Office). Although there are many debates on whether or not this act should pass throughout the country as many states wish to repeal this act, the decision was made to reform our healthcare in the United States. People remain spectacle on this new reform and the results that follow. In spite of the many debates, the government and citizens find that they all strive towards one common goal which is the coverage of health insurance With such a big reform in the government and barely any money to cover these changes, there must be a way to finance all of
Primary care in the United States has been in a state of neglect or of being underfunded for a long time. This dysfunctional state has been allowed to occur despite evidence, which shows the importance of primary care in creating healthy outcomes and controlling costs. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) tries to address some of these issues by:
For this reaction paper, I have chosen the topic of whether or not I believe that the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) should be repealed, replaced with something else, or stay in its current form. I believe that Obama Care should be fully repealed. However, I don’t believe that just repealing this legislation is enough. I believe that there should be a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom.
Over the past fifty years, the method in which healthcare services are funded has gone through significant changes. The country has seen the expansion of insurance from paying medical bills for hospital stays, to the creation of managed care, and the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While the process has not been without challenges, healthcare administrators must continue to analyze past funding systems to understand the oversights and misinterpretations to prevent complications in the future. This paper will investigate fee-for-service practices and how these practices have progressed to uncontrolled utilization.
The subject of insurance and how heavily the government can mandate it or not mandate it is a constant struggle in politics. There is always the question of “what kind of relationship should the government have with its people and what role should it play with businesses?” Currently, a popular subject is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and it is challenging the boundaries by requiring people to have health insurance and requiring businesses to offer health insurance to everyone and anyone. Mandating insurance is a hot button subject in other areas too that we will discuss like auto insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and professional malpractice insurance.
Ever since Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) into law in 2010, it has been met by criticism from many people from many different ideologies. Although the law held promise for allowing all individuals to afford healthcare and all of its benefits, that is not to say it does not have its downsides. Since passing, both the conservative and democratic parties have found reasons to dislike the law. This essay will include a description of the law itself, criticisms from the two parties, and a personal reading into the Affordable Care Act and the potential it has at actually making a positive impact on the American health care industry.
The Affordable Care Act, also known as ACA or ObamaCare, is one of the largest and most polarizing cultural change efforts in recent history. While the ACA impacts all Americans in some way, many of the details surrounding the law itself are still being challenged or under review in some capacity. The Affordable Care Act includes many complex issues and moving parts but the failed initial launch of the online healthcare marketplace by the Obama Administration, in partnership with various agencies and external contractors, is an excellent of example of what can go wrong when trying to make sweeping change efforts.
Even though, Affordable Care Act has benefited millions of United States citizens there were some issues with the Affordable Care act such as: some people who were unable to afford it, increase cost of premium pay, and not be able to keep the current health plans. The Affordable Care Act mandated the individuals to purchase a health insurance plan or risk of paying penalty taxes. Another big criticism Affordable Care Act is receiving is most insurance companies dropping out from the ACA leaving the people without any insurances. Despite the challenge Affordable Care Act is facing is cost of premium in health insurance. Another issue of the Affordable Care Act is uncertain future due to individual consumers are caught in the middle of this two-opposing side that can’t come to conclusion to fight it or to keep it with clear possible consequences. Another issue of the Affordable Care Act “is that if have an employer-sponsored health insurance offer, you are generally prohibited from getting subsidized insurance” (Quan, 2012), and low-income employees are unable to afford what have been offered. As research of “The Affordable Care Act: In the Supreme Court We Trust” there are three possible outcomes such as: the debate will continue through the new elections until repealed
The Affordable Care Act, also called Healthcare Reform, or Obamacare, is a decision that Obama administration was planning for long time to fix some problems. Many people live in this country without health insurance, and they can’t go to hospital when they become sick. Book (n page) wrote that 40 million of Americans were either permanently or occasionally without health insurance. The ACA was signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010 and became law. The idea of the President Obama is to make more people have insurance, control healthcare costs, and to make the healthcare delivery system better. Six years after Americans start ACA, many people like it, and some people don’t like it. However, the effects of this reform on the healthcare workforce are not always positive, because people who work in the medical field will now have more people to take care of. People say for long time ago that they need more staff in the hospital. Now, it is more because more people who don’t have insurance before, have it now and they go to the clinics or hospitals. The shortage of healthcare professionals, their maldistribution in the country, stress from the more new patient, the more paperwork, the penalty to reduce reimbursement, a change of reward, and the staff anger, are some problems created by the ACA on healthcare workers.
The Affordable Care Act was implemented in March 2010 states several new requirements that not for profit hospitals organizations must meet to be compliant for tax exemption. The Internal Revenue Service developed new forms and guides to help implement the new section of Affordable Care Act. The requirements are listed under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(C)(3). This section affects not for profit organizations that operate one or more hospital organization and states four requirements that the organizations must meet at each facility they operate. The four requirements stated by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) under the ACA are the following;
The Affordable Care Act was created to make an attempt to reduce the amount we pay for healthcare. “Healthcare premiums were too expensive for many families to afford,” is a common issue among citizens today, and we have come to the conclusion that Obamacare can help reduce that amount. Ever since this has been put in place, many Americans deny this, but it says that even if you aren’t 100 percent healthy it will still cover you, unlike regular healthcare premiums opposed that. Another benefit that is presented, it that you don’t have to have a high income or good health to be covered, the act says that it will cover you no matter what condition or state you are in.
The ACA is made up of a series of additions of and changes, to the multiple laws that are made up from the legal framework of the U.S. healthcare system. This act establishes the basic legal protections that have been nonexistent to the United States, will now guarantee access to affordable health insurance coverage for Americans, from when they are born, all the way through his or her retirement. The act hopes in cutting the number of uninsured Americans by more than half of the U.S. population (Rosenbaum, 2011, p.130). This law hopes to result in health insurance coverage for about 94% of the American population (Rosenbaum, 2011, p. 130). This will reduce the population of uninsured Americans by 31 million people, and increase Medicaid enrollment by 15 million recipients (Rosenbaum, 2011, p. 130). Approximately 24 million people are still expected to remain without a coverage plan. The act has several goals. For instance, one goal of the ACA is to have a close to universal coverage system, with the help and responsibility among individuals, employers, and largely, the government. The second goal is to improve the fairness, condition, and affordable prices of health insurance coverage for Americans (Rosenbaum, 2011, p. 130). Lastly, a third goal is to improve the quality of health care through value, excellence, and effectiveness while trying to reduce inefficient spending and making the healthcare system more reachable to a diverse population (Rosenbaum,
The Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 and signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010. The vision was to reform the health-care in America worked and dramatically decreases the number of uninsured individuals. President Barack Obama campaigned aggressively under the phrase’ “Yes We Can”. In the end “Yes he did” get the health-care reform legislation past and set into motion the overall of health insurance decades in the making. Many of the major objectives of the Affordable Care Act were setup to be implemented over time, most of which will be in place by 2016. Until then it is somewhat difficult to determine the true impact of the Affordable Care Act on individuals and their medical care and the financial impact of the costs. As,
The Obama Care bill also Known as the patient protect and Affordable Care Act was established on March 21, 2010. The Affordable healthcare Act also known as Obama Care has helped over a billion people gain access to health. In 2010 it shows that 50 million people in America did not have insurance, it also shows that 48.6 million people had decreased, and then it increased in 2012. In 2010, before the Healthcare Act was signed Obama noticed some of the small issues that were going on in healthcare systems. Obama seen that some of the insurance Companies had some unjustified rates for their healthcare plan. He observed how some of the prices for healthcare were controlled by hospitals and private doctors. The way that the healthcare system used to work was that the people that could afford the healthcare plans were able to get them. The People that were unable to get healthcare insurance like through their job or a private practice had to rely on getting Medicaid and Medicare was only for disable people or elderly people. The Affordable healthcare Act was placed to help people throughout the U.S. receive insurance even if they don’t qualify with their employer or private healthcare insurance. What many people do not know is that the new affordable care act offers many great benefits. Such as great benefits for women’s health, Birth control, people with preexisting conditions have great benefits, etc. Having this Affordable Act care will bring great benefits to our future and
The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as “Obamacare”, has drastically altered healthcare in America. The goal of this act was to give Americans access to affordable, high quality insurance while simultaneously decreasing overall healthcare spending. The ACA had intended to maximize health care coverage throughout the United States, but this lofty ambition resulted in staggeringly huge financial and human costs.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a topic of dispute since its introduction and continues to be discussed by politicians in the U.S. and throughout the world even after its passage. The Act has many opponents and is the cause of much controversy nationwide, primarily because it introduces higher healthcare costs for the richest citizens. Nevertheless, the ACA is an important stage in the American healthcare development process as it not only allows more people to receive healthcare services, but will also reduce the deficit. However, not everyone agrees. The policy is controversial in terms of cost vs. benefits, but the benefits ultimately outweigh the costs.