
The And The World Wide Web

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In chapter 11, the author of our text says, in part: “Learning what is true and what is not true is harder today than it once was. The difficulty is not because of a lack of information. We have more information and more points of view available to us than ever in history. A few clicks on any topic and you get thousands of entries. In fact, perhaps we get too much information. We get so much that we are often overwhelmed…. A second problem today is that we should not necessarily believe what we see or hear.” He also says: “Our political culture teaches us to learn to be ignorant about politics.” Our generation is one that has more exposure than any prior generation to twenty four hour reports on multi-media devices. Thanks to the internet and the World Wide Web, we have at our disposal many viewpoints and a wealth of information. This does not necessarily mean that our generation is more informed or knowledgeable than prior ones. Not all information we are exposed to is true or unbiased.
“Learning what is true and what is not true is harder today than it once was”. This statement by the author of our text could refer to the fact that our technology today is so advanced that photographs and videos can be altered in such a way that no one is the wiser. Just because you are shown a photo or video does not mean it is a realistic representation of what actually happened. You cannot always believe what you see. One example of manipulation to a photo is an article in the LA Times

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