
The Andean Music Essay

Decent Essays

The performance given by the Andean ensemble was quite spectacular, from the marching in of the Tarkeda Los Jovenes and the fact that it used recorders and drums in way which I don’t think I’ve heard before. I also think that the arrangement of the songs on the concert was well done, starting off with an upbeat song then transitioning to songs that have a sort of slow fast form to them and concluding with sort of dance music that the audience couldn’t help but move to. The instruments that were used in the concert are what surprised me the most, which included guitars, drums, flute, shakers, recorders, and violin to name a few. To be completely honest I didn’t really know much about the Andean music prior to this experience as it wasn’t something I was exposed to growing so I didn’t even know it existed. From an audience member’s perspective, I felt like the music …show more content…

The music from both ensembles is so inclusive and both physically and mentally that the audience members can’t help but be drawn into the music. One of my favorite components that both of these ensembles encompassed which was prevalent by the audience members reaction and interaction is the component of dance and movement. I feel as though dance has a way of bringing people together. Looking out in the audience of both concerts there was so much diversity in the crowd yet we all came together to listen to this wonderful music that made us feel something deep inside. Now of course there are differences in the way the cultures interact and there struggles and hardship, as well as joy and peace which is reflected in the music but the underlying message is the same we are all human beings and despite were we come from we are all the same, this means that music cultures may have origins and root in a certain place but it applies to every not just a specific group of

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