
The Anti-Abortion And The Value Of Life

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Listen to the world around you. Do you hear what is missing? No, the sound of small children has become very seldom in our world today. Abortion has caused the world to fall silent due to the loss of innocent lives. The small children who were never received in this world had so much potential and life but it has been selfishly sucked or ripped away from them. Abortion is detrimental in our society today because beauty and openness to life is destroyed along with any responsibility that is needed to support a life.
To deem an action as detrimental, it is important to qualify what the term means. Detrimental means tending to cause harm. It will be clearly demonstrated that abortion causes harm. To further qualify what this means, harming or …show more content…

Truly no assessment can establish the value of a human life. Comparing how life was valued in the past when society held strong anti-abortion beliefs to how our society now values life will convey the affects abortion has on the value of life. In the 1800’s when the first anti-abortion law was established humans were valued by their contributions to society. The practice described can be seen in an 1896 legal case where a set of parent desired compensation for the neglect of their child by The Southern Railroad Company of Georgia. The parents estimated the child’s value at $2 per day due to labor while, “The judge concluded “that the child was ‘of such tender years as to be unable to have any earning capacity, and hence the defendant could not be held liable in damages. This case displays that practice of valuing life during that time. Due to the advancement of society we no longer measure the value of life based on contribution but rather the price someone is willing to pay to save a life.This measurement is know as Value of Statistical Life (VSL). The Department of Transportation (DOT) asses VSL annually and concluded in 2014 that society was willing to pay 9.2 million dollars to save a life.With this value and the number of abortions reported in 2014 as 926,200 the value of the human population decrease by $8,521,040,000,000 due to

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