Introduction Hart (1999) in his book The Anxiety Cure offers a plan to defeat anxiety by explaining the role of how brain chemistry, psychological responses, and thought process aid in the complications of anxiety disorders. He views modern society as moving at the speed of cheetahs when God designed us to move at the speed of camels. The book gives practical advice to change your way of life without depending on medication and psychotherapy as a life-long process, by developing the emotional tranquility and completeness that God desires us to have in our lives.
Personality Structure Hart believes a major part of our personality structure lies in the working of the neurotransmitters of the brain. These are the messengers that carry
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As with all the past authors he believes that a relationship with God must be at the core or our being. Because we alone cannot cope with our anxiety we need the power of God working in our lives.
Health versus Illness Health consists of living a life of tranquility with the brain producing “happy messages”. Having the life that God intended us to live of being calm, serene, at peace, and happy. Anxiety takes away these messages and tranquility causing illness in one’s life “Stress depletes our natural brain tranquilizers” (Hart, 1999, p.5) resulting in panic which can be an acute illness called a “panic attack” or a chronic aliment known as “panic anxiety disorder”. Being able to hold on to your tranquility in the midst of the demands of daily life and having a personal relationship with God is a fundamental part of this cure.
Element of Cure To lead a life of tranquility we must “Take personal control over our anxiety”( Hart, , 1999, p.47), accepting responsibility for our life not blaming your sadness and stress on people and environmental factors learning to develop self-empowerment in order to defeat the lifetime havoc of anxiety. Medication alone cannot solve this issue we also need a relationship with God allowing God to give us courage and hope guiding us on the path of recovery when we feel hopeless in our own
Anxiety has both mental and physical effects, it is our internal alarm system to put our mind on a physical alert and prepares for us a "fight or flight response". This alarm can go away when we know that everything is okay and there is no danger nearby or nothing is going to happen but sometimes our alarm will not shut off and then an anxiety problem persists. There are different types of anxiety disorders and I will discuss generalized anxiety disorder
The research question for this paper is: what are possible origins of or influences contributing to anxiety? Anxiety is a disorder where the individual experiences fear greater than what the situation warrants, and is currently the third largest psychiatric disorder in the United States (Schneier, 2003). However, the origins of anxiety is not entirely clear yet, and different schools of thought have formed different theories and explanations for this disorder. Knowing and understanding the possible origins of anxiety can assist in the development of treatments.
Anxiety is one of the banalest features in the human mind. People with severe anxiety can have strenuous difficulties in life. In the past, anxiety was deemed irrelevant, and it was assumed to be benign. In recent years, Researchers have concluded that anxiety can be detrimental to one’s health. Anxiety can range from mild to strong, but nonetheless, it can affect lives severely. Almost everybody in the world has at least some type of anxiety. Whether it is presenting in front of a crowd, going to social events, reliving a traumatic experience, or even going on a rollercoaster. Psychology doctor, Peg O-Conner declares in her article that anxiety is, in fact, part of human nature (Conner). Conner argues that becoming unable to prioritize matters,
Alternatively Hadley (1995) puts forward the view that contrary to popular belief, anxiety actually arises out of thoughts of potential danger and not the actual danger that produces the symptoms of anxiety. In support of this view the document by Chrysalis states that “feelings of anxiety come from apprehension or fear, the source of which is not always recognisable”. Feeling anxious at certain times in our life is a normal instinctual response that serves as a protection to aid survival. It teaches us to avoid dangerous situations and in this way is a learning process however the subconscious can sometimes work overtime resulting in response to all situations that feel remotely similar to the one that has made us feel anxious in the first instance (Chrysalis 2010 1-5 pp7). This document describes how anxiety will affect our whole being, our emotions, our behaviour and our physical health. Anxiety becomes a problem when its level rises above normal and interfere with a person’s life, associated physical symptoms include, trembling, tense muscles, churning stomach, nausea, diarrhoea, headache, heart palpitations, pins and needles, sweating or flushing (Chrysalis 2010 1-5 pp7). These feelings coupled with the physical symptoms experienced make a person want
Instructions: Read the following case study about a woman, Allison, who is suffering from anxiety. After you have read the case study, diagnose Allison and present some methods of treatment by answering the questions.
The eminent psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Hoch, in his classic treatise on differential diagnoses in the field of psychiatry made the observation that symptoms of anxiety and depression were components of every major psychiatric disorder (Hoch, 1972). People without psychiatric disorders also experience episodes of anxiety which is typically defined as a diffuse, unpleasant, and sometimes vague sense of apprehension; however, anxiety disorders, psychological disorders whose main component is anxiety and lead to significant disruptions in a person's everyday functioning, are among the most prevalent psychiatric conditions in the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). Moreover, there is abundant empirical evidence that anxiety disorders when left untreated may increase the risk of cardiovascular-related disorders and other health concerns (APA, 2000). Therefore it is important to be able to distinguish the proper anxiety disorder diagnosis and initiate treatment. One of the most disabling of all the anxiety disorders is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Hanna was referred by her GP, because she has been experiencing some anxiety difficulties. Client reports that she began to have anxiety five or six years ago. Reportedly, she recently moved out of her parents’ home and this may have caused the anxiety to escalate. This is the first time client has moved away from her parents.
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps some one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech. In general, it helps some one cope. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder.
In the article by Richard M. Suinn, of Colorado State University, titled “Clinical Practice, University Research, and Students: A Historical Perspective on Anxiety Management Training” from The American Psychologist, Suinn discusses the history and application of Anxiety Management Training, AMT.
Anxiety treatment could most accurately be described as having a tool belt with lots of different options to take given the situation. Breathing exercises are a great way to increase the amount of chemicals in your brain that tells itself to calm down. By taking a few deep breaths before doing something that you are nerves about, you will find that a lot of the pressure to take action will have lifted off of your shoulders. It’s much easier at that point to take action because you feel less constrained by your fear.
"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." (www.healthy Many people have trouble accomplishing what they want to do in life because of health issues. A main health issue people suffer from is anxiety. There are different types of anxiety disorders you can have. Each one of them hold you back from doing what you want to succeed in life and may even cause you to make bad choices.
What is Anxiety? As defined by Understanding Psychology by Glencoe, Anxiety is a general state of dread or uneasiness that a person feels in response to a real or imagined danger. Anxiety affects 19 million Americans annually and anxiety disorder happens to be the most common mental illness in America. There are many different types of anxiety disorder such as: Panic Disorder, Obsessive – Compulsion Disorder, Phobias, and a few more. Although there is no cure for anxiety disorders, there are treatments to reduce symptoms.
Feelings of anxiety are relatively normal especially when a person is under stress. Stress is also quite a normal occurrence in the workplace: strict regulations, difficult bosses, tough deadlines, continuous overtime, and overloading. It is not surprising that some employees develop anxiety and anxiety disorders. Stress and anxiety may be further exacerbated if the job requires handling of customers in settings like call centers. Ironically, it has been noticed that most employees who suffer from panic and anxiety disorder (PAD) are perfectionists, model employees in the company. Usually, these types of people pay strong attention to details, show extraordinary commitment to their jobs, and manifest a high degree of selflessness. An employee having sudden attacks of anxiety would display the following symptoms: difficulty in breathing, trembling, sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and numbness. A common complaint during an attack is verbalized fear of having an impending heart attack. Sometimes, an employee escapes to a place where he feels safe whenever feelings of panic overwhelm him. The root of the problem is said to be the employee 's feelings of distrust. Therefore, education about the condition and communication in good faith are both needed to resolve the problem. Lack of faith on either side might harm the business relationship. Luckily, PAD can be treated using a variety of methods. An immediate solution to anxiety and panic attacks is the relaxation techniques.
According to Weck, Neng, Richtberg, Jakob, & Stangier (2015), anxiety symptoms are significantly reduced through exposure therapies like response prevention, consistent reassurance, and acceptance. The focus should be on encouraging the patient to manage the symptoms rather than eliminating them. In additional to the standard care, mindfulness-centered cognitive therapy would be highly helpful to
When you first think of anxiety disorder, you think, “It’s a mental disorder” or maybe “It’s just an excuse for some people who are overreacting.” When in fact, for people who have suffered anxiety, is not just simply “a disorder” or “an excuse.” It’s a heavy thing that they always bring around every day in their lives, because it’s always in the way and they can’t do anything because of their own fear that is, living in it. They want to stop it, they really do but they can’t and they don’t know why.