
The Apartment Is An Oscar Winning Motion Picture And Made By One Of Hollywood

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The Apartment is an Oscar winning motion picture and made by one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest directors that ever lived. At the film’s center is a romantic comedy, but it is much more than that, when viewed without its satirical stance, it is a sad, dramedy (comedy-drama or tragicomedy). Set at the end of the 1950s during a time in American culture where an invisible and unmentionable class system existed, indeed American society is thoroughly stratified by this time. The film focuses on two despondent people who are caught between the haves and have-nots, where social class rank was based on educational background, income, and work level status. The American economy of the 1950s was a booming explosion of capitalism and a constant growing infrastructure that demanded new workers to fill the gigantic office buildings of corporations and service workers to handle the support of public needs. America during this period in history was a bustling and busy atmosphere full of innovation, new occupations, suburban living, and rapid mobility. Social class distinction was on everybody’s mind and social equality was at the top of the list. The film illustrates the greed of this corporate era and the elite managers that take advantage of it. Stuck in the cog works are two lonely people, who only want to get ahead, and find true companionship. The tale begins in New York City, a light in an apartment window shines in the window without the owner being there, instead, we learn

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