I chose to research the Apollo mission. NASA didn't want just to go to the moon and come back. They had goals that would help others through this mission. Nasa wanted to establish technology to meet other national interests in space. They wanted to know more about the space and not just about the moon. Through these missions NASA has learned more than all the missions done in the past.Another goal that NASA had was to achieve preeminence in space for the United States. The United States set a standard for space exploration. Another goal was to carry out a program of scientific exploration of the Moon. It means that they are doing this program to learn more about the Moon and about what there is on it. I am so glad to study what NASA has done
In doing research on space exploration and specifically the Apollo Missions, I have learned a lot about the purpose and significance behind this exploration. The goals set by NASA for these missions was to “establish technology to meet other national interests in space, achieve preeminence in space for the United States and develop man's capability to work in the lunar environment”. The motivation to get a man to the moon (Apollo 11) had a lot to do with the Cold War with the Soviet Union. President John F. Kennedy gave a speech that was aimed to convince the people that it was time to advance and play our part in the world. Thousands of people worked on this project, but it was really a national effort. Several questions arose as each of the
For the enrich project I decided to research and look into the Apollo missions. I watched the movie Apollo 13 with my husband not long ago, and I really got an interest in what really happened with all of those missions and what they led to. The concept of searching space was something that was extremely interesting for everyone at that time. The first Apollo mission completely failed, and there was a fire killing all of the astronauts in the shuttle. It took until Apollo 11 to actually land on the moon. There were many other attempts after that, only succeeding on Apollo 17. Other than those two times, of over 10 tries, there were two moon landings. This was something that was amazing. Many people thought that the whole concept of
The Apollo 11 mission was one of the most significant events in the space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union. after the USSR launched Sputnik, the first satellite, and successfully sent a man into space, America rushed to develop the technology that the Soviets already had, prompting the creation of the Apollo program. Apollo 11 was a mission to complete the first manned lunar landing. The mission was considered a great success, and was a win for the United States in the Space Race. The Apollo 11 mission had a crew of three men: Neil Armstrong, the commander, Buzz Aldrin, the lunar module pilot, and Michael Collins, the Command module pilot. All three men had previous experience in space on various Gemini missions. Armstrong
On July 20, 1969, humanity did itself proud in spite of all its wars, sadism, hatred, and insanity. We set foot on another planet. Men walked on the moon. This changed our belief in what we could accomplish.
This investigation will answer the question “how did the success of the US Apollo 11 mission change the use of propaganda in the USSR?” It is important to answer this question to better understand the impact landing a man on the moon had on the USSR and in quantifying the importance of science and technology. This will investigate propaganda through posters and film in the USSR from 1945-1975. This study will examine the Russian Archives Online as a broad catalogue of posters from the USSR promoting or demoting powers. It will also investigate an article from a non-US or USSR journalist Space Race Propaganda: USA vs. URSS. A Matter of Posters.
In 1969, the Apollo 11 launch happened and became something rightfully important to the United States. It was the talk of every news stations and newspapers. These two men, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had risked their lives to do something the whole world had not done before. They became the first men to walk the moon and this became something historical. After walking the moon, they placed the American flag on it too, and to this day it is still there.
Apollo 13, the third human lunar landing and exploration mission, had been tentatively scheduled in July 1969 for launch in March 1970, but by the end of the year the launch date had been shifted to April. In August 1969 crew assignments for Apollo 13 were announced, eventually James A. Lovell commanded the mission, with Fred Haise and John Swigert. The target for the mission was the Fra Mauro Formation, a site of major interest to scientists, specifically a spot just north of the crater Fra Mauro, some 550 kilometers (340 miles) west-southwest of the center of the Moon's near side.
In the 1960s the U.S. raced the Soviet Union to the moon determining which is the dominant nation. Apollo 11 was the first successful manned mission to the moon. Our first astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, played an important role in this mission. Having to be in space for about a week and pilot the spacecraft safely to the moon and back to Earth was a dangerous mission. With little time to pass Armstrong and Aldrin had to record their first steps on the moon, take close and far away pictures of the moon, and collect large samples of lunar material. Apollo 11’s success expressed the U.S.’s superiority over the Soviet Union.
The topic I decided to learn more about for this activity was about NASA'S Apollo missions. I got my information from an article on their website titled "Apollo 11 Mission overview." The main motivation behind the original Apollo mission was to explore the moon and "develop mans capability to work in the Lunar environment." It was during Apollo 11, this fifth Apollo mission that America landed on the moon. This was extremely significant because it was the first time humans had ever been on the moon and were able to explore it. Data collected from this has been used to assist scientist in studying and understanding life beyond earth. This discovery was only possible because of all of the previous Apollo missions that failed and better prepared
Apollo Missions 1963-1972 I find the Apollo Missions so interesting! The fact that man has been to the moon and did it in only a few years is so fascinating. America was not really even concentrating on going to the moon until they found out that it was Russia’s goal and Russia already had men in space, which caused a lot of controversy about the idea that Russia had satellites spying on the American people. I find it so interesting that many people do not even believe man has ever been to the moon.
0n July 16, 1969 Apollo 11 launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. On board the space shuttle was Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Micheal Collins. They were inside the command service module named the Columbia. Underneath the CSM was the lunar module Eagle that was 23 feet tall. This is what would be used to land on the moon. It sat on top of the Saturn V rocket. It stood 364 feet high and had 91 separate engines. The rocket weighed 5.8 million pounds had 8,000,000 parts that moved and would create shock waves that made the ground shake. Michael Collins was the command module pilot for the Apollo 11 mission. He had to use a sextant, star chart and telescope to plot the trip to the moon. After using the tools to chart a course he entered
The Apollo missions began because of political reasons not scientific reasons. There was a total of 12 astronauts that explored the moon. There were six different landing sites and they were located in the central part of the moon. This means there is much more of the moon to explore. They spent twelve and a half cumulative days on the surface of the moon, 3.4 were spent outside. Because of the different Apollo missions there we much has been discovered. Because of the studies, of the craters they were able to determine the age of the moon. They were able to learn about core and crust formation. The moon has many similarities to the earth. Through seismology studies they discovered that the moon has moonquakes like the earth has earthquakes
The Apollo 13 is NASA’s seventh Apollo space mission taking human beings into the outer space. The Launch took place at Kennedy Space Center. The crew consisted of three men, James A. Lovell, John L. Swigert, and Fred W. Haise. “Houston, we have a problem…” was the saying that leads to the tragic event that took place on April 11, 1970.
The Apollo 11 mission of 1969 marks the biggest leap in technological advancements for humanity. Neil Armstrong is seen taking the first steps on the moon forever making his mark in humanity. However, theories surrounding the moon landing have come to light. Conspiracy theorists say NASA, the National Aeronautics Space Administration, have faked the Apollo 11 moon landing. Yet, present evidence can support the authenticity of the moon landing. Evidence such as photos, rock samples, technology, and computer monitoring support the moon landing. The moon landing of 1969 did happen.
On July 16, 1969, the Saturn V rocket carrying the crew of Apollo 11 launched from Cape Kennedy. The crew inside the rocket included Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Aldrin. Apollo 11 reached moon’s orbit on July 19. A day later, the lunar module piloted by Aldrin detached from the command/service module and began its descent on the surface after 13 orbits around the moon. As planned, the module landed in the Sea of Tranquility, where Armstrong and Aldrin were supposed to rest for four hours before starting their first extravehicular activity; however, the plan was altered so that Armstrong and Aldrin could begin exploring the moon as soon as possible. Still, it took almost four