
The Apology By Plato And Tao Te Ching

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Many decisions involve a considerable amount of contemplation and reasoning. These decisions include the ethical dilemmas we encounter every day on an individual and global scale, such as contemplating whether capital punishment is just or unjust. Ethics is often confused with factors that are not cohesive with our true self but that are induced from society. Ethics is not feelings, religion, science, or following the law and cultural norm. Ethics is, however, a set of moral behaviors that tell us what is right and wrong in different situations. Through writings such as The Apology by Plato and Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu we are can more clearly get a picture of what it means to be ethical and how to respond to ethical dilemmas. In Plato’s The Apology, Socrates supports the fairness and justice ethical approach by recognizing that all equals must be treated equally. Socrates went in search of politicians, poets, and craftsmen; all people claiming to have a higher status and greater intelligence because of their skills. However, through cross-examination he found that these men were not superior to the common man. In fact, he realized that believing one has a specialized type of knowledge actually limits human wisdom. We must realize that one person is not superior to another simply because of their occupation, education, race, or gender. No two people are the same; the politicians, poets, craftsmen, and the common man are all very different, but nonetheless, they

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