
The Apprehensions And Anxieties Of Graduate Masters Of Social Work Students Entering Practice

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Evidence Search Our review of research on the apprehensions and anxieties of graduate Masters of Social Work students entering practice encompasses studies from 1990 through 2015. Processing the information that would be productive for valid search our research team used three search engines that produce the evidence-based material. The search engines used included: Google Scholar, Ebsco Host, and JSTOR through Arkansas State University One Search. The relevant search terms selected for this study included: stress with social work students (584hits), anxiety and MSW students (601 hits), fitness to practice, graduate education, profession (791 hits). Next we took into account the number of entries being considered; however, usually it is a small percentage of entries that are found to be relevant to the topic one is searching. Adding the search terms into various databases yielded a result of a total of 1976 articles. The first 20 results per entry were examined for relevance. Among these entries, only 10 were found relevant to the formulated question being observed. Articles that may have been prevalent yet excluded were due to no funding for the research and many of the additional articles were from other than the United States. Additionally, articles must have been written in English to be considered.

Literature Review In reviewing the literature, although many studies were found that examined sources of stress and anxieties for graduating MSW students,

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