
The Arizona State Board Of Nursing

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On September 18th, 2015 the Arizona State Board of Nursing met for their second day of a two-day meeting. The board meetings are in the main office located in Phoenix, Arizona. Board meetings are held every two months to a set agenda. The meeting is open to the public, and is also broadcast via live web feed. The board will, at times, when necessary, hold an Executive Session to obtain legal advice regarding any of the agenda items. Heading the board meeting today was Mr. Randy Quinn, CRNA, the Board President and Mrs. Carolyn Jo McCormies, FNP-BC, Vice President. Some additional members present were Ms. Leslie B. Dalton, RN, Ms. Lori A. Gutierrez, RN, Ms. Jana Machesky, LPN and Ms. Kathryn L. Busby. The board’s agenda is pretty extensive, but some of the highlight points that I pulled out of what will be discussed are listed. • Discipline for Licensed Individuals • Recommendations for Licensed/Unlicensed Individuals • Approvals for Licensed/Unlicensed Individuals • Budgets FY2015, FY2016 and Proposed FY2017 • Nursing Schools Approval/Accreditation • Update on Potential 2016 Legislative Session/Bills Impacting Nursing Regulation • Review/Revise Board Policies Education Reports and Rules • Scope of Practice for APRN’s • Dialogue with Nursing Students 
 Most of the board’s time was spent dealing with issues that pertained to licensure. They focused a lot on making recommendations to grant, deny or let someone keep a license as a licensed practical nurse (LPN), a registered

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