Jesse Ghuman
Jason Stratton
US History B17
The Articles of Confederation The first approved document of the United States was the Articles of Confederation. However, after a few years, the Bill of Rights replaced the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. The Articles began the Constitution but the articles had contained a lot of weaknesses so they had to create a new document. Few of the Article of Confederation goals were to bring the states together and establish a strong legislature. The main goals were to split up the land ordinance and sell it, which the colonists had set up. The Northwest Ordinance dealt more with the controlling of these new territories. In addition, although the Articles of Confederation was
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Furthermore, there was also no separation of powers; along with no president, monarch, or prime minister to be the executive power. Few problems with the Articles were that the Congress had several problems passing laws due to the fact that 9 of the 13 states had to agree first before any laws could be passed. Every state was very dislike and getting that several states to agree on something was almost not creatable. What made this problem worse was that Congress had no specific power to tax. The nation needed to higher the revenue to pay for war debts and also to maintain control of the government. In order to have made this happen, many different taxes were proposed, but none of them could be agreed on the same opinion upon by the states so no laws were passed. In other words, Congress could ask for money but they had no power to make the states to pay by forcing them. Without this money the government could not run the nation as planned, but without the power to tax there was no plan what so ever to raise the money. Another huge problem with the Articles of Confederation is that they didn’t invent a federal currency. Continental money wasn’t profitable much, and some states started to coin their own currency, which made this worse, which made making trade among the states almost not happen able. The Articles also did not work to create Congress to let
Under the articles, the government had to request for funds instead of charging taxes which meant that they could never put their finances in order. Therefore, they never had enough funds to build and army to defend the country. Lack of money made them have troubles to make roads or canals which crossed state lines. They couldn’t pay for a national postal service. Sometimes the states refused to give the government the money it needed, and they involved in tariff wars with each other, causing to stop interstate trade.
The Articles of Confederation could also be determined ineffective. They did not provide a president, any kind of executive agency, or judiciary and they did not have any kind of tax base or way to pay off state and national debts. Document A shows how ineffective the government was because it was unable to impose taxation due to a very small minority. Rhode Island rejected the tax so the government decided not to put it into effect. If taxes had been put in place, some of the state and national debts may have been able to be paid off. Without a strong leader, basic things like taxes cannot be imposed, which is why the Articles were so ineffective. They did not provide a way for the states to be controlled.
The Articles of Confederation is a document which was created prior to the United States Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The Articles of Confederation had strengths and weaknesses just like any other official doctrine created for the foundation of the United States. Some of those weaknesses lead to fights within many states, which made people rethink the efficiency of the document and the rights recorded within it. One of the weaknesses it that Congress had no power to tax the people, or the goods that they produced. Some people may think that it is a good thing, but without the ability to tax, the United States was in debt to the countries it had borrowed money from to fund the American Revolution. One piece of
he Articles of Confederation created a government that gave the states too much power. The former colonies were afraid to make a government as strong as England's Parliament.The states had more power than the Federal Government. The Congress created by the Articles could not Enforce Treaties and couldn't collect taxes from the states. Not being able to collect taxes made it difficult to pay the soldiers when they were fighting in the Revolutionary War. Other weaknesses of the government created under the Articles deal with the states having more power than the Federal Government. There were no Federal Courts or Executive. States didn't have to follow or enforce Federal Laws. States even made their own money. The money would caused problems
On May 29, 1790, the American Constitution was ratified. According to, the main purpose for this constitution was to accomplish two things, form a federal government and delegate certain powers to this government. The Constitution exists today mainly due to the failure of the Articles of Confederation. According to, the Articles of Confederation failed due to some major faults.
During the era or time in which the Articles of Confederation were in place, the document had a lot of weakness; maybe too many weaknesses. These weaknesses included: It had created a struggling economy, had no Judiciary, only had a legislature (Congress), no executive (President), and gave too much power to the states or the people. A weakness that the Articles had been that the people thought that the government would help with the economy. This caused a struggling economy, and that had a lot of consequences like Continental Army marching against the government for
The Articles of Confederation caused many problems for our founding fathers. There were many important factors that were abandoned in order to run a functional nation. Some of the problems were: no federal army, no national currency, the federal government could not tax, there were no centralized courts for interstate crimes, and it was extremely difficult to pass a law and almost impossible to pass an amendment. Lucky for us our founding fathers met in Philadelphia and discussed how they can approve on the Confederation. Eventually they came up with the Constitution of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Before the Constitution was created there was a lot of arguing and compromising done. Without compromise it would be impossible to
First, the Articles of Confederation were viewed as an overall weakness. It did not allow congress to obtain really any power over the people; therefore we had a weak central government. Congress was not granted the power that they needed in order to keep things in order,“Probably the most unfortunate part of the Articles of confederation were that the central government could not prevent one state from discriminating against other states in the quest for foreign commerce.” (Ginsberg, et. al. 2014: 35). States were rebelling and our new found country was in chaos and our Congress was not able to prevent states from discriminating against other states. For example, another downfall to this document was that, “The Articles of Confederation were concerned
The Articles of Confederation was the United State’s first constitution, it was written in an effort to unite the states after the American Revolution and served as a blueprint for the modern constitution. In order for the Articles to become official, they had to be approved by all thirteen colonies. Although Congress sent the Articles of Confederation to the states around the end of 1777 to become ratified, they were not officially adopted until March 1, 1781. Under these Articles, the states remained sovereign and independent, with Congress serving as the last resort on appeal of disputes. The American people feared a strong national government and as a result of this, the Articles of Confederation were specifically designed to be weak in the sense that each state maintains its own sovereignty and all rights to govern themselves, with the except of the rights exclusively granted to Congress. Since the Articles lacked many necessary components to keep a nation properly structured, they were eventually revised into the constitution we recognize today. Although, the Articles of Confederation seemed as though it only contained weaknesses, within the document, many strengths and accomplishments were made. Overall, the Articles of Confederation were proven to be both efficient and non-efficient during the time period they were in effect.
The Articles of Confederation was the first federal foundational laws of the United States. It was composed due to the conflicting views of the politicians at the time and the need to unite the States during the war. Its development and resoluteness had a sluggish inception due to some Americans uncertainties of the government’s substantial central power and property demands by States. The Articles of Confederation was finally sanctioned on March 1, 1781. Under the Articles, each States stayed autonomous, with Congress having the final say over disputes. Congress was also given the ability to make accords and agreements, uphold armies and currencies. The Articles of Confederation did best with territorial expansion in the West, thanks to the Ordinances that were written for the Articles and the benefits they had. However, under the Articles, the central government had no power to impose taxes and manage commerce, because of this the government was consistently short of funds. Despite the lack of funding, money was still required for the war effort, and Congress' meantime solution was to print nearly $250 million paper currency, this led to major inflation in the States. This deficit urged legislators to find a solution; the Constitution of 1787. Both the Articles and the Constitution worked to preserve a free government, different from the tyrannical rule they have experienced from the British Parliament. Also, both documents allowed states the power to manage mercantilism,
An important problem with the Articles of Confederation were with money. The United States owed millions of dollars in result of borrowing money during the Revolution, and had no way to pay off their debts. Although Congress could ask states for money, they could not force them to contribute. Even though the states had made paper money, each state had a different kind of money. For example, Rhode Island used dollars,
With the United States new found independence from Great Britain, its founding fathers realize from their historical experiences that a document of law needed to be crafted and established to preserve its new found independence, while maintaining order. However, the first document crafted by the founding fathers, the Articles of Confederation, did preserve the country new found independence but it did not maintain order. The Articles of Confederation described by many founding fathers to be a document that was crafted to satisfy needs of every state for its ratification, even when the document did not present a responsible democracy. The Articles of Confederation granted all national powers to the congress; however, it allowed each state
Another disadvantage of the Articles of Confederation was that it created a flawed financial system. The Congress could not pass taxes; it had to request funding from the states. “The taxes for paying that proportion [government funding and debt],” read the Articles of Confederation, “shall be laid and levied by the authority and direction of the legislatures of the several States…” (Article VIII) The states could
The failure of the Articles of Confederation help the founders to create a more stable government system with the Constitution. The flaws in the Articles helped them make changes that made the new system very effective. Under the Constitution, Congress had a right to levy taxes (Feldmeth). This fixed the problem of the government always running short on funds because they could only request taxes from the government. They were also able to raise an army to deal with threats, something they were not able to do under the Articles. States are more evenly represented under the Constitution instead of being
The weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation were more than enough to come together to redo them to form the New Constitution. A few weaknesses were that there was one vote per state in Congress (size did not matter of state). Congress has no power to tax. Congress had