If I was born a boy, my name would have been Lincoln. As I was growing up, my dad spoke highly of Lincoln’s humility, honesty, and unconditional love for his fellow citizens. Lincoln was raised in a simple log cabin, but he worked diligently to receive an education. Education was not his only goal; he continued to strive for greatness. Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States. However, the presidential power never swayed him from his humble roots. They were like the roots of a large oak, unshakeable. Even amidst national controversy, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed African Americans from their slavery. He was known as “Honest Abe” because he voiced his honest opinion. As I learned more about Lincoln, I started to admire the former President. When I was in sixth and seventh grade, I became old enough to start understanding and seeing the problems we were faced with as a …show more content…
I was taught about his upbringing and his road to presidency, but I also uncovered a major event in his life. Shockingly, my father forgot to mention a crucial historical event: Abraham Lincoln’s death. He was shot for his courage to change the nation. His death was no accident either; it was a premeditated attack by someone who disagreed with Lincoln’s decision to end slavery. I was shocked, sad, and frightened at first. How could someone ever want to hurt such a positive influence to the country? Moreover, I was scared to death about the power in standing up for my beliefs if they were controversial. However, the more I thought about the way he died, the more I realized how much of a hero Lincoln truly was. He died because he had an unpopular belief, but he never changed who he was. He also never gave up on his hopes for this country. Lincoln taught me to always stay true to my beliefs, no matter the circumstance. From then on, I started to change the way I viewed the
Have you ever wondered that life was the cheapest thing on earth? Everyone has a life; so why is it not the cheapest thing on earth? Because one’s life is meaningful making it valuable, and as soon as one’s life is taken away it becomes worthless. Many famous people like leaders, role models, and historical figures have died because of or for what they believe in. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated because of his strong beliefs to abolish slavery and firm action to uphold his opinions. Although Abraham Lincoln gains much respect as President, some people dislike his opinions and beliefs, causing many controversial thoughts between society. Many peoples’ mixed opinions on Lincoln led to one particular
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America he was frequently referred to as the ‘’The great emancipator’’ and yet although he didn’t publicly call for the emancipation of the entire life. Lincoln established his public career by declaring that he was anti-slavery against slavery’s increasing but not for announcing immediate emancipation. However, the man who began as ‘’anti-slavery’’ eventually announced the emancipation proclamation in which freed all slaves in states that were in rebellion.
Assassination Essay: Why did he do it? Why did he shoot a bullet point blank into the brain of our beloved president? On April 14th, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln attended a play called Our American Cousin at the Ford Theatre in Washington, D.C. An actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth, snuck into the president’s booth and shot President Lincoln point blank in the head.
Two parts of America, free North and the slaveholding South blew up into a massive altercation succeeding the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860. 11 Southern states broke away from the Union, altogether turning away from the idea of a single American nation. After the states broke away Abraham Lincoln, who had only been in office for six weeks, stated that the acts of secession were now illegal, he also asked congress for five hundred thousand men to stop and destroy what seemed to be an aggressive act of rebellion.
John Wilkes Booth was born in Maryland, 1838. He was known for being an actor and he made 20,000 a year. He had a very strong hatred for Abraham Lincoln, he was very racist and believed the African Americans should not have any rights. Booth also would blame Lincoln for all the south’s problems. He was also known as the most handsome and charming man known during his time.
John Wilkes Booth, born May 10, 1838, was an actor who performed throughout the country in many plays. He was the lead in some of William Shakespeare's most famous works. Additionally, he was a racist and Southern sympathizer during the Civil War. He hated Abraham Lincoln who represented everything Booth was against. Booth blamed Lincoln for all the South's ills. He wanted revenge.
Abraham Lincoln’s presidential career was full of questionable actions. Thomas DiLorenzo author of, The Real Lincoln discusses Lincoln’s actions regarding racism, his refusal to emancipate the slaves, his continual tendency to act independently of Congress, and his radical reconstruction after the Civil War. DiLorenzo attacks each of these topics in his book and proves that Lincoln had his own agenda, and was not the picture perfect president everybody thought that he was.
On April 14, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while at Ford 's Theater. This is a widely known fact but many of the events leading up to his death are obscure. Why was he assassinated? What was really supposed to happen that dreadful night? What made the south so mad? How did this affect the future of the United States? All of these questions have answers, the only thing you have to do is look.
The end of Abraham Lincoln was not the end of his ideas. His public speaking and ideas will forever be imprinted in the history books and minds of all that he has influenced. His preachings moved a nation in a new direction. Maybe not fully developed in the idea of equality yet but with more rights movement going on in our
April 14, 1865, 10:15 at Ford’s theater in Washington D.C, I, John Wilkes Booth, shot the 16th president of the United States of America. Finally, we are free. Who knew all it would take was a single bullet.
The United States would not be the same today if Abraham Lincoln was never assassinated on the unfortunate night of April 14, 1865. His killer, John Wilkes Booth, had a strong resent for the Union that subsequently caused a dramatic shift in history. This hatred was caused by many factors, such as his background and where he grew up, his lust for power and fame, and his mental illness. John Wilkes Booth, a master assassinator and conspirator, hoped to strengthen the confederacy by killing Abraham Lincoln. However, this murder created an even stronger opposition to the South than ever before.
After Abraham Lincoln’s death, the nation was devastated and concerned about the rights and freedom of slaves and colored people. He was the man who brought hope to the lives of many helpless people at a time of darkness and war. Lincoln was like the father of the entire United States and he was a strong president who fought for equality. Also, he was against slavery and supported the abolitionists. Upon fighting for the rights of colored people, Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared the slaves free from work. Last but not least, Lincoln helped the country survive through the Civil War and made the United States together instead of the Union and Confederate states. Abraham Lincoln’s death impacted the country because he
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He was elected into presidency on November 6, 1860. Many of the southern states were unsupportive of Lincoln becoming president because he had run on an anti-slavery platform. Lincoln being elected into presidency caused states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas to split from the Union. In his inaugural address Lincoln proclaimed it was his duty to maintain the Union; a month later the Civil War began. Although Lincoln did many great things for our country, his vital role in the Civil War is what most likely lead to his assassination.
STAB! 44 stabs from knives all around. Finally he falls down to the ground and dies. Blood spilling from the wounds all over the marble floor. That is what history says how Julius Cesar died. Being stabbed by his own council members and being stabbed lastly by his good friend Brutus. Oh the irony of it all just to try and stop tyranny growing. Of course it failed because the next line of leaders battled one another till there was just one and that went on for periods of time. Assassinations are not all that rare, but they are all tragic none the least. Having a great and noble leader be alive and ruling one minute and then the next lying six feet below you. The same thing happened to our sixteenth president Abraham Lincoln. Our great president who was with us through the bloody Civil War just to die five days later by a bullet to the head. That is no way for any great man to go.
Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble beginnings who, though self-taught, rose to greatness through the many leadership qualities that he possessed. Quality traits that Lincoln possessed were honesty, integrity and a great devotion towards the rights of the people. It was probably through his impoverished upbringing that he formed such a bond with common folks. Lincoln was able to show the country that an ordinary person, with strong character and integrity, was capable of inspiring others to greatness. His ability to communicate through dynamic speeches was inspirational to a country so badly in need of someone to return the country to the unity that it had once had. His commitment to the rights of individuals was a cornerstone of his