The Athen Civilization was one of the greatest examples of what a flourishing city-state could be. During the Golden Age, Greek civilization was destroyed by an enemy of the city the Persians. At that time, the people of ancient Greece produced amazing architecture. The Parthenon was one of many amazing things created by ancient Greeks. This building was constructed to be a grand symbol of Athens. This building and the surrounding architecture stood for the representation of Greek culture. Some ancient Greek values, beliefs, and skills that are represented by the Parthenon are the belief in being strong, having the most beautiful and grandest architecture and, having the most logical philosophy.
Many Greek people valued strength and believed that it was the most important virtue of all. According to the article Athens was determined to be the most powerful, so for them to do that they decided to organize campaigns. In these campaigns they decided that building a grand building was the way to go; and in these buildings they would place grand statues. The Parthenon building was filled with statues one of them being of the greek goddess Athena. Athena was made of ivory and covered in gold; she also is depicted as having a spear and a shield in her hand. The sculptor created her this way to show that one of the main virtues was to be strong, and protect the city. The statue of Athena representing strength, was accompanied by a very strong military to protect the great structure
The sculptures made are known for having a realistic human and movements. In the Parthenon there is a statue of Athena, the greek goddess (World History 136). Athenian made sure that their sculptures were made with great detail. They showed through sculptures that they were great and some of the first ever. The sculptures were considered golden like the age they were made in.
The Parthenon was built in Greece in 447 B.C, and was a strong symbol of Athenian wealth in Ancient Greece. Located in Athens, the Parthenon was dedicated to Athena, an important patron to the city. The Parthenon holds the city of Athens treasury office (Doc 6). The Parthenon's purpose
In approximately 450 BC Athens’ premier statesman, Pericles, initiated a program of works designed to embellish his city in order to demonstrate the superiority of the city of Athens3. This crowing achievement of this program was The Parthenon, supervised by Pheidias3. It was built on the Acropolis; a mass of rock sharply rising out of the plain around Athens. The Parthenon is a replacement for an unfinished earlier temple that was destroyed by the Persians; the archaic remains of this were partially used to construct this magnificent building. The construction began in about 447 BC and was completed by 432 BC3. The three major elements forming the sculpted ornament on The Parthenon consists of the metopes, pediments, and the frieze. While
In ancient Greece, around 500 B.C.E, the culture was revolving around gods and goddesses. The lifestyles and actions of the people of Greece had an interdependence with the common belief of Hellenism. By understanding that many Greeks looked to their gods and goddesses in most aspects of their life, we can better understand how Greek culture worked as a whole. This can be seen specifically in Athens Greece. In Athens they looked to the Goddess Athena in particular because she was their patron Goddess. During this time a sculptor, named Phidias, sculpted a grand statue called the Athena Parthenos. The Athena Parthenos was viewed as an actual incarnation of the Goddess Athena, and symbolize victory in wars that ultimately create peace and harmony.
Another important contribution of the ancient Greeks to the modern world is art. In the United States, the Supreme Court, White House, and the Capitol Building are all highly influenced by Greek architecture. Most of the post offices are modeled after the Parthenon. The Parthenon is on top of the Acropolis in Athens, it is known for their grand marble flooring and columns, the Parthenon was a place of worship to the god Athena (doc. 7). Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and military victory, the city of Athens was named in her honor. The Parthenon is a symbol for ancient Greece, allowing for a backdrop of one of the most important cities when it comes to the history of humanity and the development of it. The Greeks were also very involved with sports. Many statues were created to show the beauty and grace of a Greek athlete, Track and Field were the most popular sports. The ancient Greeks were very fascinated with the human body (doc. 8). A great mind was the only thing equivalent to an attractive body. The Olympics first started in ancient Greece, having a similar situation to the Olympics today. Countries, but
Much can be said about the Greeks and their contribution to Western Civilization greatly and how they paved the way. The Greeks subsidized Western Civilization greatly, contributing areas of architecture, government, and many more. The Greeks built the Parthenon, a temple dedicated the infamous goddess Athena, who they viewed as there patron. The famous temple has columns and groundwork that characterizes Greek architecture. The architects were concerned with conducting a sense of perfect balance to reflect cooperation and order in the universe. They were the first to think of the idea of democracy, a system in which people govern themselves rather than being ruled by a king; they also valued beauty and imagination.
The Greeks occupied such a minute space of land compared to the rest of the world, and their existence is a mere flicker in time, yet their influence on civilization today is significant and obvious. So how did they do it? The Ancient Greeks were not perfect by any means; they practiced slavery, sacrificing, forced men to become warriors, confined women to the home, and were sometimes plagued by disease. Despite their pitfalls, the Greeks were still able to rise to become a major influential power due to their feeling of purpose, which was to be the best. It was not religion nor war that propelled them forward, but this feeling of wanting to be the best in everything. Essentially, the Greeks wanted to achieve arete, or excellence of any kind. As a result, the Greeks were excellent philosophers, warriors, artists, architects, actors, and so much more. There are many aspects of Greek life that influence civilization today, and it is all due to the Greek’s belief in achieving arete.
The Parthenon was built to express greatness of their influential society and honor the goddess Athena. The Golden Age of Athens is some times referred to as the Age of Pericles, one of the greatest leaders seen throughout our history.
1. During the Mycenaean civilization, who was the great poet and what were his two important literary works that influenced the Greeks and formed part of Western literature? Homer, The Iliad, The Odyssey
Each was mainly used to build temples to honor their gods. Ionic order was used for the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis in Athens, Corinthian order was used for the Temple of Zeus in Athens, and the Doric order was used for Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. The usage of various types of columns shows that ancient Greeks’ concept of architectural beauty was heavily based on perfect proportion and balance. The Greeks also made a lot of sculptures using different types of materials that were abundant in ancient Greece, including marble and stones. The vast majority of those sculptures told stories about the Greek culture in general, “depending on whether the sculptures portrayed the Greek Gods, heroes, or mythical creatures” (“Minoan Art”). The sculpture at page one shows a good-proportioned discus thrower with a lot of muscle and a nice-looking face. “Those sculptures depicted physical beauty and spiritual equilibrium to create harmony and idealism” (“Greek Sculpture”). The Greek sculptures lacked realism because the Greeks
The Parthenon in Athens is the most important and characteristic monument of ancient Greek civilization, it is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. It shows the finest point of Greek architecture, history and ancient Greek religious beliefs. The Parthenon is a temple dedicated to Athens patron goddess, Athena (Herbert, 2006:3). Athena was the goddess of civilization, wisdom, weaving, crafts and war. She never had a consort or lover, and so she was often known as Athena Parthenos ("Athena the virgin") which is were the Parthenon's name, derives from.
The ancient Greek civilization contributed many great new ideas and aspects to everyday life that shaped and inspired the modern day society. The Greeks are well known for their construction of temples, acropolis’ and other grand architectural structures. Among these structures stood one of the most famous, the Parthenon. The Parthenon was a symbol of Greek society and culture as it stood as one of Greece’s most important architectural buildings.
The Greeks finished building an exquisite temple to their beloved goddess, Athena in the year 432 BCE. (Sayre 60). The name of this enriched, unique temple was the Parthenon. The Parthenon took the Greeks approximately fifteen years to complete and as Pericles stated, it was built to give gratitude to their goddess Athena for the salvation of their city, Athens and all of Greece in the Persian Wars (Sayre 60). It was also a symbol of their power and superiority among other cultures. It was something the Greeks took great pride in and recognized it to a great extent. The Parthenon was built on the highest point of the city of Athens to look over the precious Greek city. On the exterior walls of the Parthenon there was beautiful artwork that
Let’s take you back, way back, back into time, back to Early Greece. There are a lot of things that set early Greece apart from all the other chapters in the book. First off, I am a musically inclined girl who has grown up around music all of my life. I guess that is one reason why I have chosen the field that I am studying right now. I feel that it was always interesting to learn about Ancient Greece and its culture in music and poems. Not only does it set music apart, but it also tells an interesting tale with its art, literature, architecture, important people, and historical significance or relevance. Now you know that I am a girl who enjoys a great tune and also enjoys delving in the history and culture of many ancient cities. Now
The Parthenon is known for being one of the greatest achievements of the Athenians. The massive building is a work of perfection and beauty. The Parthenon, which took ten years to build was placed on the highest point of the Acropolis that overlooks the Athenian City. Constructed entirely of marble and embellished with sculptures, the Parthenon is one of the finest examples of the Classical style. It has columns that are specific to the Classical style.