The Big war the war started in Feb.11,2006 and ended Jan.31,2056 it was a war that lasted 50 years,it was the spartan military vs the Athenian army,Athena was with the Athenian army and Ares was on the Spartan military.The war started when ares got extremely anxious for war and messed with Athena, Athena agreed to the war and gathered an army as ares was off to do the same. Athena talked Athens into war, Athena and took three days to gather her army, Athena used her time gathering, training, and discussing their war plan. After those three days they met on the battlefield,Athena where were you been i was gathering an army and using my time wisely ha this is gonna be easy. you think wrong Ares said Athena let's see for ourselves.
The purpose of the Athenian army was to was to secure Athenian democratic society. The army fought battles against other Greek states and foreign states most often against oligarchies and aristocracies. The army was managed by a polemarch (senior military title), along with ten generals from the ten tribes of Athens.
The book The Spartacus War by Barry Strauss is an in depth look at one of Roman history’s most legendary events, the gladiator revolt led by Spartacus. Spartacus has become a legend, creating a storyline that has inspired many movies and television shows, such as Stanley Kubrick’s epic Spartacus in 1960, starring the legendary Kirk Douglas. Spartacus has inspired a perfect mix of men over time with various backgrounds and beliefs, from Stalin and Marx, to Voltaire, and even to Ronald Reagan. How though, did Spartacus create a massive revolt of slaves that would create a massive problem for the mighty Rome? Strauss attempts to create a chronology of the Spartacus War using his vast knowledge of the Italian landscape, ancient documents, and
This essay examines the evolution of the Athens strategy from the beginning to the end of The Peloponnesian War (431 to 404 BCE). The Strategy will be evaluated in the context of the relationship of ends, means, and ways by testing the suitability, acceptability, feasibility, and risk.
Of course, I meant that the bad foreign policy was the Spartans’. As known, the Spartans changed their policy on behalf of themselves, and applied the oligarchic system in Athens that it was known as Thirty or the Thirty Tyrants. This tyrannical regime was brutal and very bad against the Athenians, and so the regime and its policy was not constructive. So, the Athenians had to object it and this caused a rebel and moreover a revolution.
The fall of Greece didn't happen in a day it took a long period of time like many different civilizations there were many different factors. The biggest factor in Greece's fall like many different cultures is the wars. Wars in general waste time money and good men. When you are war for a long period of time you start to not worry about anything else about winning the war. The ancient Greeks stopped worrying about possible invaders of other countries they just focused on their enemies. They relied on other countries for their food and armor and weapons. They also were more focused on defeating then protecting. The major reason for the fall mostly is the Pelopenesion War. The war between Sparta and Athens and all their allies.
The rest of the war was a blur, until the final stage where Ares and the rest of the army were supposed to come to back them up.
The spark that ignited the Great Peloponnesian War was a civil war at Epidamnus, between Corcyra and Corinth. The Corcyraeans had a fleet that was second in size to that of Athens, and the Athenians feared that its capture by Corinth would threaten the Athenian Empire. As a result, the Athenians made an alliance with Corcyra that angered the Corinthians. In the summer of 432 B.C.E., the Spartans met to consider their allies grievances. The Spartans were persuaded that the Athenians had an insatiably aggressive power seeking to enslave all Greeks, which resulted in their declaration of war. The Athenians refused to yield to threats or commands, but the Spartans refused to arbitrate and could not reach any settlement with the Athenians.
Being the god of bloodlust, Ares is always getting into fights and getting involved in wars. However, he can never win any of his battles or win the wars he sides on, mostly due to his half-sister Athena. Here is an example
The “The History of the Peloponnesian War” authored by Thucydides in 431 B.C.E and translated by Richard Crawley expressively illustrates the plague of Athens and its impact on the population. The work provides a vivid account as to the amount of suffering and disorder consuming the Athenians during the second year of the Peloponnesian war. Furthermore, Thucydides wrote the piece in hopes of broadening the scope of current events at the time which affected the citizens. Additionally, he sought to inform future generations of the plague so that they could recognize it or conduct further studies should it make an appearance again. From this translation, Thucydides demonstrates a notable interest and most importantly provides sufficient detail in presenting the symptoms he observed or experienced himself through this plague. However, while the detailed account appears thorough at a first glance, I would consider this a subjective and an inadequate testimony of the Athens plague with some loose ends.
What factors does Thucydides text History of the Peloponnesian War define as the causality for the Peloponnesian wars?
Are Macedonians Greeks? Depending on who you ask, you will typically get a different answer. When talking to Greeks they will say that Macedonians do not exist and there are only Greeks in this world. On the contrary Macedonians want no affiliation with Greece and believe they are their own independent state and have no amalgamation to their neighbors to the south. My research paper will primarily focus on weather or not Macedonians should be called Macedonians opposed to being called Greeks. There are many arguments that make this conflict very difficult to understand or even pick a true clear answer. There are two reasons that Macedonians are independent
Greece’s revolution, called the War of Greek Independence, was a victorious rebellion against the Ottoman Empire between February 22, 1821 to September 12, 1829. Since the mid-1400s, Greece had been under the control of the Ottoman Turks. Even though they were allowed to retain their language and faith, they desired more independence. Inspired by the earlier French Revolution and Enlightenment ideas, the Greeks decided to revolt.
The Greeks during this period lived under oppression by the Ottoman Empire (Turks).The Ottoman Empire had occupied Greece for four centuries. The Turks made themselves superior by minimizing the Greeks freedoms. The cruel and unjust treatment of the Greek by the empire eventually led to the Greek War of Independence from 1821-1832 (Kitroeff).This war over independence is significant because it reveals that even the most corrupt, and powerful governments will not last forever. The repressive government system would not operate well in Greece because the Greek people would take a stand for their inalienable rights against the tyrant Turks.
Greece is a beautiful country that everyone wants to visit, but was it always glamorous? There are many reasons why you shouldn’t move to ancient Greece during 430-429 BC. In this essay, I’ll be persuading the reader not to move to my civilization. This essay will be about how war and diseases affect this civilization. I’ll be discussing how war and the lack of information on contagious diseases cause innocent people to die.
In the academic group, the authenticity and validity of Homer's Trojan War is both a by and large discussed and faulty topic. There are various adjustments on how the Trojan War started and there are two hypotheses that were dependable. One theory is that The Trojan War was known as the Bronze Age battle among Troy and Mycenaean Greece. Per set up sources, the war began after Queen Helen of Sparta was grabbed by the Trojan sovereign Paris. This provoked Menelaus, Helen's rejected companion, to impact his kin Agamemnon, ruler of Mycenae, to start a mission to recoup her. Distinctive history masters assume that the Trojan War began due to money related contention among Troy and Mycenae. Troy controlled the Hellespont, a strait of water that incited the Black Sea, and on account of that they controlled trade with most of Asia. Mycenae required the fiscal focal points of the Hellespont, and when they attempted to seize it, a war took after. There has even been hypothesis that there was not one Trojan War, yet rather a couple. The Greek adventures, Hittite records, Luwian verse, and archeological remains give affirm not of a singular Trojan war but rather than various wars that were fought in the domain that we recognize as Troy. Coincidentally, the Trojan War was constantly thought to be a legend yet as the nineteenth century discovered some conclusion, archeologists drove by Heinrich Schliemann, found the rest of the parts of a human advance around the primary territory of