
The Availability and Use of Screen Reading Technologies for Computer Users Who Are Sight Impaired

Satisfactory Essays

Summary of Screen Reading Technology
Screen reading technology allows a blind/visually impaired or learning disabled person access to information from the computer screen through auditory means. As explained by Neville Clarence Technologies, Ltd:
Screen reading software gives the user control over which areas on the screen are to be displayed or spoken and makes use of artificial intelligence to decide what information is to be displayed or spoken automatically. It also gives the user control over the rate of speech, pitch, tone, volume, verbosity level, switching of languages and the ability to control how punctuation and uppercase characters are spoken. (Clarence 1)

Therefore, a blind/visually impaired or learning disabled person …show more content…

(the "father" of JAWS), Arkenstone Inc., and Blaizie Engineering. To this day, JAWS remains the flagship product for the relatively young company. JAWS supports all standard Windows applications, with enhanced functionality for the most popular applications used at home, in school, and in business. Some key features include:
• Scripting language for customization of non-standard Windows applications and proprietary software.
• Includes Braille quick start guide.
• Includes Eloquence for JAWS multi lingual speech synthesizer.
• Supports SAPI 4/5 compliant third party speech synthesizers.
• Enhanced support for MS Office, Corel WordPerfect Office, and IBM Lotus Notes
• Supports Internet Explorer with special features: links lists, frames lists, forms mode, reading HTML tables and graphic labels.
• Supports output to most modern Braille displays in PC or Grade 2 Braille.
• Supported Braille displays include Optelec ALVA Satellite 544 Traveler, Nippon Telesoft Seika and Humanware Brailliant 24 and Brailliant 32.
Many other additional features are included. Also, since it's election time, I wanted to include that starting this year, election polling sites around Ohio and the nation must offer audio programs or Braille ballots so blind voters can cast a secret ballot without help. Up until now, casting a ballot has always been a crowded and chaotic occasion for blind or visually impaired voters. Blind and visually impaired

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